Pengemar teori konspirasi akan bertungkus lumus merungkaikan ramalan dr menonton siaran langsung Olimpik 2012, berpusu2 thread akan muncul di kaca CARI.
logy posted on 28-7-2012 08:28 PM
deejavu! kat malaysia ada org wat bantahan jugak, sampai ada group kat fb lagi kami bantah logo Ha ...
mmg banyak gak yang buat bantahan ...... yg masuk hospital sbb sawan tgk iklan logo berkenaan pun ada....
Extract from 2007 news - Epilepsy warning over London's Olympic logo
Source : USA Today
LONDON (AP) — An animated display of London's jigsaw-style 2012 Olympics logo, which has drawn an unfavorable public response, was removed from an official Web site Tuesday following concern it could trigger epileptic seizures.
Epilepsy Action, a British health charity, said 10 people had complained about the animation and some had suffered seizures from watching images depicting a diver plunging into a pool.
The Olympic group said it has taken steps to remove the animation from the Web site and will now re-edit the film.
The design is made up of four jagged pieces that form the numbers 2012 in a variety of colors. It cost $796,000 and was targeted at young people. The logo was unveiled Monday and within hours an online petition was established asking for a new design.
London's Design Museum founder Stephen Bayley said the logo was "a puerile mess, an artistic flop and a commercial scandal."
Chief organizer Sebastian Coe claimed the graffiti-style design was created to draw the attention of young people. An official Web site shows flashing and moving images of the logo. In a departure from previous games, the logo has no visual imagery of the host city or country.
SEIZURE WARNING! (This video could lead to seizures)
chit_ana posted on 28-7-2012 10:21 AM
Last edited by chit_ana on 28-7-2012 10:22 AM \n\nmacam serabut je tgk pakaian kotinjen malaysia ni ...
kaler oren tu tk match dengan harimau print .... uwekkk...keep it simple la...kalau itam ngan corak rimau tu je mmang cantik...lagik atu...tengkolok kt kepala tu... ngokngek betul gi design mcm tuh..layak la kene kutuk...lain la kalau mmg pakaian tradisonal kita bentuk gitu ngan warna gitu.... kalau kt melesia ingat ada org ke nak pakai gaya gitu >?
apa nk dikata...mmg x lawa pun outfit team malaysia...lg 1, kalu time sport event yg besar2 camni, i bangga je bila tgk atlet2 malaysia...tapi bila tgk bendera, ikhlas cakap, i x bangga pun...sbb segan ar sama ngan bendera US..nampak beno mesia amik idea dari bendera US...sori la kalu ada ahli keluarga pencipta bendera malaysia yg baca ni...