When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above, or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try, you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face, and I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face, and I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Fix you
Coldplay |
selagi masih ada rasa, aku akan terus mencuba
tapi bila aku dah penat, aku berlalu pergi ....
Edited by green~tea at 2-8-2023 11:30 PM
I baru tau ramai colleagues, excolleagues i panggil i vampire... coz i looked as if i didnt age even for a day since my day 1 report duty in this company... and im almost 20 tahun di company ni semenjak 2003 (internship 1 year) and subsequently started working in 2005.. so yeah almost 20 yrs di sini....
Welcome hubsbaby... i masih terawangan kegembiraan |
And yang menyampaikan cerita pasal my "vampire"ness ni adalah my husband.. coz his colleagues are my excolleagues... hahahahaha pusing pusing tang tu..
Sama juga dengan my brother... his colleagues are my ex housemates, my ex colleagues... LOL.. |
Edited by green~tea at 2-8-2023 11:35 PM
Harap anjing2 yang pernah mendoakan menara2 jagung tu jadi batu nisan aku .. lari mencicit kemaluan lah..
Look at US...
Look at you... effing losers...
Semakin kau menganiaya, menghina kami.. semakin kami bangkit berjaya... membina legacy..
Kamu doakan my failures, but I built empires... spreading network... building legacies...
Anak i bagi task utk daily chat during dinner... setiap org kena share 1 good news and 1 bad news of the day....
Mcm2 laa anak aku ni.. adeee aje idea dia nak berborak... awak sangat bright, and pandai.... i love u, my son |
Hoih.... baru iols tahu si bangsat yang ugut i bunuh diri tu degree apa lancau pun takde..
Patut lah bangang celaka bangsat mmg kita takleh argue laa sbb akal bodoh babi bangsat tak sampai |
alhamdulillah. lately every weekend dpt jln jauh2 w/pun skjp. jln2 tgk budaya tmpt lain. healing sambil bonding. tp ada je la hiccup sini sana. maklumla, hdp perangai org yg sama. but it's ok. u can't get everything u want - which is good.
alhamdulillaahi 'alaa kulli haal. ulama' kata, tanda Allah redho dgn kita ialah kita senang/redho dgn ketentuanNya sama ada baik atau buruk. dlm hidup kita ni, kita jumpa mcm2 pesen org n semua tu ketentuanNya jua. qodarollaahu wa maa shaa a fa'alaa. perangai org yg tk elok tu semua is beyond our control, but not our perangai. kita kena act with class. senyum je. doakan keampunan utk org itu dn semoga org itu berubah ke arah kebaikan. gitulah yg sebaiknya.
anyway, aku ni sbnrnya tgh sangkut dgn cite cina 'lost u forever'. aku tgk kt tv je sbb leceh nk pgg phone. tgk sambil ngantuk alamat jatuh atas muka la jwbnya. cite tu mengarut la tapi. but the romantic side of me suka kah kah kah. aku ship the female lead dgn setan kepala 9 tu w/pun they r unlikely to end up together. sementara tunggu ep22 keluar kt wetv, aku hdp novelnya dulu. spt biasa, koalasplayground tidak mengecewakan. rasanya dh lbh 10 tahun aku follow website tu. gigih budak yg translate novel2 cina yg best2. rajin betul. power bahasa mandarin n english dia. semoga dia dpt hidayah Allah.
ckp psl bahasa, ada hmba Allah sorang ni tkmo terima org arab gnti huruf p kpd b dlm ejaan mrk. cthnya perak dlm bahasa arab jd berak. hehe. katanya org arab mengada. dia sbnrnya mcm ni... bknkh tkde huruf p dlm bahasa arab? kalo nk butthurt sgt, ce pikir org arab tu tk butthurt ke kita eja 'arab' dgn huruf a, padahal patutnya sebutan 'arab' yg betul dgn huruf ain. kita guna a sbb kita tkde hurup ain. lgpun lidah orang arab tk sama mcm lidah kita org melayu. kita ni Allah bg kelebihan lembut lidah n mudah nk sebut mcm2, tp tidak bg org arab.
ok cukupla jurnal aku buat kali ini. c ya all nx time, insya Allah. semoga kita semua tetap istiqomah melakukan amalan soleh dan meninggalkan yg mungkar. uhibbukum fillah.
Sabo je lah haaa.. aku kena outstation semalamannnn jah punn... kemahen tau laki & anak i clingy nak videocall, rindu bagai lah... adoih adoihh..
Punye lahhhhh duk berkepit setiap hari sama office sama company dah sebulan lebih ni.. tiberrhh buleh plak dia acah2 mcm tak biasa berjauhan kejap... eh eh eh
Selama ni uolz oustation selang seminggu, every month elok je tau i tak bising... |
ramai tertipu dgn "the grass is always greener on the other side." tu lah dia punca sbnrnya jd rasa tak cukup dgn apa yg ada.
ckp psl tak cukup, aku bkn rasa tk cukup... tp aku perlu tinggikan pasu2 kt rumah ni. kucing2 aku suka nau gigit daun2 pokok rumah ni. geram kot tgk daun2 tu goyang2 ditiup angin. aku takut depa keracunan je. a 25cm-high pot stand tk cukup tinggi lg. for now aku senget2kan pasu2 tu so that those leaves dok tinggi sikit n then aku letak a few cat repellent mats kt tepi2 pasu. kononnya kucing2 aku ni tk usik la. nope, tk jln. kucing2 aku kuis sikit je n mats tu pun jatuh. this is just a small test.
nntilah aku setelkan mcm mana. i'll try not to keluarkan any duit, insya Allah.
btw, lost u forever... i'm on chapter 28. novel tu dah ditranslate dari tahun 2014 u. aku baca komen translator tu b4 every chapter. englishnya power je tp translation cerita tu... ayat englishnya tu kdg2 mcm errr. mungkin dia direct translate je at certain tmpt? n ada satu tmpt tu dia terskip masuk different paragraph. tp bolehla kan dari tkde langsung. bersyukurlah.
almost pkl 1 daa. ciao dulu la. semoga hari ini Allah jdkan kita lebih baik dari kita yg semlm. |
Alhamdulillah... July & August adalah bulan2 terpaling bahagia...
Many achievements unlocked.... menunggu good news this October... kamonnn kamonnn... |
Lunchtime keluar sbb berteleku seharian dekat home office memasing (i tingkat bawah, husband tingkat atas).. hari ni kami laki bini working from home...
Alhamdulillah atas nikmat rezeki ini
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Tell me you need me
Hold my hand, everything will be okay
I heard from the heavens that clouds have been grey
Pull me close, wrap me in your aching arms
I see that you're hurtin', why'd you take so long
To tell me you need me? I see that you're bleeding
You don't need to show me again
But if you decide to, I'll ride in this life with you
I won't let go 'til the end
So cry tonight
But don't you let go of my hand
You can cry every last tear
I won't leave 'til I understand
Promise me, just hold my hand
Raise your head, look into my wishful eyes
That fear that's inside you will lift, give it time
I can see everything you're blind to now
Your prayers will be answered, let God whisper how
To tell me you need me, I see that you're bleeding
You don't need to show me again
But if you decide to, I'll ride in this life with you
I won't let go 'til the end
So cry tonight
But don't you let go of my hand
You can cry every last tear
I won't leave 'til I understand
Promise you'll just hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my
Hold my hand, my hand
I'll be right here, hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my
Hold my hand, my hand
I'll be right here, hold my hand
I know you're scared and your pain is imperfect
But don't you give up on yourself
I've heard a story, a girl, she once told me
That I would be happy again
Hold my hand
Hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand, hold my hand
Hold my hand
I heard from the heavens |
Esok kami bertiga ke opishhhhh.. best nya bersama2 family... isnt it lovely |
Haiyork.. nama iols dah naik to accompany svp, evp & mr pres to international event... our CEO yang nominate... yes kena outstation.. husband tak ikut sbb dia pun baru lg kat division tu... still banyak projects nak kena catch up and deliver, getting used to stuff..
Hopefully starting october, nov & december ni weols dah boleh amek cuti cuti utk travel... no no no.. not business travel, itu tak best.... this our personal family travel... iols suka |
Edited by green~tea at 9-8-2023 07:13 PM
Menyampah leee betul bila haplod kebahagiaan family kami bertiga kerja sama company kat FB..
Tiberrrhhhh ada je yang PM tepi minta duit kat aku la, laki aku la, adik aku laaa...
Aci tak aku nak block... watehek... |
Edited by green~tea at 10-8-2023 12:14 PM
My quote of the day
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alhamdulillah. tkde mahabbah, rahmah saja pun jdlah.
lost u forever - aku dh kt volume 3... the final volume. dramanya baru tgk kt ep28. nk cerita lebih2 tk boleh. kang jd spoiler pulak. dgr cerita, ending dramanya mungkin lain dari novel. aku tgk drama tu sambil2 buat benda lain, so byk conversations yg aku miss. dh baca novelnya, baru fhm. moral of the story... hidup tiada syariat, hanya diikat adat mmg formulasi tepat utk hancur cepat.
nx mth plannya nk pi jln2 lg, insya Allah. tiket dh beli. aku dh google, aku dh tgk videos. nmpknya aku nnti tk beli apa2 souvenirs kt situ kot. kecuali mknn, tmpt2 lain dlm itinerary tu mcm tkde jual benda2 yg aku berkenan. byknya nmpk tacky je. hehe sorry. quality over quantity ok. jln2 hari tu aku dh terbeli kotak rahsia. lps beli kotak tu, aku sorang je boleh buka kotak tu. J boleh buka tp tak aci sbb masa tu aku tutup tk rpt. H sampai lebam2 jari trying. mmg susah nk buka sbb ada trick dia. unfortunately, esok harinya aku pun tk dpt nk buka kotak tu. sampaila ke hari ni. maka kotak rahsia itu tetap menyimpan rahsianya sbb semua org dlm rumah ni tk berjaya nk buka. lol.
apmt sini hari ni tkde air sampai midnight karang. sbbnya syabas nk cuci tank. bertabahlah my fellow penghuni apmt dot dot dot. skjp je tkde air ni. lps ni kita akan dpt air yg lbh bersih, insya Allah.
take care semua. may Allah bless us all with success, health, happiness, patience and strength. |
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Allahumma Soyyiban naafi'aa. kt mlwti tgh hujan lebat ni. K n H baru je sampai rumah. depa td pi kl east lps jumaat. alhamdulillah car park tk jauh dari rumah, tp bsh la jgk anak2 teruna aku tu. awat K ada kt rumah hari ni? sbbnya dari semlm company tmpt K kerja cuti. japan public holiday obon seminggu.
hari ni kita bykkn selawat ye. mana yg belum baca al kahfi, bacalah. bg yg sdg bekerja, baca je lah beberapa ayat yg sempat. janji niat tu ada.
aging is inevitable. 2 hari lps classmate aku (who happens to be my mak sepupu), buntu tntg satu prkataan mansub pd ayat 10 dari surah al hadid. kenapa ia nasab walhal nmpk spt ianya pasangan idofah dgn prkataan sblmnya. sementara tunggu ustadz jwb, aku pun google. rupa2nya prkataan tu mansub sbb ianya tamyiz - a term yg aku pun hari ni dh lupa n kena tgk balik dlm group chat. tgk tu. baru 2 hari aku dah lupa. walhal aku yg gigih mencari dlm google hari tu.
itulah faktor usia. mmg dh sampai masanya utk aku terima diri seadanya n buat keputusan bijak sesuai dgn umur aku. urat2 pun dh timbul. kulit pun dh tk halus, tk tegang mcm dulu. pakai skincare pun tk berapa nk membantu. org kata, kubur kata mari. tk trkejut kalau classmates aku sorang2 pergi menghadap ilahi. tiada apa pun yg kekal dlm dunia ini.
ok. enough with the sombre tone. sunnatullah. redho je la mak ngah. hehe. ciao.
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