Originally posted by some1in at 15-8-2007 02:06 PM 
bila dh bergelar mummy ni nk tau la gak apa isi handbag mummy2 sekarang berbanding dulu2....
ari tu my sis bukak handbag ku cari kunci...pastu dgr die dok gelak2 smbil bebel...yer la dlm handb ...
kalau nak beli handbag, boss dah bagi syarat:
mesti muat utk dia tumpang taruk handphone,digital camera n mineral water botoi kecik...
sabo je laaaaaa..... |
Originally posted by some1in at 6-9-2007 03:52 PM 
walaupun handbag ku skang gedabak2...tp aku x bersungut sgt la..sbb masa study dulu lg besar beg aku...ni real nyer citer tau..
mcm folio bag jek... |
raya ni handbag kena lg besar la...nk simpan duit raya nak bg budak2...n mia nyer collection raya... |
ma baru je bli hbag guess,tp x besor,ma siap test muat tak pampers elai kat butik tuh.
leh buh pampers,buku kecit n purse n hp ma.. |
Reply #152 some1in's post
he..besarnya beg.
tp time ma study,budak graphic x bwk beg besor nih.
ni skolah senibina bwk. |
Reply #152 some1in's post
he..besarnya beg.
tp time ma study,budak graphic x bwk beg besor nih.
ni skolah senibina bwk. |
Reply #167 luv_ma's post
baru anak sorang tu dah test2 letak pampers..
nanti ada lagi next and next coming mau lagi besar bag..
macam ni ler kan bila dah jadi mummy..
handbag pun dah semacam jadi bag anak..mummy punya barang ciput je dlm tu.. |
Dulu masa anak I baby-baby which was 6 yrs back, lum trend handbag besar2 ala ala tote bag tu lagi. So I still cary handbag/slingbag I yg agak comey-comey but ada lagi satu bag baby diusung jugak or taruk bwh stroller yg berisi diapers, botol etc baby.
Tp skrg mcm trend handbag besar and in fact nice and big handbags/tote bags are easily found compared dulu so utk ibu-ibu skrg, rasanya dah takde masalah lah nak bergaya dgn bag sambil isi barang baby dlm handbag yg besar. When I went to London in June baru nih, masa terserempak ngan their working ladies di Kota London time balik keja, I can see most of them carrying big handbags. Tp stailo stailo lah bag meka. |
When my children were still babies, mmg pi mana2 bw diaper backpack la.. mcm2 sgt kena bwk! Tapi yg padat bag tu bukan pasal botol susu or formula, but extra clothes & my over the shoulder sling carrier. Both babies were breastfed so no need to pack formula & bottles. Tapi sling i tu lah yg bulky. It has a large padding on the shoulders, tu yg buat kembung je my bag.
Then after one year, i boleh bwk medium sized bag. Just pack a few diapers, wipes, drinking cup, small toys, snacks & extra clothes (kalau rasa2 nak shopping sehari suntuk)
Then lepas 2 yrs, beg pun makin kecil. Other than my personal stuffs, i only pack wipes & maybe some snacks je kut! Time ni both children dah toilet trained, but for my daughter i had to pack foldable toddler toilet seat by Graco. But my son refused to use it.
Masa diorg kecik, we all selalu travel ulang alik KL-Swk serveral times a year, just me & my children. Memang byk sgt nak kena pack dlm bag! Dah lah lenguh carry bag, kena carry pulak salah sorang kalau tidor while waiting for the staffs to get the stroller.
Skrg dah besar, senang nak jlln, tapi lain pulak susah nya! Bila dah besar, lain pulak perangai nya! perangai yg bukan memenatkan or body but rather sakit hati dibuatnya! Mcm2 songel, dgn bergaduh plak. Umur ni plak, tak yah nak pack2 toys or colouring books or activity books. sbb yg diorg akan cari bila boring ialah PSP or my mobile phone utk main game!
But now that my children are bigger, i still dont carry a small handbag! tak puas ahh! I like medium sz handbags! enough to fit a 700ml water bottle (to reduce consumption of bottles that most likely will not go to the recycle centre), a small container of Jacob wholemeal creamcracker in case my children lapar & mintak nak mkn junk food, a spare shopping/grocery bag in case kena singgah supermarket beli milk ke, roti ke, etc.. so i dont need plastic bags to carry my goods. Kdg2 bwk telekung kalau baju yg pakai tu tak boleh buat solat, & kalau i beli a few children's clothes or mine, kalau diorg tak bg paper bag, i ask them to stick 'paid' sticker on the clothes & sumbat dlm bag.
gitulah, handbag i ..  |
last week jenjln kat The Curve.. ader sale handbag.. ok gak.. murah2 & besar2 nye type.. senang boleh isi harta karun anakanda mase bawak dia jenjln..
bulat kalau time malas bawak 1 beg jer.. diapers semua isi dalam..
kalu time rajin, letak separate lah..
my daughter nye stuff suh dia bawak sendiri...  |
Originally posted by muslyn at 2-10-2007 10:19 AM 
When my children were still babies, mmg pi mana2 bw diaper backpack la.. mcm2 sgt kena bwk! Tapi yg padat bag tu bukan pasal botol susu or formula, but extra clothes & my over the shoulder sling ...
jacob tu ader jual paket2 kecik...atleast x perlu kontainer n HB ader ruang udara... |
Join sekaki
Akhirnye habis baca thread ni!!!. Saya dah anak 4, dah habis zaman bawa beg gedabak bila keluar but bawa beg gedabak gi opis!!!. Dulu gi keje laki hantar, now dah pindah opis, kena naik PUTRA. Tuyg senang beg besar,sume sumbat dalam. Anak yg 2 kecil, if jalan bawa beg sendiri ... ada susu, pampers and baju, termos kecil satu. |
Reply #177 AmMiNafeesa's post
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