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Author: Rhyno

American Idol Season IX

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Post time 7-5-2010 01:04 PM | Show all posts
hahaha...kak tp lee nyanyi best lagu tuu..muahaha..dah download...and casey mmg fail lagu2 ala frank sinatra version dia pun hancur....

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Post time 7-5-2010 02:15 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nanu_nanu at 7-5-2010 14:17

Reply 1721# jpl_fan

Lee ni mmg mcm David Cook (sikit aja tau), semua genre boleh nyanyi.

Masih ingat lagi DC's version of The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, Always Be My Baby and The Music of the Night (studio version dia lagi best)

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Post time 7-5-2010 02:18 PM | Show all posts
Is it important to Aaron to stay true to himself and his age, and not grow up too fast in the competition? “Absolutely. You don’t want to change who you are in this competition because the people send you through for who you are in the beginning. If you change who you are, you are changing the person America fell in love with.”

What are his feelings about country music? “Country music is what I’ve grown up listening to, and it’s what I feel most comfortable with. Rascall Flatts and Keith Urban, they advance such great honest music and I have a great time performing country music. I see myself hopefully going down that road.”

Who was his favorite mentor this season? “My favorite mentor was Harry Connick Jr. He worked with us on such a personal level. He did all the arrangements; he worked really hard making sure that we all shined on our performance night. Just to have him…care so much, and such an iconic figure—Harry Connick Jr—he’s incredible. It was such an honor to share the stage with him. I felt really privileged to have him as mentor.”

Does Aaron think Harry Connick Jr. would be a good replacement for Simon Cowell? “He would be a great replacement for Simon. He’s very honest and he’s going to tell you straight out—I think Harry Connick would fit the bill perfectly. “

On his moment with Michael Lynche after Aaron was eliminated, “He said, you made it this far and it’s alright. Good things are all going to come out of this for everybody. No worries man. I’m good friends with everybody on the show. It’s one big family. We’re all stuck in the Idol bubble. Contestants and people behind the show are all we’ve got pretty much, so we all stick together, we’re all very close.”

Did he have a chance to talk with Rascal Flatts when they were on Idol? What did they say? “I got a chance to meet them and take a picture with them. They are really down to earth guys. That was incredible—that was one of the highlights for me—getting to meet somebody who inspired me so much. They thanked me for doing their music on the show. It’s an honor to do their music on the show. I look up to them so much.”

Is that the kind of music he hears himself making? “I think that’s definitely the road I see myself going down.”

What are his thoughts on the American Idol tour? Has he ever attended a show? “I’ve never been to an American Idol tour, but I’m really excited to get to be a part of it and interact with the fans and supporters. It’s going to be nice to connect, and also go out there and not have to worry about judges. It’s just going to be good clean fun, and I’m going to have a blast.”

What did the judges want from Aaron? “I think the judges wanted to see a little charisma. I got the confidence up and I was having a good time, I just needed to believe a little bit more. “

What did Simon say to him after he was eliminated? “He asked me what I felt my best week was. I said country week. He said that’s where I really shined. So I just have to figure out what kind of artist I am and what kind of road I want to go down. Country is what I feel most content with.”

What Did Harry Connick Jr. say to him? “He said it was great. During the mentoring–they actually didn’t air it– he said that I had a great voice. He said it was almost ‘angelic’. But singing a song beautifully is not the same– just go out and sing the song without all the high notes.”

Did he have a song picked out for movie week? “I was still filtering through the list, and didn’t really have something decided, nothing set in stone. I think it would have been a pretty good week. I’m really happy with as far as I made it.”

Will he go back to high school for a little while? Would he like to make an album with Rascal Flatts? “I’d love to. They are a huge inspiration to me. I’m actually on the verge of finishing up with high school. I’ve got all my senior credits. After that I’ll be all finished. I’d love to record an album, and get to do some original music—stuff that I’ve written. We’re not allowed to do that on the show. I don’t know if people know that I write songs, it’s also another huge passion of mine.”

Aaron got his start in Florida. More about those years, “I was born in Sarasota, FL…I didn’t really start with music until maybe 9 years old, but it wasn’t anything too serious. I got my start down there. The more I did it, the more comfortable I got with it—I started picking it up as a career. I did the American Idol experience, which is at Disney world. After winning that ticket to go to the front of the line, I auditioned in Orlando. I did really well with that, so I’m happy getting this far.”

Does he have a lot of Florida relatives coming to the tour? “Yes, I do. It’s going to be so great seeing them all on tour, and getting back to some of my old stomping grounds.”

What’s it like being a minor on the show? “I balanced school…normally it would be the same, waking up a little early to go to school. I look at it as—the contestants, they have to worry about their performance or the results, but I have to worry about astronomy, so I’m not thinking about all this stuff. I have school to take my mind off of it. I use it as an advantage.”

On the criticism that this year’s Idol doesn’t have the strongest contestants, “It seems like they say that every year. They are all talented people. We’re all working very hard up there. When people watch the show, they think we just go up there and sing, but there’s a lot more behind the scenes that we have to go through. It’s very difficult singing a song or genre that you’re not very comfortable with. It’s a very difficult task, but we’re all doing it pretty well, I think.”

Who does Aaron think has the best shot at winning? “They’re all talented, and I think they all have a shot at winning this. When it all comes down to it, it’s America that votes. Any one of them has a shot at this. They’re all fantastic, they’re really going to go out there and shine for Top 4. They’re going to do a great job.”

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Post time 7-5-2010 02:19 PM | Show all posts
What’s it like having his mom on the show, “Mom being with me on the show—she’s a great support. She gave up so much to make sure all of her kids got what they wanted out of life, and had a good life ahead of us. We never had to worry about anything. She’s always encouraged us to follow our dreams–also my Dad as well. They both put out a lot for me to be able to do this. I’m very thankful for both of them. I love my mom very very much for the things she’s given up for me.”

His mother and father were originally his aunt and uncle. They adopted Aaron and his older brother. More on his adoptive parents, “I’ve had a great life. I love getting to share all this with my family and my mom and dad. I’m glad that it’s my aunt and uncle that adopted me because, if it hadn’t been them I wouldn’t get to see my real mom and dad, or any of that side of the family. That’s the reason they adopted us, because they didn’t want us getting taken away by somebody—parents who would never let us see our real family.”

What was her reaction when he dedicated the Shania Twain song to his mom? “She did cry actually. She’s just very proud of me. She wasn’t in the audience that night, but…I know she was very very proud. She had no idea I was going to dedicate it to her.”

What is he looking forward to most about his homecoming? “I’m looking forward to getting to see some family back home, and some friends. We’ve been out here for, I think about, two months—I lose track of the time—but it’s going to be nice getting to reconnect with them when I get back home.”

Mike said backstage that he was going to hold an idol prom for Aaron and Katie, is that going to happen? “I don’t know if it’s happening or not, (laughing) knowing Big Mike it will probably happen.”

He wants to take Selena Gomez as his date? “She’s probably really busy (laughter).”

What were some of his favorite backstage moments? “After we get off the stage and finish up, the contestants are all waiting, because they watch the performance back on the television as it’s going on. And they are all waiting there to give support. And if the judges cut you down that night, they’re there to build you back up. The contestants are all like family. We love each other very much. We want to see each other succeed.”

Was he like the little brother of the season? “They definitely called me the ‘little brother’ of the season. I’m very close with all of them. They’re all great guys…and Mommasox…I love them all.”

What did his friends say when they heard he had a little crush on Miley Cyrus? “I haven’t heard from them, but they actually thought it was funny. They actually haven’t said much about it.”

How does he feel about the other contestants calling him ‘Yoda’? “It’s cool. I think it’s funny to have a nickname on the show, because that’s how some of the fans have come to know me. They call me Yoda, and it’s cool to have a name like that. I know Casey is a huge fan of ‘Star Wars’ too.”

More on the American Idol experience. Would Aaron urge others to do it that way? “Absolutely. Doing the American Idol Experience—first of all it’s a great way to get a feel for what this competition is really like. You go through a set of audition processes and then…the audience actually votes you through. They had two different shows that day, the first one is when the audience lets you through. And at the end of the day, they pick one person from each show that day to go to the finale, and then from the finale the audience votes you through. The gold ticket from that puts you to the front of the line for any audition. That was good for me because, I actually ended up being one of the first to audition in Orlando that morning. It’s a fantastic thing, and it’s a good way to get a good feel for the competition.”

Will they ask him to promote it? “I’m hoping so. That would be cool.”

Does he see himself going down the Disney road? “I see myself interacting with Disney—I know Rascal Flatts, they’ve done some recordings for Disney, like ‘The Highway’ was a Disney recording– but also being able to be a country music artist. I see myself more along the lines of a Rascal Flatts or a Keith Urban style.”

He sang “Fly Me to the Moon” last night—was it difficult to do? And did he think he did better than he did Tuesday night? “I didn’t get to watch it back after I sang that night, but I did feel a lot more—I just let everything go. The difference for me between Tuesday night’s performance and last night’s performance is, I was over-thinking it Tuesday night. Because when I go out there, I want it to be perfect and I think that in a sense, it kind of pulls you back a little bit, because you’re trying to clean everything up, whereas, on Wednesday night I just let it all go, and had a great time with it.”

Closing: “I’d just like to send a shout out to all the fans and people who have supported me and got me this far. I have enjoyed this journey so much. The things I’ve learned, and the friends I’ve met, have made me…just thrilled. I want to thank everybody for voting, and your support and I love you all very much. I can’t wait to see you out on tour.”

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Post time 7-5-2010 02:22 PM | Show all posts
hahaha...kak tp lee nyanyi best lagu tuu..muahaha..dah download...and casey mmg fail lagu2 ala frank ...
jpl_fan Post at 7-5-2010 13:04

Masaalah Lee ni suara dia ramai rockers mirip macam David Cook, Nickleback yang serak2.  Kalau tak kenal lagu tak tahu ni siapa yg nyanyi.

Pasal tu akak lebih suka Daughtry suara dia rocker tapi tak mirip yg lain, clear and melodious.

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Post time 7-5-2010 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nanu_nanu at 7-5-2010 14:29

Reply 1720# sweetmm

aku memang suka mulut lancang si Harry ni, especially bila dia cakap how Ellen DeGeneres stinks as a judge   Me like! (of course he was joking but her facial reaction was classic, pulang paku buah keras )

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Post time 7-5-2010 02:43 PM | Show all posts
I still don't like her. Baju dia aja dah patut kena censor. Lady Gaga’s appearance on last night’s “American Idol” results show has caused a bit of a controversy … not for what was shown, but rather for what was not.

The pop sensation pre-taped a performance of her latest single, “Alejandro,” and apparently started with a slower riff of another hit, “Bad Romance.” But the clip was edited down to account for time before it aired on the results show. Is it us, or is “Idol” frequently going long, even as they remove singers week after week! And a results show should never have to be trimmed for time. Announcing the results should take 30 seconds, and the rest of the time should be allotted to guest performers. But I digress.

So Gaga, never one to remain quiet, posted a link to the full version on her Twitter account.

“Idol cut down my performance–see the full-length performance here little monsters,” the starlet wrote, providing a downloadable link. Sadly, that link is now busted. But not before Perez Hilton was able to grab the performance and put it on his own site. Click here to check it out.

Earlier on Gaga’s Twitter page, she dedicated her “Idol” performance to her “Little Monsters,” saying, “Paws up! I dedicate this performance to you. You make me strong.”

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Post time 7-5-2010 03:15 PM | Show all posts
From the comment section in Personally, I don't really care whether Mamasox wins or not. Yg penting, aku dapat tengok Casey sampai habis musim AI nih Tapi terkejut gak lah a front runner who is being pampered by all, wants to quit. Fantasia yg ada anak pun tak buat perangai.

This blog I read from the Seattle times says it all.. thanks Moonscraper who captured the truth!

I agree there is a lot of pressure. But what surprises me is that Crystal, the most pampered idol pet would crack under pressure. She has absolutely had the royal, red carpet treatment and pretty much had the crown handed to her. It's as if Simon is afraid to criticize her because she's so fragile she will do something rash. And who knows she's might walk out. Oh wait, she already tried that. But look at other idols. Tim has been treated very harshly but never once was bothered. However, he's also not a really great vocalist either. But what gets me is that a singer like Siobhan who is a really good singer and tries to do everything right takes the hardest beating of all the better idols. I think Siobhan is everything an idol should be. At least according to past seasons. She has a great voice, tries to be current, relevant, makes changes in her voice and clothing and stage presence to please the audience. She takes big, huge risks and 9 time out of 10 she pulls it off.

The crowd loved Siobhan and so did the judges. But Simon persistently kept panning her performances. He panned 8 of 9 of her performances. If only he had panned maybe 1/2 of them it could have been more believable that he didn't like them. But no, he had to pan practically everything. I'm not sure he has much credibility left.

You could say Tim has had the roughest time, but I don't think so. Simply because Tim, while brave, doesn't take it that seriously. At least not as much as Siobhan does. But what amazes me is that article after article, people don't really even notice that Siobhan is getting harsher treatment than she should. And yet she has never tried to do something so immature or selfish as to walk out.

I understand Crystal is human, But it is rather immature/selfish to even consider leaving when it lets down the idol producers, the show, audience and her fans. But if you really look closely at Crystal, it's like she doesn't really care to be there that much anyway. And there have been plenty of hints. Sure she wants success, but not THAT much.

And what further amazes me is that if Siobhan had said she was walking off the show, she would have been severely bashed and called a "baby" for not taking what I call FAKE criticism to boost Crystal. Yes, it's true. Few would have cared about Siobhan and that's because Simon acts like she's not worthy of being there. But when Crystal leaves? What happens? All these excuses are made for her. People say, "After all she's only human". etc etc. And while I've voted for Crystal and she's good, there is nothing about her voice that is really better than Siobhan's. Unless you want someone who has a limited range, tries nothing new, and sounds like a Joplin knockoff from the 60's then she's great. Never new so many of today youth would be so eager to buy a nearly 1/2 century old sound. OR, could it be that Simon's sheep are flocking to him?

Never in Idol history have they rearrange a show for a sick contestant. As they say in show business, "the show must go on" but in Crystal case the exec. producers schedule the show for Wednesday instead of Tuesday night giving her time to get better. Please you can't tell me they are giving her a crown that isn't appreciated or deserving. She started the Idol with a chip on her shoulder as if she was better than the other contestants, perhaps what she really was saying is a deal was made and she thought she is better than all of them. Soon people were questioning this attitude and now she displays a tear when a contestant is sent home.. I'm sorry I really don't see an idol here instead she should go back home and make CD with an independent label.. Give somebody a chance that truly deserves to wear the idol crown even if it's Siobahn, Tim, Mike whoever but not Crystal!

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Post time 7-5-2010 03:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1728# nanu_nanu

Ni cerita lama kan yg kononnyer Ryan pujuk Crystal don't leave tu.  Lepas tu Crystal balas balik cerita tu dibesar2 kan dan bukan seperti yg ditulis tu.

Ke cerita baru?

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Post time 7-5-2010 03:52 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1726# nanu_nanu

Kan banyak depa bleep2 kat AI masa dia cakap; so ada org yg dah biasa dgn Harry ni cerita memang dia kat luar cam tu kasar and suka mencarut.

Tak sangka pulak pasal kan dia nyanyi ala2 gentleman gitu; so ingatkan perangai ala Michael Buble budak baik

Tapi respect the fact yg dia dgn wife dia memang dari muda dulu and dia rajin angkut keluarga buat show.

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Post time 7-5-2010 07:02 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1729# sweetmm

cerita lama tu ler... saja nak bagi contoh daya ketahanan Fantasia pada waktu itu. Sampai hari ini masih ingat finale performance Fantasia yg penuh emosi, one of the best finale performance on Idol.

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Post time 7-5-2010 07:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1716# jpl_fan

Aaaaah movie night . Aku masih teringat lagu Falling Slowly dari Kris Allen, one of his best songs on Idol. Actually everytime aku dengar lagu ni mcm nak nangis je.  I saw the movie twice on Astro. And both times nak nangis. What a story, what a song!


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Post time 7-5-2010 09:24 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by minah_ronggeng at 8-5-2010 12:36

buhsan laaa....hahaha...

p/s : the voters must be the tweenies...hahahaha

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Post time 7-5-2010 10:11 PM | Show all posts
Reply  jpl_fan

Aaaaah movie night  . Aku masih teringat lagu Falling Slowly dari Kris Allen, o ...
nanu_nanu Post at 7-5-2010 19:05

aku tak layan sgt AI season lps..sebab nampak sgt adam lambert yg leh mng...and kris allen plak jambu sgt...and mcm nyanyi satu gaya lagu ko post tuu best...filem aper tuu wei

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Post time 7-5-2010 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Reply  sweetmm

cerita lama tu ler... saja nak bagi contoh daya ketahanan Fantasia pada waktu itu ...
nanu_nanu Post at 7-5-2010 19:02

Tahun tu memang akak tak suka langsung; takde yg menarik.  Mungkin takde eye candy kut

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Post time 7-5-2010 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1732# nanu_nanu

Tahun lalu tak tgk yg lain2; fokus masa mek hadam nyanyi jer

2nd single Kris The Truth dah keluar, boleh naik tu.  Lagipun ada ala2 duet dgn penyanyi Train tu; so fans Train pun sure beli.

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Post time 8-5-2010 12:29 AM | Show all posts
amenda train ke

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Post time 8-5-2010 11:29 AM | Show all posts
amenda train ke
alyssasarah Post at 8-5-2010 00:29

Yep yg nyanyi lagu Soul Sister; tengah top kat USA.

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Post time 8-5-2010 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Minggu ni duet week.

I want my C&C the blondes duet

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Post time 9-5-2010 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by minah_ronggeng at 9-5-2010 10:51

i want casey and lee....
but i guess they will put C & C instead...

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