_______, you are a breath of sunshine in my otherwise dull world. Don't listen to the haters on this site! All of them would trade places with you in a second.
You are a twinkling little star. Keep twinkling love. After all, all you ever demanded was your right to twinkle.
Originally posted by dutchy at 30-6-2008 11:03 PM
early nite for me
can't rate
can't do a thing with this TOOOOOTTTTT server
Dut nak dgr citer tak ??? Bang dun ada sorang kawan yang kerjanya asyik ain't ke hulu ain't ke hilir.. dia ingat orang kagum sbb bunyi mcm English.. U think what ??? So sick blainnnnnnn ah..
Originally posted by audioslavefan at 3-8-2008 03:49 PM
Moving this to the top of the page in the interest of freedom. Or science. Or something.
Don't question it.
Feedom. Girl. freedom.
If you want freedom so. Come to me. We'll be freedom personified.