Main EA - ::Battlefield 2142:: aje ... dgn platform Windows Vista ...
ram 1gb ...rasa slow aje |
yatiesaKUROKAWA This user has been deleted
tgh main prime suspect,dream day wedding, titanic, dinner dash |
Originally posted by mahathirGX at 13-3-2007 01:19 PM
Main EA - ::Battlefield 2142:: aje ... dgn platform Windows Vista ...
ram 1gb ...rasa slow aje
batelfield .. kalo pc aku mau maen low je smua .. x bes tul ... |
surebelasah This user has been deleted
Skrang aku tengah main Brother in Arms - Earned In Blood. Ahaks. Seronok gak main balik. Addict giler. |
Aku tengah main infernal,best gak game ni sebab grafik dia cun ma.kau jadi ejen setan dalam game ni,so kau dapat power from setan and kau rebel kat orang orang holy.Ni game genre fps.
Lagi satu aku baru start main stalker shadow of chernobyl,game ni perlukan requirement pc yang agak tinggi jugakla untuk run smooth.game ni pun genre fps.
Aku dah test main game kat vista tapi aku tengok performance dia tak berape cun macam kat xp.Ni adalah disebabkan oleh drivers video card and sound card yang belum matang lagi untuk os tu so games tak dapat run optimally.So at the moment i just stick with xp untill vista punye driver sulah matang and stabil. |
Doom3 ngan The Sims2 (+Pet)
Time main Doom3..bila rasa jantung dah nak gugur tuh... tukau main Sims2 hehehe..
leh tegak bulu roma dengar sound effect dia...asyik heart attack je....cettt |
tengah layan CnC3 & PES6.. dua2 game best.. |
layan real war game.
company of heroes..
best gile..telinge aku pon dah pekak asik bunyi bom ngan pluru je |
huhuh ngah layan games EA UEFA Champions League 2006-2007..... Milan bakal juara  |
tradewinds 2
rome total war... ketinggalan ekk aku ni... |
game ni cam doh je.tak paham
Mockba To Berlin
Star Wars Empire AT War:Forces OF Corruption(tak paham langsung game ni.XPLAY siap tulis game ni unexplainable)
[ Last edited by MetalFire at 22-5-2007 03:04 PM ] |
titus_pullo This user has been deleted
Medieval 2 Total War
Rome Total War & Barbarian Invasion
Rome Total Realism Platinum Edition (mod for Rome Total War) |
layan jap bus driver & city life aritu, tp buhsan wei .....
last2 skang main fifa07 jek, manager mode. treble arsenal season lepas  |
grove_guy This user has been deleted
Counter-Strike Source

best sgt main game ni. Markah tinggi saye 100 |
vyan_28 This user has been deleted
erm..im currently playing lots of games...heres a few
-tom clancys rainbow six vegas
-pirates of the carribean 3
-C&C tiberium wars
n lots more.. |
still playing age of empire, diner dash, sims 2..yg lain bila boring je buang terus
[ Last edited by ninasya at 23-6-2007 12:31 AM ] |
tgh main tomb rider annyversary.. n Pes6(wajib) |
Aku bru main fable: the lost chapter.
kdg2 main C&C General.
PES 2007 da kluar ke? PS2 nya da lama kluar. |
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