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Author: SulurBidar


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Post time 10-5-2013 02:35 PM | Show all posts
hironakamura76 posted on 10-5-2013 02:27 PM
setuju sgt sgt...

jom kita start buat Sherlock chapter kat Malaysia plak...hehehe

kalau thread abam sherlock ni harusla berantai2.. ngan tom hiddleston, colin morgan sama martin freeman terpalit sama

sape follow citer dr who mesti kenal mamat ni.. steven moffat. sayang takde kening


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Post time 10-5-2013 02:50 PM | Show all posts
ok nak bawak therad ni back on track....rasanyer uols mesti dah tahu sapa John Harriosn kan?

hehehe..........i hope citer ni dapat no.1 next week kalahkan ironman3.

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Post time 10-5-2013 03:13 PM | Show all posts
hironakamura76 posted on 10-5-2013 02:50 PM
ok nak bawak therad ni back on track....rasanyer uols mesti dah tahu sapa John Harriosn kan?

heh ...

minggu dpn ai nk gi tgk. walaupun tgk sorg2... tak kisah nk tgk gak..

nk amek seat plg dpn sng skit nk cium abang ben kt skrin panggung tu


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Post time 10-5-2013 03:27 PM | Show all posts
skrang ni mmg trend english actor jd super villain. pehtu lg menyerlah plak dr watak hero

mula2 tom hiddleston as Loki yg lg berkarisma dr si Thor

errr maaf gambar tercute plak

pehtu abam benedict cumberbatch plak yg dok dipuji2 lakonan die jd villain dlm star trek

siap jadi cover magazine lg tu

nih katenye michael ecclestone plak bakal menyerlah dlm thor 2. jadi villain gak

errr persamaan dr segi hidung kot...

meh nantikan performance abang ben minggu dpn

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Post time 10-5-2013 04:12 PM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 10-5-2013 02:13 PM
minggu dpn ai nk gi tgk. walaupun tgk sorg2...  tak kisah nk tgk gak..

nk amek seat plg dpn  ...

Ha ha ha... but John Harrison jahat..


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Post time 11-5-2013 04:43 AM | Show all posts
khan noonien singh

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Post time 11-5-2013 08:15 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 11-5-2013 08:17 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 11-5-2013 08:18 PM | Show all posts
Hensem abam Ben ni..


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Post time 11-5-2013 08:27 PM | Show all posts
hironakamura76 posted on 11-5-2013 08:18 PM
Hensem abam Ben ni..

thread ni telah digomoli oleh abang long ben, abg ngah tom ngan dik colin jah

kesian abg chris pine, abg zach quinto sama pakcik jj suma tenggelam

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Post time 11-5-2013 10:06 PM | Show all posts
antara sebab watak english selalu jadi mastermind super villain ialah kerana loghat, karisma, dan lenggok english ni
tp watak seorang supervillain merencana, memusnahkan, hero and the gang ni bermula dari film dark knight (joker), kemudian film2 lain ikut, mcm james bond tahun lepas, avengers dan thor, sekarang star trek pulak

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Post time 11-5-2013 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Best giler... Confirm tgk kali kedua.. seperti yang dijangka.. memang dia...

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Post time 11-5-2013 11:35 PM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 11-5-2013 07:27 PM
thread ni telah digomoli oleh abang long ben, abg ngah tom ngan dik colin jah

kesian abg  ...

nak buat mcm mana... British actors are top of their league sekarang ni...

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Post time 12-5-2013 04:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Br blk.. X nak tulis byk2.. Nak cakap 1 je..sangat best.. Akan tengok buat kali ke2.. Korang tgk kat gold class pun aku cakap berbaloi utk citer ni

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Post time 12-5-2013 02:54 PM | Show all posts
aku pun tak paham bile tarikh tayangan sebenar filem ni. sblm ni aku tgk kt iklan 16hb tp td tup2 ade plak tgh tayang kt sunway carnival. so aku pun layan jelah.

ok review aku 4.5 out of 5. tu pun sbb aku perasan filem ni mcm ade scene kene potong la plak, ke editing yg tak brape btul? ok kalau sape2 tgk star trek yg lama tu filem tu lebih kpd penceritaan mcm mane kru kapal2 uss enterprise ni bertemu. filem ke2 lebih menonjolkan keakraban hubungan masing2. takde penambahan watak2 sgt kecuali sorg (yg ni gi tgk sendiri ) dan kematian watak utama yg sgt memberi kesan kpd kapten kirk(mcm biasa tgk sendiri hokkay)

latar belakang filem ni byk main dlm kapal je. tp tu tak bermakna filem ni takde action, ade jah scene2 yg mendebarkan. tp bg aku ape yg membuatkn filem ni set very apart than all those sci fi films out there adalah dialog die. especially dialog mr spock yg highly intelligent dan penjahat bukan nama sebenar john harrison tu. pendek kata dialog die tak straight forward I love you you love me gitu. so korg kene amati body language diorg, emosi diorg dan kene read between the lines la dialog diorg tu so baru korg akan phm oh ok this is how they really feels.  Jalan citer die pun pada asalnye korg akan rs alah straight forward but so not true. korg takyah la nk berteka teki what will happens next sbb believe me, expect the unsangkarable. john harrison yes he is a terrorist but he's not the only villain here. samelah mcm mr spock yes he is emotionless but he's not heartless.

errr bab villain kali ni, it takes someone with a whole lot of a charisma and bad-assness to play a character who single-handedly  persuades a loving father to bomb a building, assassinated almost the entire higher commanders of Starfleet and bring out the viciousness in Spock.  Abglong Ben dgn berjayanya membawa watak ini, not just theatrically, he can kick ass too. heols punye karisma tidak perlu dipertikaikan lg, in fact aku rs mcm chris pine n zachary quinto have a lot more to learn from him sbb walaupun babak heols takle byk pun, tp mutu lakonan heols wat org teringat2 gitu. movie ni bukan stakat high in adrenaline, but in emotion too. adegan spock punye last goodbye ngan kapten kirk mmg buat aku cam menangis jah td.

citer ni tak sama mcm B-grade science fiction lain. so aku recommend la jgn bwk budak2 boring diorg nnt. mcm kes aku td ade kapel bangang ni, sbb boring kot dok pot pet jah blakang aku. bile aku toleh nk kasi diorg my evil eyes, astaghfirullah tgh berpeluk2an la plak dlm tu sorry mat rempit n bohsia better jgn tgk citer ni, tahap IQ diorg tak smpi lg. sekian review dr saya


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Post time 12-5-2013 03:43 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok...

biasa ar cite JJ Abrams, banyak benor camera glare nye...

abe ben berlakon dgn sgt mantap ok

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Post time 12-5-2013 03:47 PM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 12-5-2013 02:54 PM
aku pun tak paham bile tarikh tayangan sebenar filem ni. sblm ni aku tgk kt iklan 16hb tp td tup2 ad ...

a ah.. kena potong macam tak smooth je.. ntah apa yg dipotong ntah? ada gak dalam 3 kali glitch..

yg satu tu aku tau pasai pompuan tu tgh salin baju.. yg dua lagi ntah la pasai apa kena potong..

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Post time 12-5-2013 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Just watched this movie this afternoon.

Comment: Superb... Excellent
Rating: 8.25/10

Brief Review:
Overall, the movie was worth to watch. Combination of pack of actions plus emotions were blended very well.

The battle in Kronos was awesome. Suasana dalam space craft was super awesome.

The bromance or chemistry in between Spock and Kirk .... was super duper awesome. They were born to be together . Spock ni terlampau lurus bendul... whilst Kirk likes to bend the rules or sometimes break the rules. Walaupun karakter dan personality in between the 2 bertentangan, tapi tu yang membuat hubungan mereka unik ... ohhh .

But for me it was Benedict Cumberbatch @ KHAN who stole the whole show. He was so ruthless super strong/smart human villain. And one thing for sure, jahat cam ner pun, he got unique attraction which is somehow make me likes him so much. He was so strong... heartless... macho.... and bad...

My favourite part, when Spock explained to Ulhura why he was not scared or afraid of dead. The explanation was well said and really making sense. Then when Kirk was dying... to die... Kirk was so scared and felt so lonely & helpless and asked Spock how to handle and face that feeling. Spock tried to be very strong and struggle to handle his emotion but eventually he crying helpless and his heart broken...  as he can't help Kirk but being at Kirk side to accompany Kirk till his last breath (my god... this part mmg so touching... moving... )

Overall... mmg best lorrrrrrrrrrrr....  



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Post time 12-5-2013 07:23 PM | Show all posts
MissNigga posted on 12-5-2013 05:40 PM
Just watched this movie this afternoon.

Comment: Superb... Excellent

hey hey hey kalau uols nk jadik binik muda abang cumberbatch sila beratur blakang iols dulu

mmg tepat pilihan pakcik jj abrams nih. walaupun khan noonien singh yg nih takde rupe org punjabi pun

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Post time 12-5-2013 07:25 PM | Show all posts
Ha_Neul posted on 12-5-2013 03:47 PM
a ah.. kena potong macam tak smooth je.. ntah apa yg dipotong ntah? ada gak dalam 3 kali glitch..  ...

tu le pasal. amende yg sensitip sgt smpi kene ptg tu? yg part tukar baju tu aku paham la jugak.

by the way, aku speku kt ending citer tu diorg ni gi space exploration for 5 years, balik2 tu khan noonien singh suma dan 72 org krew nye suma dh terbangun dan jadi supervillain sebenar. jeng jeng jeng...

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