Post time 2-3-2017 04:33 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by straycat at 2-3-2017 04:35 PM
Fattah, Fattah. Tempoh hari kau nyanyi Kau Ilhamku. Semalam kau nyanyi lagu mata. Hari ni pula nyanyi WT. Lagu mata ko nyanyi dengan feeling-feeling tutup mata. Hari ni bukan main ko nyanyi WT dengan muka bahagia. Memang meminta kau ni, kan? Takpelah, acik suka. Teruskan drop hints here and there, Fattah. Kitorang dok diam-diam je perhati dan berangan kat sini.
Post time 2-3-2017 04:54 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Kes dorang ni kes parah ok. Haunted by each other smpi ke mati ler. So i always pray the best for both of them. If god willing semiga dorang dihantui dlm bahagia bkn duka lara . Agitheww
Post time 2-3-2017 04:54 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Udara epot mcm dah nyaman balik. Lounge epot pun serve "air kelapa muda kebun nenek ejaz" gitu nama brand nya. Segar...!
Suka baca POV acik2 dlm a few pages back (x larat backlog jauh2 sangat). I believe all is well too. Will keep on doa yang baik2 for both.
Miss all aciks so much. Am missing penampilan dak 2 ketul together too....but it is long as diorng still together - even under the radar...pun dah happy sgt. Just drop us subtle hints here and there pun cukup- ubat rindu.
#kataoktapimeminta hahhaha
Post time 2-3-2017 05:01 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by washere2 at 2-3-2017 05:02 PM
Aca & Shawn pun kunci mulut
Teringat yg dua2 lunch sekali pastu ig live terlepas diorg ckp akan ada press release, aca sebut kantoi, shawn kata org tak dengar, pastu aca kata shawn nak kahwin
Aku tuntut yg tu sambil berangan....still heran apa shawn buat kat photoshoot F&N Fatah. Moga ada perancangan kearah yg baik2
Amirul yg ada aplod igs muka fattah during f&n tvc shooting tu katanya new president of NT, ganti aktp.
Heols pon baik & quite close dgn fattah katenye....