set camne nak terangkan dlm bahse melayu?
set ialah satu set exercise yg sama....paham tak.
contohnye aku nak buat Barbell Bench Press.
aku cakap aku nak wat 5 set.
maknanye aku nk wat exercise yg sama sebanyak 5x.
repetetions ialah ulangan di dalam satu set.
kata la 12 reps.
5 sets dengan 12 reps each.
setiap satu set ialah 12 kali, total 5 set.
ada paham ka...
Chow |
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ooo...itu mcm....baru phm...thx bro bata... |
Balas #1581 batabaka\ catat
back to basic balik...hehhehe |
aku tgok ramai jugak BB yg jadi boroi dan gempal waktu off-season
tapi memang respect la kat BB yg stay lean waktu off-season. mcm tom venuto, waktu off-season pun bodyfat tak lebih drpd 10%. huh bukan senang tu.... |
ko ke yg pakai spek, belah kiri, dlm 2nd pic tu bata? |
Balas #1587 rimau_manja\ catat
mcm bata aje kan.. ahaha...
erk.. nape ek aku rasa mcm beso nya badan masing2...  |
Originally posted by karambunai at 8-6-2009 14:33 
sapo yang menang tu
top3 yg bawah sekali.
dari kiri No3 (Mail), Fizi (No1), abg AKob (no2)
Chow |
Balas #1591 batabaka\ catat
aku nak tanya pendpt ko la...
apo bezanya weight gain & mass gainer...adkh bnda yg sma gak...
then comparison yg ko ambik cytogainer (klu x salah aku la) with local nyer
(suggestion by bro puny from excel)
yg mna 1 lg bagus...
then, ble ke ambk fatburner with mna2 mass gainer/weight gainer dlm satu2 msa...? |
Originally posted by <i>chaoyunjie</i> at 11-6-2009 13:00 <a href="http://mforum6.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=32035375&ptid=270886" target="_blank"><img src="http://mforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
aku nak tanya pendpt ko la...<br />
<br />
apo bezanya weight gain & mass gainer...adkh bnda yg sma gak...<br />
<br />
then comparison yg ko ambik cytogainer (klu x salah aku la) with local nyer <br />
(suggestion by br ... <br />
benda yg sama je, beza pd nama.
bila beli ko cuba tgk nutrition facts dia tu.
kalo kalori dia tinggi, 700-1000, gainer la tu.
kalo cuma 2-3 ratus, just pure whey.
pasal E-Excel tu, mgkn dia ada digestive enzymes sekali, tu aku tk pasti sbb aku tk tgk facts dia.
dan pd aku tk perlu guna gainer dan fat burner pd masa yg sama? kenapa?
sbb dua benda yg kontra tujuannye.
kalo whey + fat burner shud be ok
Chow |
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Balas #1593 batabaka\ catat
ok tq ats pendapat ko 2... |
Originally posted by batabaka at 8-6-2009 13:38 
hahah...aku la tu....tp duk sebelah budak tu tenggelam terus....
18" daaa....lagi beso drpd kaki kebanyakan org
ah... hensem pulak batabaka ni... ye -
body pun not bad gak -
ha - jangan karam dan chao dok usha dah la --
tak tido nanti -
lol -
* thanks for the contribution pics semua tu
kita semua hargainya bata - |
Reply #1595 rimau_manja's post
tahniah dapat turunkan 2.5kg in 4 days -
buat camana...
ha - saya pun nak cuba try la
(jangan puasa dah la.. sebab saya suka makan)
2.5kg in 4 days - a tremendous effort - |
Balas #1597 dexa\ catat
nothing special pun. jaga makan dan exercise je. makan tetap 5 kali sehari, tapi kuantiti kecikla, low carbs and fat. jgn amik carbs dalam tempoh at least 3 jam sebelum cardio (for fat burning purpose). semua ni memang biasa dan selalu sy buat, dah jadi rutin semenjak menjalani proses losing fat ni. cuma benda khusus sy cuma buat dalam 4 hari tu ialah: lakukan/tambahkan satu lagi senaman cardio, iaitu jenis yg membakar lebih banyak kalori berbanding senaman cardio yg biasa kita buat (mcm kes sy, sy biasa buat stationary cycling, so dalam tempoh 4 hari tu sy tambah lagi satu, jogging. memandangkan sy tak kerap jogging mcm dexa yg dah expert, so efek yg sy dapat disebabkan jogging tu lebih besar la kot coz my body belum adapt), and of koz lah sy buat cardio tiap2 hari dalam tempoh 4 hari tu.
[ Last edited by rimau_manja at 14-6-2009 11:55 ] |
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Balas #1599 audydotnet\ catat
Hang punya weight range for men 69-72 kg aku rasa OK dah kot..
Hang tinggi berapa?
Nak percepatkan weight loss kurangkan kalori + extra cardio aje..
Lepas tu bantai green tea byk
By the way, memandangkan lagi 2 bulan+ nak masuk Ramadhan ni, aku nak tanya hangpa semua..
mcm mana dgn rutin excercise korang masa puasa?? |
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