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Author: sinbad05

Bina badan dan Fitness -

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Post time 13-8-2009 06:17 PM | Show all posts
wah bagus gak tu...nnti ko review kandungan dia...adakah basic sgt @ bagus cam nasihat bro pacat..ehehe


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Post time 13-8-2009 08:25 PM | Show all posts
kelakar jugak aku baca thread nih
nak besar tp mkn 2/3 kali satu hari
mana nak besar beb
mkn kenalah kuat dlm 6/8 kali satu hr
yg penting pengiraan kalori tu
berapa byk ko am ...
tebu80 Post at 13-8-2009 13:49

hai tebu, masuk2 melaser nyahh hahahaha..kt sini kena lembut berlapik skit uols..kalo nak ganas kan try masuk Current Issues..muahaha

p/s - tebu bukan nyah (jgn marah...larikkk)

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Post time 14-8-2009 12:02 AM | Show all posts
tebu terlebih testosterone...haha


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Post time 14-8-2009 12:17 AM | Show all posts
tebu terlebih testosterone...haha

batabaka Post at 14-8-2009 00:02

hahaha siot je peach ngan bata!
jgn la ckp psl test...
lepas raya masuk plak test baru
ekekeke...maaf bata aku terpaksa tinggalkan ko

ala tak best tul kalu bersopan santun nih
aku dah la budak nakal
maaf yer mod abam karam...
saya ni budak baru belajar
kalau salah tlng delete credit saya

encik mod karam dtg tak nnti Mr.Fusion tuh?
leh la kita kenal2...
mod sini leh kenal ngan mod sana

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Post time 14-8-2009 12:22 AM | Show all posts
1711# tebu80

xda maknanya.. dia membuek kan aku tu.. aku fhm gan dia..

owh smlm baru daftar celebrity fitness.. kekekeke...

smlm lari kat treadmil tu je.. kekeke
karambunai Post at 13-8-2009 16:42

banyak nya duit ko....
register kt CF tuh
aku gi hr tuh masa kevin zahri buat workshop
mmg best tempat dia (CF bangsar)
tp gym aku mmg "oldskool" la
semua brg2 dh berkarat
untung ko bro dpt gi CF
dh la ada instructor lg
aku kt gym aku instructor diri sendiri je lah

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Post time 14-8-2009 08:25 AM | Show all posts
1724# tebu80

tgk la mcm mana.... kalu free nnt aku g la ek... ko ada masuk skali x?

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Post time 14-8-2009 08:25 AM | Show all posts
1725# tebu80

erk... xda ler mahal sangat.. biasa2 and standard aje harga dia. tgh terpikir, bulan pose ni nk g mcm mana. any tips guys?

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Post time 14-8-2009 08:26 AM | Show all posts
1720# chaoyunjie

alah jum ler... xda mahal sangat ler. monthly just 179 jer.

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Post time 14-8-2009 09:03 AM | Show all posts
1724# tebu80

tgk la mcm mana.... kalu free nnt aku g la ek... ko ada masuk skali x?
karambunai Post at 14-8-2009 08:25

aku kompem dtg sbb nak amik gbr kawan2 aku yg ada masuk especially terry galyout la...

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Post time 14-8-2009 09:07 AM | Show all posts
1725# tebu80

erk... xda ler mahal sangat.. biasa2 and standard aje harga dia. tgh terpikir, bulan pose ni nk g mcm mana. any tips guys?
karambunai Post at 14-8-2009 08:25

nak tips utk ko:

just nak share..

10 Soalan Senaman, Pemakanan Pada Bulan Ramadhan - by Kevin Zahri

1. Bole bersenam ketika berpuasa?
Yes bole tetapi ia bergantung kepada bentuk senaman.

2. Bila boleh bersenam cardio?
Yup bole, especially if you are looking to bakar lemak, senaman cardio 30-45 minit sebelum berbuka adalah sesuai kerana selepas itu, anda dapat mengembalikan tenaga ketika berbuka.

3. Intensiti senaman pulak?
Well, take it easy la….you are not training untuk performance tetapi untuk pembakaran lemak. Kalau anda berasa pening etc..than stop. Exercising tanpa bekalan air aint easy.

4. Latihan pemberat (weight training) camane?
Dont do weight training sebelum berbuka. Selepas berbuka its ok.

5. Kalau buat weight training while fasting?
If you degil jugak and do weight training ketika berpuasa, first of all your body will have no energy for a quality workout dan yang kedua, your body akan memecahkan otot untuk sumber tenaga – so you rugi je!

6. Untuk berbuka, nak makan apa?
A balanced meal ataupun makanan seimbang. Obviously you should enjoy yourself but makan perlahan-lahan, ia mengambil masa lebih kurang 20 minit untuk berasa kenyang.

7. Kurma menggemukkan tak?
I love kurmas but yeah, they are loaded with sugar so dont eat too many. The exact number of calories would depends on the type, size etc.

8. Will you lose weight during puasa?
Yeah most probably….no matter how much you eat during puasa, most of us will lose weight during puasa.

9. Imsak nak makan apa?
Depends on how much time you have la. For me, I look for something quick, easy dan makanan yang membekalkan tenaga yang berterusan – complex foods. Jadi saya biasanya makan, wholewheat cereal, susu dan banyak minum air.

10. I will train during ramadhan?
Yup. Biasanya I’ll stop training to rest etc, tetapi tahun ini saya akan terus workout dan main futsal tetapi not as much la….probably 1-2 kali seminggu.



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Post time 14-8-2009 09:08 AM | Show all posts
ni ada lg...

Your Ramadhan Training Guide by Kevin Zahri

Makan apa? Boleh training tak? Jogging macamane? Nak Kurus? Nak Gemuk  

Oleh kerana ramai yang bertanya mengenai cara bersenam during this holy month, below is a basic guideline.

To train or not to train?
It’s really not a question on if you can train but it depends on a couple things:

*Type of exercise

Ia juga bergantung kepada anda! Sesetengah orang, including me, take Ramadhan as a time to lay off training and fitness and to perhaps focus on other things. Also, for me I find it hard to make it to the gym after berbuka..tired it once but headed back home after a lacklustre workout.

Ok, if you still wanna train, when and how depends on the type of activity you wanna do and also, when!

1. Sports & Cardio (bfr berbuka)
*The problem with sports or cardio/aerobics while you fast are not really about food but all about water of lack thereof. Lagi2 dengan iklim Malaysia yang very humid, fasting leaves you dehydrated and sports/cardio doesn’t help. Fasting and sports leads to dehydration. Symptoms of dehydration are fatigue, headaches, dizziness and dark urine.
*But, for those yang inginkan fat burning, light activity in the afternoon is not such a bad idea for those looking to burn some fat in the absence of glycogen (thanks to fasting).
*Whatever it is..take it easy and “listen” to your body.

2. Sports & Cardio (after berbuka)
*No problem here as long as you don’t jump into overdrive immediately after a heavy buka puasa meal (or buffet!)
*If you wanna do this at say 730ish….just get a light & easily digestable meal for berbuka. Otherwise it can get nasty ;)

3. Weight Training (bfr berbuka)
*No-Go while berpuasa! Your body is lacking nutrition to draw rapid energy for weight training. So not only don’t you have the energy to sustain a high quality workout and build muscles…your body actually breaks down other muscles. Double whammy!
*What happens after you train? You are drained after a grueling session but you won’t be able to recharge with nutrition! Its fasting month!
*Conclusion? Don’t do it….its a waste of time in my books.

4. Weight Training (after berbuka)
*Just like cardio/sports after berbuka, weight training is ok as long as your are well prepared with your preworkout meal and wrap it up with a postworkout meal.
*Since it’s practically impossible to gain mass in the month of Ramadhan, it may be a good opportunity to train for muscle retention to maintain whatever muscle mass you have acquired for the month prior to puasa.
*All in all, I wouldn’t recommend a go-crazy-puasa-buffet and immediately head to the gym. Eat sensibly.

Should You Freeze your Gym Membership?
I have already! ;) but thats me. All depends on you. If you think you can make it there..thats great. Just make sure you actually get quality sessions in and not just quantity.If you don’t feel like going to the gym, take a break! YOu need to take a break from training once a while anyhow to let your body (bones, joints, muscles) recuperate…abd dengan keadaan Ramadhan yang kurang ideal for training….its actually a good time to take a break!

I do this every year…and guess what…after raya and all…I’ll be mentally recharged and am phyched to hit the gym again. So not only do you rest physically but mentally as well.

And this also allows me to focus on things that I may sometimes neglect during the year…like spending time with my family, terawih and meeting up with old friends for berbuka.

Will you lose all your progress so far?
Well yes and no! Obviously by not training all month, you will lose some strength and size. It’s just like athletes losing stamina during their off-season (summer). But before you start whining, there’s some good news.

Thanks to muscle memory, you’ll be back in no time. Once you hit the gym again, you’ll be able to regain whatever strength, size or stamina you have lost! Quality training and nutrition is obviously vital but it won’t take you another six month like the first time! After a good 3-4 weeks, you will be back!

Again the mental recharge you got from Ramadhan will fuel your enthusiasm and prevent you from overtraining! You’ll be back in shape in no time! Athletes go through this every year during their off-season (to recharge mentally and physically). Ramadhan can be your off-season!

Kalau saya berhenti training , adalah saya akan gain weight semasa puasa?
Good news: it’s extremely difficult to gain weight during the month of Ramadhan no matter what you have for buka puasa! How can this be? Because the 2-3 meals per day you have when you fast (break fast – snack – sahur) are no where nearly as much compared to your normal non-fasting diet! Also tiredness and lack for appetite during “sahur” won’t help you eat as much food as you would like to. For most, you will lose some weight (and muscles) without trying, including me.

Nak Makan Apa?
Semestinya balanced but susah jugak kalau nafsu makan dah membara…lagi2 kalau makan buffet ramadhan. Good advice is to remember that it takes about 20 minutes to actually feel full…so makan slow2.

Manis-manisan? Hmmm makan jangan tak makan but dengan moderation. Hidup kita hanya sekali…so takkan kita tak ingin menikmati makanan di bulan puasa. Just remember to take it easy and to eat a balanced meal first.

Selamat Berpuasa!
Akhirnya, ia pilihan anda! Kalau anda penat physically and mentally, take a break during ramadhan! If you are training for a specific goal or purpose than train smart! For me, you won’t be seeing me at any gym but I’ll probably he hittinh the driving range, playing a lil tennis or swim…to kill of some time while waiting for the Maghrib Azan.

To all of you out there! Enjoy life and live in balance. Selamat Berpuasa Dan Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir & Batin !



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Post time 14-8-2009 11:28 AM | Show all posts
1729# tebu80

jgn cakap badan ko pun dah berketul2 gak kan..

owh thanx tips utk bulan puasa ni

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Post time 14-8-2009 03:15 PM | Show all posts
1729# tebu80

jgn cakap badan ko pun dah berketul2 gak kan..

owh thanx tips utk bulan puasa ni
karambunai Post at 14-8-2009 11:28

tebu pun berketul gak orgnye...


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Post time 14-8-2009 03:35 PM | Show all posts
tebu pun berketul gak orgnye...

batabaka Post at 14-8-2009 03:15 PM

owh ye ker.. ramai pulak yang berketul2... xpe.. aku berketul gak iaitu perut maju kehadapan dah ni...

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Post time 14-8-2009 04:10 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 14-8-2009 05:03 PM | Show all posts
tebu pun berketul gak orgnye...

batabaka Post at 14-8-2009 15:15

ketul2 tp masih sebu
bulan puasa ni nak kasi "kering" and cut lg
lps raya kasi bulk balik
nk sama badan dgn amir khan dlm citer ghajini dh ni


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Post time 14-8-2009 05:15 PM | Show all posts
1736# tebu80

semoga berjaya le ek

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Post time 14-8-2009 06:06 PM | Show all posts
klu based on yg ko post...

mmg kita x digalakkn wo b4 b'bka...
but aku rsa time 2 la yg sesuai pd aku pn...
if men dumbell je ke....

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Post time 14-8-2009 06:40 PM | Show all posts
ketul2 tp masih sebu
bulan puasa ni nak kasi "kering" and cut lg
lps raya kasi bulk balik
nk sama badan dgn amir khan dlm citer ghajini dh ni
ekekeke ...
tebu80 Post at 14-8-2009 17:03

pd aku yg mantop ialah delts dia...bulat gitu....rasanye aku terlalu ringankan workout delts aku dlu. kadang2 ponteng...uhhh


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Post time 14-8-2009 09:35 PM | Show all posts
terlambat g gym.. isk isk isk....

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