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Author: Ley

Goo Hye Sun ~ Jib 4

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Post time 2-5-2010 01:50 AM | Show all posts
some more photos during Magic Premiere Interview


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Post time 2-5-2010 01:52 AM | Show all posts

cr: DC & tracie@soompi

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Post time 2-5-2010 01:58 AM | Show all posts
100424 Ku Hye Sun arrival at Japan airport [fancam]2                       


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 Author| Post time 2-5-2010 03:21 PM | Show all posts
thanks susAmerica for translations from soompi

Director Goo twittered!!

직장동료들과 선술집에 들렸습니다. 오랜만에 그곳에 사는'바람이'(커다란 개)를 만났는데요. 바람이의 뻣뻣한 얼굴을 붙잡고 사랑고백이나 실컷 해보았습니다. 녀석, 끝까지 미동은없더군요. 술을 조금만 마셔야겠습니다.ㅎ about 6 hours ago via twtkr
Withmy co-workers, I went to Sun-alcohol house (or basically a bar of somesort). It has been a long time since I saw Bah-Ram-ee (name of the bigdog that lives in that alcohol house~we have met him before). Again, Iheld on to his stiff face and poured out my love for him—toomuch. That rascal,,no reaction from him until the end. From now on, Ineed to drink only a little hoho
(Iwonder how the Director GHS must have really felt after her specialpremier? What must have gone through her mind that she wanted to drinka bit too much and even confess her one-sided love to a big rascallydog that never gives her the time of day~~this is the second time!!!Bless you GHS! As the poem stated, no matter what the result, you did agreat job and we are sure that you will continue to love making yourmovies as long as you can. Hope you get a good sleep! )

전주에 다녀왔습니다. 고속도로 휴게소에서 기다란 소시지를 사 먹었는데요. 입가에 캐첩을 묻히고 울던 어린시절이 떠오릅니다.호두과자를 사먹을걸요.ㅎ 아부지 어머니 모시고 전주에 가야겠습니다. 입이 까매지도록 호두과자 먹을거예요. about 5hours ago via twtkr
Ijust returned from JeonJu. I ate one long sausage from the rest spotalong the highway. Then, an old memory of me crying with ketchup stainall over my mouth just came up. At that moment I thought to myself Ishould have eaten a walnut cookie. Ho I am going to return to JeonJuand this time take my parents with me. I want to eat walnut cookiesuntil my mouth turns black.

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 Author| Post time 2-5-2010 03:28 PM | Show all posts
thanks pinkfairy for the pics from soompi


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 Author| Post time 3-5-2010 08:49 PM | Show all posts
thanks to susAmerica and minjee from soompi

Here is GHS' most recent tweet  

아부지께서 작은 술을 가지고 오셨습니다. 어머니와 사이좋게 나누어 드시려구요. 술맛을 보신 어머니께서는 금방 얼굴이붉어지셨는데요. 얼굴이 붉어지는것은 순수한거라고 말씀하시네요. 옆에 서있던 저도 조금 얻어마셨습니다만....전 순수하지않은가봅니다. 40 minutes ago via twtkr
Dadbrought home a small bottle of wine/alcohol. He wants to have a nicedrink with mother. As soon as she had a taste of her drink, she turnedred very quickly. She tells me that turning red is a sign of purity.They also gave me a drink as I was there….but I guess I am notpure. (hahahahahahah   The dynamics of GHS’s mother and GHS really crack me up!!! Kaak)


koohs @ 첫 포스터 입니다. 긴장되는데요. (This is the 1st poster. Feeling nervous.)

kj0203/kim joon's reply@koohs: 장하다 (great job!)

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2010 08:51 PM | Show all posts
nih aku dh konpius...reply dari KJ tuh..KJ aka WB sunbae ker KHJ aka JH sunbae...adeh keliru daku keliru

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2010 08:56 PM | Show all posts
thanks to natali and credits to susAmerica for translations from soompi

이런저런 이유로 무료로 개봉했다하는데, 저는 돈을 줬다해도 아깝지 않을 만한 아주 재미있었던 영화였습니다.
Forsome reason, her movie opened for free. But even if I had to pay forit, I would have no regret because it was such an interesting movie.

지금껏 전주국제영화제에서 본 영화 중 최고였다고 말할 수 있을 정도입니다.
뭐 물론 그동안 제가 미스 초이스한것도 있었지만요;;;
So far, out of all the movies that I saw in JIFF, her movie was the best in my mind.
Of course, I am not saying that I never made any mistakes in great movie selections.

여러번 더 보고 싶다는 느낌이 들었고 그녀는 정말 다재다능하다는 생각도 스쳤고..
I really felt like I wanted to see the movie again. Again, I realized that she is truly multi-talented.

천재아닐까? 하는 생각도 들었습니다.
Could she be a genius? Such thought also entered my mind.

영상적으로 참 예쁘게 표현된 영화입니다.
감성이 물씬 묻어나는 색감과 앵글이 돋보여요.
Cinematography/ photography were expressed very prettily.
All the senses including sense of color and the angles just came alive.very well.

인사와 함께 시작된 GV에서는 관객들을 대상으로 영화와 연기에 대해 질문을 받았는데요.
GV started with greetings to the audience and many questions regarding movie and acting.

구혜선 감독은 상세하고 친절하게 관객들이 가졌던 의문을 해소해주기 위해 쑥스러움을 느끼면서도 상세히 답해주었답니다.
Even though she may have felt some embarrassemnt, Director GHS kindly answerred all the audience's questions in detail.

배역을 소화하기위해 스스로 열심히 노력했다며 배우들에게 감사함을 표하는 감독.
A director who expressed her gratitude to all her actors for independently comprehending and preparing for their roles..

감독으로써 배우의 연기에 대한 지적보다는 믿음으로 지켜봐준것에 대한 고마움을 아끼지 않은 배우.
Anactor who deeply appreciated the director's style that supported theactors by believing in them and not through directive instructrions...

바로 제가 GV를 통해서 가장 인상깊게 느낀 점입니다. 즉. 감독과 배우가 서로 잘 어우러져서 만든 영화가 바로 "요술"이라는 점이었습니다
There is a lesson that I learned in GV that which impressed me a great deal: that is, the movie Magic is the  result of great match between a director and an actor.

들어가면  요술 후기 훈훈해서 넘 찡하고 뿌듯하네요
After seeing Magic,, I felt so moved and so content.

울쿠 넘 고생많았고 앞으로 좋은감독 좋은배우로  더 발전된 모습
Our Ku worked so hard. I hope that she continues to develop as a good actress and a good director

보여줄거 믿어 의심치 않게되네요
I believe that she can. I have no doubt.

쿠 사랑해~~~
Ku I love you~~~

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2010 08:59 PM | Show all posts
thanks to pinkfairy and credits to susAmerica for translations from soompi

Title: <Yo-Sool> GHS Director-nim and starring actor Lim Ji Gyu’s blog interview: R-goon’s JIFF invasion

May1, 2010, at 7:34PM
Aspecial premier of Director GHS-nim’s feature-length directorialdebut film, MAGIC, was held at the 11th JIFF. Of course, I just couldnot pass up the opportunity. So I applied for the ticket and had theblog interview today. Today the interview is not just with GHS but alsowith Lim Ji-Gyu.

GHS has challenged herself not only inacting, music, and art, but also in, at long last the total shocker(no, the total art), the movie directing. Last year, as soon as shebrought out cheerful reaction for her short film, [Cheerful Caretaker],she has made a debut of a full-length film, [Yo Sool]. I will mostlikely write a separate review for the movie, but unexpectedly(!) itwas not bad. In particular, several viewers of her premier picked hermovie as, so far, the best movie that they have seen about youngpeople. [To be honest with you, I always just assumed that GHS receivedmuch attention because of her star power. However, (sorry, can’ttranslate this well: wan-sung do neun uh yoo=>???) ~~even a bittearful in the middle…] and Lim Ji Gyu who starred in [Magic]and who appeared in many productions such as [Milkyway Freedom Battle],[Speed Scandal] and [Bak Ya Heng].

GHS and Lim just finished the interview and I, R-goon,  am now putting up an appropriate posting of their interview.

Beforethe R-goon’s interview, GHS and Lim had a GV session right afterthe movie premiered. The audience showed wild excitement due to theunexpected great screening. There was no end to the questions. I alsowanted to ask but I tried to be patient because, afterwards, I willhave the R-goonVS GHS&Lim interview session. (sounds like a battle!)

Finallyour blog’s interview. I am going to post the entire text from theinterview. Of course I did not ask all the questions. A round table ofour blog team asked questions together.

R-Congratulations onyour first movie. But, in the beginning, the picture and the sound werenot in sync. Perhaps this movie is not yet edited completely?
G-No,all the sound and the editing have been completed. It was due to thetechnical problem of the theatre’s equipment. So, I was a bitupset. In the next screening at a different theatre, I hope the moviecomes out well. I hope you all come again. (mmm, is she subtlycampaigning viewers to see the movie more than once? Ke)
R-Why isthe title of your movie, MAGIC? Just by hearing the title, we arethinking, is our country having our own Harry Potter series?
G- {shegave a bit of smile that seems to say, who are you!) If you watched themovie, you would have seen that the title is taken from the poem of HanYong Woon. It is a poem that I loved for a long time; it has manyhidden meanings unlike its outside. Before my movie was screened, Iwatched {Lover’s Silence}. If you are to examine the word“Yo Sool” in Chinese characters, it does not have the bestmeaning, however, the nuance of that word gives off a bright feeling. Ireally like words that contains irony. It is a word with which manyinterpretations are possible. These possibilities in turn speak loudlythe diversity of relationships.

R-After Cheerful Caretaker, this is your second time as a director to have a GV session with the audience. How do you feel?
G-Whether the movie is short or long, my feelings about GV are the same.I was terribly nervous and overwhelmed. However, I always enjoy thetime with the audience.

R-Your movie focuses on the youngpeople in their high school. However, your current age is far frombeing a high schooler. Comparing yourself as once a teenager, what areyour current thoughts about youth?
G-Yes, it is a dubious time. Atthat time, I was full of feelings of inferiority. But I believe that myself-doubts of that past turned into my today’s passion. I wasvery hard on myself, but I hated the phrases, <I can’t do itand I don’t know.> It was a time when I had too much pride. Ifeel that those issues and feelings came out through the three leadactors in the movie.

R-A question was asked of Lim JiGyu.(R:personally I am one of his big fan.) You played many similar rolesin many of your films so far: slightly jji-jil?, cautious,faint-hearted/cowardly. Even in Magic, you admire a girl that you likeonly from far away and seems to be a ggo-bong?(side-kick orservant-like?) to a good friend. It feels like you are playing verysimilar characters.
L-Yes. Sometimes I worry whether I would betypecast as the jji-jil actor. (laughter) However, my characterinterpretation in this movie was different. I felt that he is not justthe regular loser. Even though he is a lead role with tons of faults,and no matter how much he gets bullied or put down, he focuses onpracticing with self-confidence. I tired very hard to make hischaracter develop out of his weakness, jji-jil. It may seem like asimilar role. But, unlike past roles, I tried to play my role with adifferent interpretation—a jjijil who shows he is not.

R-Actor GHS and Director GHS?
G-As you say, I have been doing various types of activities. However, Ido not think of them as all different because making a movie requiresmany parts like art, music, photography, etc. I hope that actors trydirecting and directors try acting. Even if they may be making a samemovie, they are thinking about different things. By doing these jobs, Ihave been able to make actor GHS and director GHS understand each otherbetter. Of course, since I am originally an actor, I feel I am moresensitive to the needs of the actors.
R-I enjoyed <Yo Sool>.However, at times the characters were not explained fully. There werefew incidents that made the characters’ relationships hard tounderstand. Sometimes you seem to resolve the issues throughfantasy…
G-I wanted to leave a room for the viewers to maketheir own understanding/interpretation. There is a part that linkdifferent time periods. I thought a lot about the background of timeand many other things, but no matter what, I wanted people to just getthe feel of “analogue” (sorry I did not get that one. Iknow that GHS prefers analogue over digital…) Instead of anyextended and over-explanation, I wanted people to understand morethrough the actors’ emotions. My belief is that if there are toomuch explanation, it makes the movie too busy and too restrained. Sincethe movie was low-budget, and it takes money to explain more,,,,

R-Limis a very handsome actor. However, all actors have complexes.Personally, I feel that as a very good-looking guy, he has a bit offemale-like voice that makes it difficult to put together. Did thatever make it difficult in his acting life?
L-Actually I wanted to bea model. However, the reality is that I am too short and opportunitiesdid not come just through passion. After 3 years of that I was given alead role in a short film. Somehow that project was selected forexhibition. And I was given an award for that role even though awardsdid not exist for that film festival. The actor Ahn Sung Gi who was oneof the judges at that time made it all possible. Through that incidentI was able to re-discover my lost self-esteem. Soon after, I was castfor a role in <Cheetah Rescued from the Reservoir>. However, morehopelessness came. In feature-length films, I was not much to look ator unique. My voice is my complex? That is not even close. I felt likeI was an actor who did not even know how to speak properly. I amoriginally from Busan. Not only was the vocalization a problem but Icould not even get rid of my Busan accent. However, through thefollowing project, I challenged myself to change and do better by will.I never got to go to an acting school. So, where I lack the experience,I think of myself as an actor who tries to be as natural as possible inthe roles that I have taken so far. Where I lack the experience, I tryto bring up in my mind even the most trivial events that I experiencedin order to help me emote for the role I would play. Perhaps that couldbe different from other actors. Since I did not study acting, my actingcould be more raw. Director GHS looked at those aspects about mepositively and, instead of trying to fix acting, she encouraged themore natural acting to come forward in her actors.
G-Actually,because of his natural and unrestrained acting, I wanted to cast him inthe role of Jung Woo (the Magic character who is an unrestrainedrebel).

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2010 09:00 PM | Show all posts

R-Please give your last comment for the audience awaiting <Magic>.
G-Whenver I wanted to try something new, I realized that it is because Ido not know anything about it. But I would challenge myself to do itbecause I really wanted to learn about it. That is how I would seek thehelp of many people with all my questions. That is what I did with thejob of directing as well. And, that is how I came to make a movie andshow it here today. I feel very content. Of course, I still lack in somany ways. But I hope that you will all think of it as the work of avery new director GHS and still give me lots of your support and cheer.

So this is how the interview of GHS and Lim JiGye ended.Honestly, I had lot more ?booho?=(maybe doubts or question marks?)about GHS. However, after I saw her movie and thought it better thanexpected and after having to know her better through the interview, my? changed to ! To tell you the truth I am not familiar with GHS’sworks. But after having experienced her directorial capability and herway of thinking, I am already anticipating her next project. [Yes, yes,she is pretty. ,,,phew…Did you ever try talking with GHS whilemaking eye contacts with her? Woah, it was totally like talking with anartificial heart machine,,,because my real heart felt like it alreadystopped working. ]

How can you not anticipate her next project when she is this beautiful.

Ialso really liked actor Lim Ji Gyu. Sorry for a guy to like a guyactor. But after I saw him in <Milkyway Freedom Battle>, I becamehooked to his unique way of acting and looked forward to his nextproject. Would you believe me if I tell you that I looked forward tothe movie <Speed Scandal> because of Lim JiGyu and not because ofPark Bo Young or Cha TaeYun? But we are also from same hometown andfrom rival high schools that there is some connection?? Such aconsiderate and logical speaker too. I really look forward to his nextproject. If you ever come to Busan, please look me up and I am not justsaying that.

This concludes my report from JIFF. I will soonpost my review of <YoSool> Now that I am in JeonJu, maybe Ishould try their famous rice with mixed vegetables or Bibimbap?

(Well, I look forward to his Magic review too.)

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2010 09:02 PM | Show all posts
thanks webby for the pic from soompi

cr: DC HS

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2010 09:04 PM | Show all posts
thanks pinkfairy for the pic from soompi

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2010 09:37 PM | Show all posts
kaka ley!!!!!!!!!!

sile baca nih!!!!!!!!!

MinSun forever!!!!
minho_nora Post at 3-5-2010 21:23

kt sini ko..pelosok dunia aku carik ko taw..meh moyan kt fb...

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Post time 3-5-2010 09:48 PM | Show all posts
tolaaakkkkkk pageeee

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Post time 3-5-2010 09:49 PM | Show all posts
tolaaakkkkkk pageeee

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Post time 3-5-2010 09:49 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-5-2010 09:50 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-5-2010 09:52 PM | Show all posts
motipppp post dabel ??

weellllll.........aiii tompangg eksaiteddddddddd

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2010 09:56 PM | Show all posts
motipppp post dabel ??

weellllll.........aiii tompangg eksaiteddddddddd
yunt Post at 3-5-2010 21:52

mmg tk disangka...sgt terharu dn tergaru2

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Post time 3-5-2010 10:47 PM | Show all posts
lama tgg citer dorang berdua nih.....
at least hari nih baru ada......sudah cukup buat aii

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