hajatnya gitu la kakcal, tp kl dok moyan jeh alamat la keje neh.. |
'Cause I'm a gypsy
But are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes
And wear them if they fit me
I never made agreements
Just like a gypsy
And I won't back down
'Cause life's already hurt me
And I won't cry
I'm too young to die
If you're gonna quit me
'Cause I'm a gypsy |
I said hey you
You're no fool
If you say 'NO'
Ain't it just the way life goes?
People fear what they don't know
Come along for the ride (Oh yeah)
Come along for the rïde (ooohhh) |
wokme nmpok dok poster koi tepek td tu??xde org nk tnye ke?? |
'Cause I'm a gypsy
But are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes
And wear them if they fit me
I never made agreements
Just like a gypsy
And I won't back down
'Cause life's already hurt me
And I won't cry
I'm too young to die
If you're gonna quit me
'Cause I'm a gypsy |
poster mender? abg tok nampok pe weh. |
ai kan tadi kakcal dh tanya  |
mukasurat berapa ? kena beklog la ni |
hehehhe...dh tepek balik smula...nmpak ka? |
knp la lmbt nat nk ke 50k.. |
laaa.. kalo gambo deme deme budok blekmetal ni nampok ngat la.
mat nok kena tanya ke pasei gambo tu?
mmg budok2 pompuan tengoh keri kat band2 jepe, korea bagei ni
nok heran mender |
oohh.. doh lepas yer.
mat awok pegi bersempit2 kat situ gek ke seroja? |
jepe lawan paraguay malam ni.
harapnya penjajoh negara kita satu masa dulu tu boleh menang. |
sila la sokong, portugal, jepun, england. belanda.
bekas2 penjajoh kita dulu2. |
oja kan suka kt mamat korea  |
alaaaa...ramai jeh org laki g showcase tuh.. |
sokong ke bekas penjajoh la pulak ye  |
| |
Category: Negeri & Negara