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Author: slavehunter

Borak2 kosong berisi Gang Pure Blood aka Critical Thinkers not Sheeple.

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Post time 13-3-2022 03:05 PM | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 13-3-2022 02:47 PM

Patot la elit2 donia ney kekalkan we ...

kena jadi ahli plak kat godlikeproductions tu..

apa yg ditulis kat situ ya

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Post time 13-3-2022 03:06 PM | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 13-3-2022 02:51 PM
Bila bukti Aefi keluar, docs side effects Pfizer keluar....tak boleh terima kenyataan.

Terpaksa  ...

aefi mula da berlaku skala besar besaran

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Post time 13-3-2022 03:07 PM | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 13-3-2022 02:53 PM
I sambong sini ye sis.

So that got me thinking about jahcomel.  Could it be that she was targeted  ...

mmg kesan epidural hingga tua

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Post time 13-3-2022 03:09 PM | Show all posts


Edited by tumpanglalu74 at 13-3-2022 03:37 PM
pengecatbintang replied at 13-3-2022 03:05 PM
kena jadi ahli plak kat godlikeproductions tu..

apa yg ditulis kat situ ya

Don't ever register kat situ.  U argue2 je nanti teros kene ban macam I dulu.  2 taon aku tak dapat masok.  Juz jadi silent reader je.  Korek2 berite2 tergempar ateh planet ni di situ.

So, U play je video tu.  The Spanish guy wat demo.  Bila dia masok website dorang yang against elit tu sume, bacaan EMF tu naik sis.  Bila dia tengok video kat website lain EMF tu rendah aje.

If elit2 ni sume boleh je tembak EMF kat mana2 website, what is stopping them from using it?  Probably kat sini pon ade dah yang mengadu hal kat bos2 dorang di sana pasal antivax malaya then all they had to do was kasi duit upah je & it's done.

My EMF reading tu 247 microtesla (µT) sis.  Safe point is 100 µT je sis.  Am I being bombarded with EMF?  Yes, aku pon dok sakit pinggang gak cam jahcomel.  Baru aku tau ape pasal rupenye..



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Post time 13-3-2022 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by tumpanglalu74 at 13-3-2022 03:58 PM

@snazzydaisy : U are needed here as well

Start bace dari posting I yang ni:

I sedang cube mengaitkan pemergian CARIan tersayang kita Puan jahcomel dengan serangan EMF ni.  Makes sense tak?  I won't put anything past antuvax.  They are a psycho cult.

Investigation of the spinal cord as a natural receptor antenna for incident electromagnetic waves and possible impact on the central nervous system
The effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure on biological systems have been studied for many years, both as a source of medical therapy and also for potential health risks. In particular, the mechanisms of EMF absorption in the human or animal body is of medical/engineering interest, and modern modelling techniques, such as the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD), can be utilized to simulate the voltages and currents induced in different parts of the body. The simulation of one particular component, the spinal cord, is the focus of this article, and this study is motivated by the fact that the spinal cord can be modelled as a linear conducting structure, capable of generating a significant amount of voltage from incident EMF. In this article, we show, through a FDTD simulation analysis of an incoming electromagnetic field (EMF), that the spinal cord acts as a natural antenna, with frequency dependent induced electric voltage and current distribution. The multi-frequency (100-2400 MHz) simulation results show that peak voltage and current response is observed in the FM radio range around 100 MHz, with significant strength to potentially cause changes in the CNS*. This work can contribute to the understanding of the mechanism behind EMF energy leakage into the CNS, and the possible contribution of the latter energy leakage towards the weakening of the blood brain barrier (BBB), whose degradation is associated with the progress of many diseases, including Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).   

*CNS = Central nervous system


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 Author| Post time 13-3-2022 04:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 13-3-2022 02:53 PM
I sambong sini ye sis.

So that got me thinking about jahcomel.  Could it be that she was targeted  ...

Sambong..... Silakan.

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Post time 13-3-2022 04:24 PM | Show all posts

Dah Cube Install Ke?

EMF reader tu sis.  Ce U tengok EMF from your gadgets berape?


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Post time 13-3-2022 04:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 13-3-2022 02:57 PM
Juz so that meow-tompok pulak nampak.

Below is my EMF reading right now beside my PC.  Even when i ...

. Menarik teori ni  Teringat first death of covid case, Ada org tabligh yg pergi ke  Sabah. Symptoms cuma demam dan sakit pinggang. Tak de penyakit lain

Recently anak bujang I kat asrama demam, dia demam Lepas kena hujan. Symptom demam  and sakit pinggang. Lepas 2 Hari sihat. Anak I  tak ambil vaksin . Kawan 2 keliling semua dah vaxxed Dan kena covid. Tapi since diaorg sedang SPM , cikgu dah malas nak buat swab sbb nanti ramai positive kena tangguh SPM .
Ni arwah jah comel pun dpt symptom. yg Sama
So mcm ada connection le sakit pinggang ni

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Post time 13-3-2022 05:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gue replied at 13-3-2022 04:57 PM
. Menarik teori ni  Teringat first death of covid case, Ada org tabligh yg pergi ke  Sabah. Sympto ...

Baru I tau kluster tabligh tu pon sakit pinggang.  Then there was a topik on menara 5G sengaje dipasang dekat pusat2 kuarantin.  Nak korek sat..

Okay, ni:

Halah3: TM Pasang Menara 5G Di Pusat Kuarantin COVID-19 ~ Semoga Pesakit & F ... page=1&mobile=2

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Post time 13-3-2022 07:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 13-3-2022 05:43 PM
Baru I tau kluster tabligh tu pon sakit pinggang.  Then there was a topik on menara 5G sengaje dip ...

Yup mcm2 teori pasal 5g ni.
Yg pasti sekolah anak I ada sebtg gabak giler tiang telelomunikasi ni. Betul2 sebelah pondok security dlm kawasan sekolah. Katanya dah lama kat situ. Kenapa buat dlm kawasan sekolah. Budak2 tu hp pun tak boleh bawa.
Esok dah lancar 5g siap le.
So far yg sakit pinggang ni unvaxxed. Tak tau le kalau dah vaxxed pun ada symptoms yg sama.

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2022 08:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 13-3-2022 04:24 PM
EMF reader tu sis.  Ce U tengok EMF from your gadgets berape?

Belum. Nanti i cari n try install.
Tq sis

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2022 08:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 13-3-2022 05:43 PM
Baru I tau kluster tabligh tu pon sakit pinggang.  Then there was a topik on menara 5G sengaje dip ...

Putrajaya kes makin naik kan? Katil tak cukup? Putrajaya dah On 5G kan?


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Post time 13-3-2022 08:24 PM | Show all posts
Old World Order adalah Unipolar World di mana USA sbg world's sole superpower. Kekuatan sebenar USA adalah USDollar sebagai World Reserve Currency  

New World Order adalah Multipolar di mana seluruh dunia akan bergabung di bawah One World Government (OWG) di mana beyond 2025 akan hanya ada 3 matawang dunia iaitu US Dollar (Benua Amerika guna), EURO (Eropah n mgkn Afrika guna) dan RUASIA - gabungan matawang Yuan, Yen n Ruble (Rusia, China n Asia guna).
3 matawang ni diketuai oleh matawang IMF iaitu SDR.   

aku saspek, OWG ni lah yg dimimpikan oleh Raja Nebuchadnezzar.

Raja Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC), anak kepada Nabopolassar yang telah menguasai Kerajaan Babylon.

aku saspek OWG ni adalah Feet of Iron & Clay dalam mimpi Raja Nebuchadnezzar


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Post time 13-3-2022 08:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by pengecatbintang at 13-3-2022 08:44 PM

selepas Nabi Sulaiman wafat...

kerajaan Palestin terbahagi kpd 2 iaitu Palestin Selatan dan Palestin Utara

Palestin Selatan keturunan Yehuda (asal usul perkataan Yahudi) & Bunyamin - kita panggil Yahudi lah senang citer

Palestin Utara adalah 10 lagi keturunan anak Nabi Yaakub (10 lost tribes yg biasa disebut sebut)

586 SM: Nebuchadinezzar menyerang Palestin Selatan  dan menghapuskan Kerajaan Yahudi.

Seterusnya membakar keseluruhan Bandar Jurusalem dan Masjid (Haikal) Sulaiman.

Orang Yahudi ada yang melarikan diri keluar Palestin

ada sebahagian bangsawan n orang Yahudi dibawa pulang ke babylon oleh Nebuchanezzar..

Nebuchadnezzar ni lah yg bina Taman Tergantung Babylon

Orang2 Yahudi yg jadi tawanan kat Babylon apabila terkenang tanahair Palestin, sering duduk menangis di tepi2 sungai yg ada di Babylon  

itu lah asal lagu River of Babylon Boney M



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Post time 13-3-2022 08:43 PM | Show all posts
so, satu malam Raja Nebuchadnezzar ni bermimpi..

nnt aku sambung..

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Post time 13-3-2022 10:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by snazzydaisy at 13-3-2022 11:54 PM
tumpanglalu74 replied at 13-3-2022 03:41 PM
@snazzydaisy : U are needed here as well

Start bace dari posting I yang ni:

Dalam kes arwah Jahcomel ni, am not willing to go on EMF route 100%.

Of course arwah has been exposed to EMF radiation, to what degree, for how long, kita tak tahu. We all know EMF long-term exposure can lead to insomnia, stress, depression, anxiety and chemical imbalances in the brain.

Arwah ada chronic lower back pain that could be triggered by epidural injection 5 years ago (nerves damage) and it's getting worse maybe due to lifestyle, eating habits and bad postures. Kita takde info yg cukup in this matter to further analyse her situation. Kita juga tak tahu sama ada arwah ada ambik any anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants or prescribed steroids to relieve her back pain tu. Sometimes primary trauma/injury can lead to secondary injury yg triggers immunological responses juga. Dalam kes arwah ni, kita tak tahu.

My instinct is telling me that her prolonged stress (due to vaccine mandates, medical tyranny, lack of emotional support from family, vaccine-shaming from colleagues etc.) has led to chronic anxiety. I assume she didn't seek any professional help for this chronic anxiety. Nie telah memburukkan lagi keadaan sheols yg already being diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes. Her chronic anxiety could lead to unforeseen (undiagnosed) heart problem etc.

Agree to disagree ya!

PS: I tak sure about MY but in some countries oversea, 5G towers mmg dipasang di kawasan padat penduduk, near schools and near old folks homes too. It could be nothing, I don't know.



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Post time 13-3-2022 11:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru satni tulih panjang tapi I klik ape teros hilang.  I tulih tadi pasal ade orang up kat isu semase pasal gomen memang nak pasang 5G kat area kos rendah.  Then I cerite pasal ade area elit kat Ipoh ni yang dah wat petition tolak Unifi.  Kawan I takde sebut itu sebab 5G but I'm guessing memang ye pon sebenarnye.  Awat pulak nak tolak kemasokan certain2 telco kan?  Furthermore the new istane sotan will be at that area as well.  If not olredi.

Yes, I am still in shock over arwah jahcomel.  She was younger than me.  Kalo sakit pinggang tang belakang tu memang I pon kene.  But only after using the PC.  Tadi tu I terperanjat sebab bacaan EMF tu sampai 247.  Alternating around 160 gitu la turun naiknye.  

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2022 12:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 13-3-2022 11:37 PM
Baru satni tulih panjang tapi I klik ape teros hilang.  I tulih tadi pasal ade orang up kat isu sema ...

Dissapointed dengan hari2 terakhir arwah Jah, apa yang dia kena lalui discrimination dengan benda bodo experiment tu, officemates yang very the macam acik2 joyah jenis report, sampai prolong effect health dia yang sudah ada komobid.

Macam dia tak diberi pilihan lansung, moga mereka yang diskriminasi ni one fine day akan kena balik juga.

Emf ni and radiation dia target semua, kita yang takde ni pun our body kena juga, headache dan macam2 lagi.

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Post time 14-3-2022 06:56 PM | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 13-3-2022 08:43 PM
so, satu malam Raja Nebuchadnezzar ni bermimpi..

nnt aku sambung..

satu malam Raja Nubuchadnezzar bermimpi..

punya lah takut dia dgn mimpi tu, sampai terbangun dari tido..

trus beliau panggil semua ahli nujum, astrologers dan pembesar2 baginda yg lain..

Raja ni habaq..

dia telah bermimpi...

dia mintak pembesar2  dia tafsir mimpi tu..

tp.. Raja ni x mau bgtau apa yg dia mimpi...

sbb.. kalo dia bgtau apa dia mimpi..

nnt pembesar2 dia tipu tafsiran mimpi tu..

pembesar2 da pening kepala sbb raja tu bg masa 1 hari utk depa tafsir mimpi tu..

kalo x dapat tafsir.. potong kepala..


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Post time 14-3-2022 10:24 PM | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 14-3-2022 06:56 PM
satu malam Raja Nubuchadnezzar bermimpi..

punya lah takut dia dgn mimpi tu, sampai terbangun dari ...

tetiba para pembesar istana yg sedang ketakutan tu teringat beberapa orang tawanan yg alim n warak dari negara palestin yg mereka serang dulu..

tawanan tu ada Babylon..

antara tawanan tu adalah Nabi daniel dan beberapa rakannya..

so, bila para pembesar istana ni mengadap Raja semula..

pembesar ni bgtau kat Raja bahawa ada tawanan perang dari Palestin yg bole tafsir mimpi raja tu..

so, Nabi Daniel dan rakan rakannya dipanggil mengadap Raja..

Nabi Daniel mintak satu malam utk bermunajat dgn Allah..

Raja perkenankan      


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