nk blk dah...mlm ni nk smbg tgk ep mlm td....tggl yobo je lg x men bidibip!!!kalu kalah gak...mmg kene belasah smpe mati!!!!org len seme dh lepas...tggl die je.....sian HD x dpt mkn2 lg!!!!
mmg lawak Seguen ngan yobo asek kalah....pastu kene heret kt blakang blind..kene belasah...diap ade sound efek ngan mekap artis lg.....mong tukang jge kwsn.....x bg org tgk , org kene belasah!!!!
pcyduck posted on 6-11-2012 04:24 PM
ommo....aku silap......lupe aku ..ko r yg cari gmbo bogel kim c tuh..adui..nmpakn ye aku msh lg de ...
ishhh! haku x dpt lg tgk ep tu kot.. cuma aritu ada part kim c kena bukak bj sbb apa ntah. ada la ala2 6pax kt perut dia. hehe! kim c tu haku suka sbb muka dia cam sedihhhh je.. cam kesian je muka dia. comeyyy.. btw, awat umah ni sonyapppp yo arini..? suma busy meh..?
makdik2301 posted on 6-11-2012 04:26 PM
ko nie table dah knp lak jd meyong cm2..
patotla ko diam menyepi je minggu nie...
tu la makdik.. haku rasa haku kena jengok sini gak la.. so dat haku x bengong sgt. huhu! ni dh thp2 dh x waras dh haku nih. kepala haku asyik ingat mana nk carik wifi je kalau haku kt luar.
KBS nk wat strike lg ker??aduhhh...
x abes2 ngn strike diaorg nie...kita gak nnt xleh nk tgok show,drama
KBS workers to begin new labor strike, possible suspension of programming
The members of the National Union of Mediaworkers – KBS Branch have announced that they will be commencing a strike against the broadcast station beginning on November 9th at 5:00.
The goal for the strike is to change the rules for internal position appointments so that it would take a 2/3rds vote, rather than the current majority vote, to install a new CEO in office.
However, since the 11-member voting council consists of 7 members from the majority party (currently the Saenuri Party) and 4 members from the minority party, the labor union has opined that the current majority-rule system is unfair and flawed.
The union workers affected by the strike include approximately 1,200 staff, including journalists and producers. The union has also reached out to the KBS Labor Union – a separate entity – to include their workers in the strike, as well.
If both labor unions participate in the strike, 4,000 out of 4,700 KBS employees will be on strike, leading to massive problems with programming and broadcast schedules.
This strike follows a couple of months after the first strike, which affected both KBS and MBC.
makdik2301 posted on 7-11-2012 04:09 PM
KBS nk wat strike lg ker??aduhhh...
x abes2 ngn strike diaorg nie...kita gak nnt xleh nk t ...
sgt2 ditakuti dan berhrp ia x memberi kesan yg sgt besar kepd 1n2d... stlh melalui fasa yg plg teruk akbt strike nie mrk br je dpt kedudukan yg selesa ...
p/s dlm jadual kjm ada filming pd hari sls pre- recording 13hb (selasa) dan jumaat dan sabtu filming.. rasanya mrk akan special epi..
Lee Soo Geun reveals, “Joo Won went on a date ditching ’1N2D’members’
It has been revealed that actor Joo Won went on a long drive with a woman.
The pre-recording of the interviews with those close to Joo Won was conducted recently for channel Story On’s ‘Lee Seung Yeon With 100 Women’ and Lee Soo Geun opened up to share, “On the day of the MT with ’1 Night 2 Days’ members, Joo Won said that he couldn’t make it because he is going on a drive with (his) mom.”
Lee Soo Geun said pointedly, “Are you sure there isn’t a girlfriend that you call mom?” Joo Won was obviously taken aback by Lee Soo Geun’s question.
It is also said that Joo Won was a cool about sharing the particular ideal type of his as well as the story of his first kiss.
Joo Won is also expected to surprise the fans with his singing voice with a romantic song.
The identity of the mystery woman who enjoyed the long drive with the handsome actor will be revealed on Story On’s ‘Lee Seung Yeon With 100 Women’ on November 10th.
lionsleepin posted on 8-11-2012 08:33 AM
Nak tny, JW ni pun singer turn actor ke?
dia bermula dr musical actor ... bermakna dia boleh menyanyi ...
drama dia yg 1st king takgu .. slps itu drama Ojakgyo Brothers - bridal mask semua drma dgn kbs.. rating ktiga-tiga drama dia mencatat rating yg tinggi... ada film bersama utw
ctaisyah posted on 8-11-2012 08:06 AM
sgt2 ditakuti dan berhrp ia x memberi kesan yg sgt besar kepd 1n2d... stlh melalui fasa yg plg te ...
2 la takot sgt kejadian sama berulang...lama gak kan haritu show nie xde...dgn PD Bird skali dok join strike...huhu~
episod special untuk apa aisyah??ulangtahun sempaena setahun ke??
intuitable posted on 7-11-2012 02:38 PM
ishhh! haku x dpt lg tgk ep tu kot.. cuma aritu ada part kim c kena bukak bj sbb apa ntah. ada la ...
kekekeke..muke kim c mmg sedih...busok je....tp die r y paling bole diharap!!!!thn sakit, tahan pening, tahan mkn bende yg x sedap!!seme die bole bt......
mlm td tgk ep yg kt inn umo 93 thn tuh...die kene puling 10 kali pastu baling kasut..kene sambut lak kasut tuh.....2 kali percubaan die trus dpt....choding..mmmmph!!jatuh bguling2!!!!!!