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Author: perang_sivil


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Post time 8-8-2012 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Presiden_Lanun posted on 8-8-2012 12:29 PM
Semenya  sedia gegar Olimpik

Impian Xiang   tak kesampaian  
                                                                          Atlit sensasi olahraga China, Liu Xiang cedera tendon Achilles selepas melanggar halangan pertama dalam saringan 110 meter lompat berpagar di Olympic Stadium semalam sekali gus mencetuskan keraguan mengenai masa depannya.

  Kecederaan itu menyebabkan Xiang, 29, terpaksa melangkah keluar dan meninggalkan London 2012 dengan berkerusi roda sekali gus menyaksikan impiannya untuk menebus kekecewaan menarik diri empat tahun lalu di laman sendiri musnah.      
        Ketua pasukan olahraga China di London, Feng Shu Yong kemudian mendedahkan Xiang mungkin berdepan masalah Achilles,  masalah kecederaan berulang yang dihadapi juara Olimpik 2004 itu sehingga memerlukan rawatan intensif bertahun-tahun.      
         Pemeriksaan awal kakitangan perubatan mendapati dia cedera tendon Achilles. Pada tahun-tahun sebelum ini, dia menerima rawatan yang baik, tetapi kecederaan itu nampaknya masih menghantui dirinya, kata Shu Yong berhubung masalah kecederaan lama Xiang itu.

   Masalah kecederaan Achilles sangat mustahil untuk sembuh sepenuhnya.
   Xiang yang meninggalkan Olympic Stadium kemudian menerima tepukan 80,000 penonton sebagai tanda  sokongan kepadanya.  


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Post time 8-8-2012 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Presiden_Lanun posted on 8-8-2012 12:31 PM
Impian Xiang   tak kesampaian  

Sudah masa Noraseela bersara
NORASEELA gagal memberi impak dalam penampilannya pada temasya Sukan Olimpik 2012 di London.

MUNGKIN sudah tiba masanya bagi jaguh lari berpagar wanita negara, Noraseela Mohd. Khalid bersara daripada sukan olahraga.
Walaupun setakat ini dia masih tiada tandingan dalam acara 400 meter (m) lari berpagar wanita, namun dengan apa yang dibuktikannya pada Sukan Olimpik 2012 London, dia sudah tidak boleh pergi lebih jauh lagi.
Dia sudah tidak berupaya untuk memberi cabaran pada peringkat antarabangsa dan Olimpik London sudah ada jawapannya bahawa kariernya hampir sampai ke penghujung.
Noraseela, 32, yang bertanding di Olimpik London atas slot wild card sekadar menduduki tempat tercorot dalam saringan kedua dengan catatan masa 1:00.16 saat (s) dan ia merupakan pencapaian terburuk pernah dilakukan olehnya.
Dia tersingkir awal sekali gus memusnahkan harapannya untuk mencipta rekod baharu kebangsaan.
Noraseela mempunyai catatan peribadi terbaik iaitu 56.02s dalam acara kegemarannya itu yang dilakukan pada satu kejohanan olahraga di Regensburg, Jerman pada 2006.
Sehingga kini, catatan tersebut amat sukar untuk diatasinya dan ia juga membuktikan bahawa sudah tiba masanya untuk dia meninggalkan lapangan olahraga.
Dalam satu temu bual baru-baru ini sebelum dia berangkat ke London, Noraseela menganggap usia bukan penghalang untuk terus aktif malah dia semakin bersemangat untuk meningkatkan prestasinya.
"Jangan pandang pada usia. Ramai lagi atlet yang mampu meraih kejayaan meskipun semakin di mamah usia. Contohnya, Merlene Ottey yang masih berlari pada usia 52 tahun," jelasnya.
Walaupun semangatnya untuk terus aktif masih membara tetapi masa depannya dalam sukan olahraga memang sudah semakin malap.
Memang tidak dinafikan bahawa pada peringkat Sukan SEA, Noraseela masih tiada tandingan dan masih mampu menyumbang kejayaan buat kontinjen negara.
Begitupun, pada peringkat antarabangsa, dia sudah tidak mampu untuk bersaing.
Sebagai atlet paling berpengalaman dan terbaik di Malaysia, Noraseela tidak pernah meraih sebarang kejayaan di pentas antarabangsa, malah pada peringkat Asia pun dia gagal bergelar juara.
Pencapaian terbaiknya pada peringkat Asia hanyalah memenangi pingat perak bermula dengan Kejohanan Olahraga Asia di Incheon, Korea Selatan pada tahun 2005.
Sebelum itu, pada kejohanan yang sama di Jakarta (2000) dia menduduki tempat ketiga.
Pada Sukan Asia 2006 di Doha, Qatar, dia turut meraih pingat gangsa dan pada Kejohanan Asia di Guangzhou (2009) dia berjaya meraih pingat perak.
Kemerosotan prestasinya bermula di Sukan Asia 2010 di Guangzhou yang menyaksikannya menamatkan perlumbaan di tempat kelima.
Selepas itu kegagalan demi kegagalan terus menghantuinya tetapi Kesatuan Olahraga Malaysia (KOM) masih memberi kepercayaan kepadanya untuk menggalas cabaran di Sukan Olimpik.
Ketika usianya sudah mencecah 32 tahun, adakah langkah menghantarnya ke London untuk tujuan pendedahan atau sebaliknya.
Jika KOM berhasrat untuk memberi pendedahan, maka atlet yang lebih muda dan berbakat harus diberi keutamaan dan bukannya atlet yang sudah hampir mahu 'pencen'.
Bukan mahu memperkecilkan kemampuan Noraseela, tetapi demi masa depan sukan olahraga, yang muda seharusnya diberi pendedahan.
Memang tidak dinafikan, kelebihan Noraseela adalah pengalaman tetapi perlu diingat bahawa pengalaman sahaja tidak cukup untuk menjamin kemenangan.
Aksinya di London memang agak mengecewakan iaitu tersingkir seawal peringkat saringan.
Adakah KOM tidak mempunyai pilihan atau kesatuan itu kini ketandusan atlet?
Olahraga sebenarnya sukan yang sangat popular di Malaysia dan hampir semua sekolah memberi keutamaan kepada sukan tersebut.
Setiap tahun semua sekolah di seluruh negara mengadakan Kejohanan Olahraga mereka setiap tahun tetapi kegiatan tersebut tidak pernah dipandang serius oleh KOM dan akibatnya, mereka gagal melahirkan atlet berwibawa.
KOM sebenarnya tidak buat kerja. Mereka lebih mengutamakan politik dalaman daripada membangunkan sukan olahraga.
Jika mereka meneruskan program pembangunan daripada dulu, kini dan selamanya, Noraseela tidak mungkin menjadi pilihan untuk menggalas cabaran di Olimpik London.
Mungkin selepas ini, KOM perlu bangkit dan bekerja keras untuk melahirkan atlet baharu yang mampu layak ke Sukan Olimpik secara merit dan bukannya menerusi slot wild card.



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Post time 8-8-2012 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Presiden_Lanun posted on 8-8-2012 12:42 PM
Sudah masa Noraseela bersara
NORASEELA gagal memberi impak dalam penampilannya pada temasya Sukan ...

China, AS terus bersaing rapat
MILIK KAMI... Phelps (dua dari kanan) bersama rakan-rakannya mengungguli acara 4x100meter rampaian lelaki Sukan Olimpik 2012 di Pusat Akuatik, London minggu lalu.

LONDON - Selepas dua minggu tirai temasya Olimpik 2012 membuka tirainya, kontinjen China dan Amerika Syarikat (AS) dilihat terus bersaing rapat dalam senarai pungutan pingat.
Sehingga pukul 8 malam tadi (waktu Malaysia), China yang tampil selaku juara bertahan masih unggul dengan 31 emas, 19 perak dan 14 gangsa sekali gus mengutip 64 pingat keseluruhan setakat hari ke-13 semalam.
AS pula mengikuti rapat di tangga kedua dengan 29 emas, 15 perak dan 19 gangsa sementara tuan rumah, Britain (18 emas, 11 perak, 11 gangsa) di tempat ketiga.
Ketika saingan hanya berbaki lima hari sahaja lagi, China dijangka terus mendapat tentangan hebat daripada AS yang berjaya meraih emas terkini menerusi acara lompat bergalah wanita, Jennifer Suhr yang berjaya membuat lompatan setinggi 4.75 meter di Stadium Olimpik awal pagi semalam.
Kontinjen AS hanya sekali berjaya memintas kedudukan China iaitu pada Sabtu lalu sebelum mereka kembali dipintas China.
Badminton jelas menjadi 'lubuk emas' buat China yang berjaya menyapu bersih kesemua lima pingat emas yang dipertaruhkan pada temasya Olimpik kali ini.
Selain itu, renang, angkat berat dan terjun juga merupakan penyumbang emas terbesar apabila masing-masing menyumbang lima emas buat kontinjen China kali ini.
AS pula bagaikan tiada tandingan dalam acara renang apabila meraih sebanyak 16 pingat emas di Pusat Olimpik Akuatik, London.
Perenang sensasi, Michael Phelps merupakan penyumbang pingat terbanyak buat AS apabila menggondol empat emas dan dua perak.
Perenang lelaki China, Sun Yang juga mendahului senarai atlet yang menyumbang emas buat negaranya kali ini apabila meraih dua emas, satu perak dan satu gangsa.
Untuk rekod, China berjaya menyekat dominasi AS selaku juara keseluruhan ketika menjadi tuan rumah temasya Olimpik 2008 di Beijing selepas meraih 51 emas, 21 perak dan 28 gangsa sekali gus, mengatasi AS yang sekadar meraih 36 emas, 38 perak dan 36 gangsa di tempat kedua.
Sebelum itu, AS unggul selaku juara keseluruhan pada temasya 2004 di Athens apabila menggondol 36 emas, 39 perak dan 27 gangsa, hanya dibezakan empat emas dengan China yang meraih 32 emas, 17 perak dan 14 gangsa yang terpaksa akur di tempat kedua.
Skrip yang sama juga menimpa kontinjen China pada temasya 2000 di Sydney apabila terpaksa berpuas hati di tangga ketiga keseluruhan setelah sekadar meraih 28 emas, 16 perak dan 14 gangsa, jauh di belakang AS yang muncul juara dengan 37 emas, 24 perak dan 33 gangsa.
Tempat kedua keseluruhan ketika itu menjadi milik Rusia dengan 32 emas, 28 perak dan 29 gangsa.
Apa yang jelas, China dan AS dilihat sebagai kuasa sukan di pentas antarabangsa ketika ini dan dominasi kedua-dua negara itu dijangka berlarutan dalam tempoh beberapa tahun akan datang. - Agensi



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Post time 8-8-2012 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Presiden_Lanun posted on 8-8-2012 12:43 PM
China, AS terus bersaing rapat
LONDON - Selepas dua minggu tirai temasya Olimpik 2012 membuka tir ...

Kematian nenek cetus semangat Sanchez
SANCHEZ mencium gambar mendiang neneknya selepas memenangi pingat emas 400 meter lari berpagar kelmarin.

LONDON - Felix Sanchez mencatat kemenangan penuh emosi dalam acara 400 meter lari berpagar kelmarin sekali gus memenuhi janji untuk memenangi pingat emas tersebut demi mendiang neneknya.
Pada Olimpik 2008 di Beijing, pelari berusia 34 tahun dari Republik Dominica itu tersingkir pada saringan acara tersebut hanya beberapa jam selepas dimaklumkan mengenai kematian neneknya, Lilian yang membelanya sejak kecil.
Bagaimanapun, kelmarin, juara Olimpik 2004 itu bangkit untuk memenangi semula pingat emas dengan catatan masa 47.63 saat.
Sanchez yang menjahit perkataan 'Abuela' (nenek) pada kasutnya mengeluarkan gambar wanita itu selepas melepasi garisan penamat dan menciumnya sebelum dia menangis.
Pelari yang dilahirkan di Amerika Syarikat (AS) itu menangis teresak-esak ketika menerima pingat emasnya iaitu kali pertama dia berada di atas podium dalam kejohanan utama sejak tahun 2007.
Sanchez tidak menahan sedih ketika menceritakan semula insiden empat tahun lalu di Beijing ketika diberitahu mengenai kematian Lilian.
"Ketika itu saya menangis sepanjang hari dan tidak pasti sama ada perlu bertanding. Saya kemudian mengambil keputusan bertanding, namun terkeluar pada peringkat saringan," katanya.
"Selepas kekalahan itu, saya berjanji akan memenangi pingat emas dan saya menunggu detik ini selama empat tahun." - AFP



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Post time 8-8-2012 04:48 PM | Show all posts
Expecting a great game in Men's football division. kind of expected it to be a brazil-mexico ending but hoping that asians prevail, japan had the chance! they're a great team, maybe next olympics.

Everyone might be waiting for Brazil to win the olympic gold before despite the fact that they are without a doubt one of the best teams in the world but well, they never won any before and the curse might return and luck may turn to Mexico. Haha

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Post time 8-8-2012 09:51 PM | Show all posts
Ken Nee finishes 10th, bows out from competitive diving


LONDON: Yeoh Ken Nee waved goodbye to diving after finishing 10th in the 3m individual springboard competition at the Aquatic Centre at the Olympic Park here Tuesday night.

The 29-year-old was the first Malaysian to have qualified for the final of the diving individual competition.

But while celebrating his best ever finish in the event at the highest level, Yeoh also said this was the last diving event for him as an athlete.

"Yes, I have finished with competition in the diving events. I have been diving actively for the country since I was 12 years old.

"I have also achieved many firsts (for Malaysia) for diving, like being the first medallist at the Junior World Championships, and the first diving medallist at the SEA Games, Asian Games and Commonwealth Games.

"Now I have qualified for the final of the Olympics and finished in 10th position. It is an achievement that I am proud of and believe it should inspire the younger divers to do better," he said.

In the final, Ken Nee's scored was the lowest of the three rounds in which he has taken part.

He scored 437.46, while in the semi-finals, he had scored 441.65 and 452.60 in the preliminaries.

But the scores did not matter Tuesday as he had already surpassed his expectations by making the finals.

The event also saw an upset when Russain Ilya Zhakarov took the gold medal. China's favourite, Qin Kai, was second followed by his teammate He Chong.

It was the first diving gold medal in London that China had failed to win in six events. They had swept all the other five medals at stake before this event.

There are two more platform events to go in the men and women's competitions.



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Post time 8-8-2012 09:55 PM | Show all posts
Heidi just wants to get the job done

SHE was a surprise gold medallist in the SEA Games last year and her qualification for the Olympics did not raise any eyebrows either.
But then again, not many Malaysians know about open water swimming race. And that exactly the way Heidi Gan (pic) likes it.

She’s the type who prefers to keep a low profile and “just get the job done rather than making a big fanfare of it”.

“Perhaps that is who I am. I prefer to lie low. Open swimming is a new thing to our shores. I took it up just three years ago although I have been a pool swimmer before,” said Heidi.

“It takes a lot of hard work and is very unpredictable as courses and conditions change depending on where you swim.

“I am glad to have qualified for the Olympics and this is such a big opportunity for me to test myself against the best in the world.”

The Australia-based swimmer, however, is aware of the huge task ahead of her.

“To be honest, I would rank myself somewhere in the 24th or 25th place for now. So, my target is basically to improve on that. That would be a good start for me,” she said.

“I have seen the venue and it is very impressive. In fact, these Games are great. The facilities, the transport, the food and the environment ... they are all very good. I am really enjoying myself at my first Olympics.

“My actual race is on Thursday and I am just waiting for it. I have been working with my coach since arriving here and it has been quite good. “But, like I said, there is no point having high expectations since I am in the company of the best open water swimmers.”

Heidi, who won both the 10km and 5km gold medals at the SEA Games, will be featuring in the longer distance at the London Olympics.



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Post time 8-8-2012 09:58 PM | Show all posts
Koo and Tan going separate ways after Olympic flop


SEPANG: Finally, Malaysia’s Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong will end their seven-year partnership after returning home from the London Olympic Games empty-handed.

The Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) are resorting to this action following the pair’s failure to win a medal in the men’s doubles event at the London Olympic Games, said BAM president Datuk Seri Nadzmi Mohd Salleh said at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) yesterday.

Nadzmi flew home with the rest of the Malaysian badminton team, including Lee Chong Wei who did the nation proud by showing great fighting spirit before going down to China’s Lin Dan in the men’s singles final on Sunday.

Nadzmi said that BAM are looking at pairing up Kien Keat and Boon Heong with younger shuttlers in a bid to provide them with a new challenge to take their game to greater heights.

In London, Kien Keat-Boon Heong endured a rollercoaster ride before losing 21-23, 10-21 to Lee Yong-dae-Chung Jae-sung of South Korea in the bronze medal playoff.

Prior to that, they had lost to Cai Yun-Fu Haifeng of China in the semi-finals.

They did not beat any pairs ranked higher them at the Games – although both showed improved performances compared to their last eight finish at the Beijing Games four years ago.

It was a disappointing outing considering that Malaysia had high hopes on the duo, who once dominated the world badminton scene after announcing their entrance into the big league in 2006 – by winning the Doha Asian Games gold medal.

After winning a few other Open titles, including the 2007 All-England, the duo’s form began to drop in 2010.

Nadzmi did not mince his words when he described Kien Keat-Boon Heong’s Olympic assignment a failure.

“Yes, they did better than the Beijing Games by reaching the semi-finals but it looks as though that they have reached their peak. Their game has stagnated and I can’t see them going any higher,” said Nadzmi.

“The coaches are disappointed with their performances. At times, these players showed a lack of understanding in London. It is obvious they could not do better than what they did in London.

“Hopefully by pairing them up with younger players will help them to perform better. This will give them a challenge to revive their aspiration and allow them to hit a new peak in their careers.

“All these will be discussed at length during the next coaching and training committee meeting. It is time to re-look their partnership.”

Nadzmi, however, was full of praise for Chong Wei.

“He is truly a character of his own. He was exceptionally good and did well to put pressure on Lin Dan but luck was on his side towards the end. He is a fighter and I am not surprised that he was won the admiration of the nation,” said Nadzmi.

“Injury did not dampen his spirit ... it renewed the spirit in him. He changed his game style and did the right things to unsettle Lin Dan. There was a mark of maturity in his game and we are proud of his achievement.”

Nadzmi agreed that BAM would give greater focus on raising a new batch of players.

“It will not be easy but we are ready to get cracking. Our team will re-look the training and coaching programme. New plans are in store and we will begin our four-year cycle for the next Olympic Games soon. We are aware of the need to groom new stars. This will be our focus,” he said.



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Post time 8-8-2012 10:05 PM | Show all posts

Men's 1500m final

Men's Welter (69kg) quarter-final boxing match

Jamaica's Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce competes in the women's 200m semi-finals

Field hockey preliminary round match between New Zealand and Germany

Men Beach Volleyball semifinal



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Post time 9-8-2012 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Brazil hampiri emas

DAMIAO (kiri) meledakkan dua gol untuk membantu Brazil membelasah Korea Selatan 3-0 pada aksi separuh akhir di Stadium Old Trafford, Manchester awal pagi semalam.

MANCHESTER - Impian Brazil untuk memenangi pingat emas pertama dalam acara bola sepak lelaki semakin cerah.

Brazil selaku pasukan pilihan menepati ramalan awal untuk mara ke perlawanan akhir selepas membelasah Korea Selatan 3-0 pada aksi separuh akhir yang berlangsung di Stadium Old Trafford di sini awal pagi semalam.

Skuad bimbingan Mano Menezes itu akan bertemu sebuah lagi pasukan Amerika Selatan, Mexico pada final yang akan berlangsung di Stadium Wembley, London, Sabtu ini.

Mexico menempah slot ke final selepas bangkit daripada ketinggalan untuk menewaskan Jepun 3-1 dalam satu lagi aksi separuh akhir di Stadium Wembley awal pagi tadi.

Brazil yang obses untuk memenangi pingat emas bagi menyamai pencapaian negara-negara lain, mendahului Korea Selatan seawal minit ke-38 menerusi Romulo di hadapan 69,389 orang penonton yang membanjiri stadium milik kelab Liga Perdana England, Manchester United itu.

Leandro Damiao yang mengetuai senarai penjaring terbanyak pada temasya kali ini dengan enam gol, mengesahkan kemenangan Brazil selepas meledakkan dua gol masing-masing pada minit ke-57 dan 64.

"Saya berasa sangat gembira apabila berjaya membawa Brazil ke final. Meskipun kami menghadapi kesukaran, kami sudah bersedia untuk memenangi pingat emas dan kami ke sini (London) dengan satu sasaran iaitu membawa pulang pingat emas," kata Damiao.

Sementara itu, pemain pertahanan United, Rafael berkata: "Satu perasaan yang sangat menakjubkan apabila bermain untuk Brazil di gelanggang sendiri (Old Trafford).

"Kami sangat yakin, jurulatih juga sangat yakin dan final akan menjadi aksi yang berlainan berbanding perlawanan yang sudah dilalui sebelum ini."

Untuk rekod, Brazil yang memburu pingat emas pertama Sukan Olimpik dalam tempoh 60 tahun hampir mencapai sasaran itu ketika memenangi pingat perak pada temasya 1984 di Los Angeles, Amerika Syarikat.

Brazil yang menyertai acara bola sepak lelaki pada Sukan Olimpik sejak tahun 1952 turut memenangi pingat gangsa pada 1996 dan 2008.

Keyakinan Brazil untuk memenangi pingat emas di London semakin memuncak selepas musuh tradisi, Argentina gagal melayakkan diri ke pusingan akhir meskipun mereka memenangi pingat emas pada dua temasya sebelum ini iaitu di Beijing 2008 dan Athens 2004.

- Reuters



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Post time 9-8-2012 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Pandelela in semis of 10m platform

LONDON: Malaysia’s Pandelela Rinong gave hope of a medal in the diving competition when she qualified for the semi-finals of the women’s individual 10m platform event.

Pandelela, Malaysia’s flag bearer at the opening ceremony on July 27, qualified in second place in the qualifying session.

She scored a total of 349.00. China’s Chen Ruolin was the top qualifier with a score of 392,35.

Germany’s Christin Steuer was the third best qualifier with a score of 341-75.

A total of 26 divers took part with another Malaysian Traisy Vivien Jukiet placed in 22nd position and failed to make the cut for the semis. Only the 18 best divers make the semi-final stage.

The semi-final will be held in the morning at 10.00am (London time). The best 12 will then make the cut to the final at night.

Vivien’s score in the preliminaries was a poor 285.00.



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Post time 9-8-2012 10:19 AM | Show all posts



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Post time 9-8-2012 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Action from Day 12

Aries Merritt of the United States crosses the finish line

Eloyse Lesueur of France competes in the women's Long Jump final

Joel Gonzalez Bonilla of Spain competes against Daehoon Lee of the Republic of Korea during

Yulia Koltunova of Russia competes in the women's 10m Platform Diving

Usain Bolt competes in the semi-final of the men's 200m

Maartje Paumen of Netherlands celebrates scoring her team's second goal against New Zealand

Luis Brethauer of Germany competes during the men's BMX Cycling

Nick Skelton of Great Britain riding Big Star in the Individual Jumping Equestrian

General view of play during the women's Hockey semi-final match

Kaori Icho of Japan competes with Battsetseg Soronzonbold of Mongolia

Katie Taylor of Ireland in action against Mavzuna Chorieva of Tajikistan

Darius Songaila of Lithuania and Andrei Kirilenko of Russia go after a rebound



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Post time 9-8-2012 06:40 PM | Show all posts
haiku posted on 9-8-2012 09:43 AM
Pandelela in semis of 10m platform

LONDON: Malaysia’s Pandelela Rinong gave hope of a medal in t ...

yeay...pandalela qualified for final 10m platform


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 Author| Post time 9-8-2012 06:42 PM | Show all posts
Aidaeliynor posted on 9-8-2012 06:40 PM
yeay...pandalela qualified for final 10m platform

Saya doakan beliau tidak mendapat tempat tercorot....

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Post time 10-8-2012 03:33 AM | Show all posts
perang_sivil posted on 9-8-2012 06:42 PM
Saya doakan beliau tidak mendapat tempat tercorot....

tidak tempat tercorot....pandalela dapat gangsa...semangat juang yg tinggi .

Last edited by Aidaeliynor on 10-8-2012 03:45 AM



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Post time 10-8-2012 05:17 AM | Show all posts
Afghanistan berjaya mendapat pingat gangsa dalam sukan taekwondo kategori -68kg lelaki.



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Post time 10-8-2012 08:31 AM | Show all posts
LONDON: Pandelela Rinong has created Malaysian diving history. The 19-year-old from Sarawak won a bronze medal in the women’s 10m individual platform event at the Aquatics Centre early Friday.

It was Malaysia's first-ever Olympics medal in a sport other than badminton, besides making Pandelela the first Malaysian women to win an Olympics medal.

Gold medallist Chen Ruolin (centre) of China poses on the podium with silver medallist Brittany Broben (left) of Australia and bronze medallist Pandelela Rinong (right) of Malaysia during the women's 10m platform victory ceremony at the Aquatics Centre on Thursday. - REUTERS/Tim Wimborne Gold medallist Chen Ruolin (centre) of China poses on the podium with silver medallist Brittany Broben (left) of Australia and bronze medallist Pandelela Rinong (right) of Malaysia during the women's 10m platform victory ceremony at the Aquatics Centre on Thursday. - REUTERS/Tim Wimborne

She garnered a total of 359.20 points to finish behind China's Chen Ruolin, who won the gold on 422.30 points while Brittany Broben from Australia won the silver on 366.50 points.

Although diving had promised a medal here, not many had given the team a chance, especially since they had failed in their last six events.

But Pandelela delivered. Her feat also helped the national contingent match Malaysia’s best placing in the Olympics - the silver and bronze won at the Atlanta Games in 1996.
Pandelela Rinong competing during the Women's 10m Platform final of the Diving competitions at the Aquatics Centre on Thursday. - EPA/MARIUS BECKER</p> <p> Pandelela Rinong competing during the Women's 10m Platform final of the Diving competitions at the Aquatics Centre on Thursday. - EPA/MARIUS BECKER

Then, the badminton doubles pairing of Cheah Soon Kit and Yap Kim Hock won the silver while Rashid Sidek won the bronze in the men's singles.

Pandelela said she hoped her achievement in London 2012 would inspire others to take up diving as a competitive event.

"I am so happy with winning this medal. It is something that I had only dreamt off and now diving can look at it as a turning point.
Pandelela Rinong poses with her bronze medal after finishing third in the Women's 10m Platform Final for the Diving competition held at the Aquatics Center on Thursday. - EPA/PATRICK B. KRAEMER Pandelela Rinong poses with her bronze medal after finishing third in the Women's 10m Platform Final for the Diving competition held at the Aquatics Center on Thursday. - EPA/PATRICK B. KRAEMER

"I feel that a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders and we can now look forward to better times," she said.

Pandelela started off the final poorly, getting only 58.50 points for her first dive to be placed in 10th spot.

Up to the third dive, she was still in 10th place but her final two dives were well-received by the judges and netted 81.60 and 76.80 points respectively.

"After the first dive, I told myself not to be worried and to stay calm. At that point I was not thinking of a medal at all. I just wanted to do my best.

"I am glad that my routines worked and some of the others registered slightly lower points," she said.

Pandalela - 1st malaysian woman dapat medal in olympic & 1st medal selain acara badminton 4 malaysia

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Post time 10-8-2012 08:34 AM | Show all posts
KUCHING: Sarawak has high hopes for Malaysia’s diving queen, Pandelela Rinong to bring back home it’s first Olympic medal at the ongoing Olympic Games in London.

Social Development Minister Tan Sri William Mawan Ikom said yesterday he was also hoping very much for the Bidayuh lass from Bau to win a medal and do us proud.

“This is the golden chance for her and we believe that she has the ability and determination to do it … and in the grace of God also,” Mawan said of the Malaysian team flag-bearer.

The minister said Pandelela would get an incentive from the state government if she returns with a historic medal irrespective of colour as a token of recognition for her amazing feat.

“We will also propose to give her an award for the achievement if she succeeds in winning a medal at the Olympics,” he said after presenting the KGS Captain’s Alumni challenge trophy to the organisers at his office at Bangunan Baitul Makmur, Petra Jaya yesterday.

“Being an Olympian, the national body will have an incentive for her and as far as we are concerned, Pandelela, being an Olympian from Sarawak, we also have our arrangements. Some we have announced and some we have given,” he said.

“Pandelela is our sports icon and she has displayed her ability and commitment to win glory for the country. All her efforts must be recognised and we should share the pride in her achievement,” Mawan added.

Read more: ... rail/#ixzz236C44rtH

Pandalela dpt insentif brapa agaknye?  



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Post time 10-8-2012 08:49 AM | Show all posts
Tahniah Pandelela. Anda mencipta sejarah tersendiri.

Beliau berjaya mengawal tekanan dengan baik selepas melakukuan kesilapan pada 1st dive.
Mental strength

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