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Perkara yang buat korang "annoyed" masa naik kapal terbang

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Post time 19-11-2013 08:18 AM | Show all posts
Peterpan17 posted on 18-11-2013 11:01 PM
Aku pula kes lain. Waktu balik dr Osaka ke KUL last week, kami laki bini duduk yg kerusi double se ...

yg foreigner tu apaknye ke amma nyer?


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Post time 19-11-2013 09:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
watachiwa posted on 19-11-2013 08:18 AM
yg foreigner tu apaknye ke amma nyer?

Foreigner tu bapa budak

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Post time 19-11-2013 11:49 AM | Show all posts
exclusive_vvip posted on 18-11-2013 09:22 PM
mesti tension kan org camni...ntah2 awek tu mesej diri sendiri kot...yg note send mesej ke blackbe ...

haha.tu dh gile perhatian ke apa.

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Post time 19-11-2013 03:23 PM | Show all posts
pengalaman aku lak 8 hours flight dari take off sampai ke landing ada sorg budak tu melalak non stop...ya allah...stress gila...mak pak bdk2 ni buat x tau aja ke?? pastu dgn bau kasut dari seat belakang aku....mmg pening sepanjang flight....

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Post time 19-11-2013 03:43 PM | Show all posts
berusjamban posted on 19-11-2013 03:23 PM
pengalaman aku lak 8 hours flight dari take off sampai ke landing ada sorg budak tu melalak non stop ...

tang bau tu mmg x menahan.
dulu pernah flight gi JB. ade mat pakistani ni duk belakang aku. BO dia rase nak muntah . berkepam rase flight tu bile dia bangun nak g jamban.
dah lah tu masa org wat announcement suh duduk sbb nak landing dia boleh berdiri nak gi mana ntah(aku agak dia sakit perut memulas kot).
sampai stewardess mula2 ckp elok2. lama2 stewardess jerit je dr belakang sbb plane dah elok senget nak amik lap(kinda) nak turun.

gile bengong mat pakistani tu. turun flight aku rase lega sbb dr udara yg nyaman


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Post time 19-11-2013 04:00 PM | Show all posts
watachiwa posted on 19-11-2013 03:43 PM
tang bau tu mmg x menahan.
dulu pernah flight gi JB. ade mat pakistani ni duk belakang aku. BO di ...

ya ampun...sib baik gi JB jer...kalau gi US ke gi europe ke mau ko pitam ...dah landing baru sedar...hehehe


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Post time 19-11-2013 04:05 PM | Show all posts
berusjamban posted on 19-11-2013 04:00 PM
ya ampun...sib baik gi JB jer...kalau gi US ke gi europe ke mau ko pitam ...dah landing baru sedar ...

dah biru muke aku tahan napas rase. tu dia duk belakang aku..
aku x tau la ape nasib org sebelah2 dia tu.. hazabbb ko

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Post time 22-11-2013 12:45 PM | Show all posts
aku selalu ulang alik HKG-KUL
yang paling x tahan adalah perangai perangai mainland chinese kt dlm flight
dah le suka cakap jenis kuat kuat, satu kapal boleh dengar
setiap kali lepas landing terus x sabar nak bangun angkat beg la pegi tandas la, nak pegi bercakap dgn kwn la..
padahal kapal baru landing, jauh lg nak ke terminal dan belum stop lagi pun
penat si cabin crew dok bagi announcement suruh duduk dulu
ada yang tak peduli pun even kena marah
bukan semua, tapi kebanyakannya yg mcm tu

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Post time 22-11-2013 02:19 PM | Show all posts
MudaBahaya posted on 22-11-2013 12:45 PM
aku selalu ulang alik HKG-KUL
yang paling x tahan adalah perangai perangai mainland chinese kt dlm  ...

diorg x phm english la tu..

x pon mmg bangsa diorg jenis x menyabar.


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Post time 3-12-2013 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Vokuro posted on 13-11-2013 10:25 PM
Masa akak balik tanah air hari itu, akak dok tepi ahkak ahkak termasek, aiyoh seorang akak ini tengo ...

lawak tul. ada gak org cmni ye. Maybe dia tngah stress, so terus nk hayati movie tu.

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Post time 3-12-2013 05:07 PM | Show all posts
bianglala posted on 14-11-2013 01:18 PM
annoyed kalau orang depan rebahkan seat bukan main la condongnya. tak ingat langsung kat orang belak ...

mmg tak suka org dpan condongkan kerusi, pastu org blkg kita lak, asyik tolak2 kursi kita duduk tu. sesak je rasa.

Klu terjadi kt seat aisle. bila, kita nak kuar mmg payah. especially tuk long haul, masing2 tido, pastu nk kuar ke, berdiri pun payah.

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Post time 3-12-2013 08:49 PM | Show all posts
Tak sabar nak turun ... Tah nak kemana tau la

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Post time 4-12-2013 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Masa flight gi HCM.  Anak akak duduk kat seat belakang dengan dua mamat vietnam.  Dahlah mamat tu selsema, bersin siap bunyi kahak lagi.  And then kesat hingus kat tangan. Kesian anak akak.   Nasib baik dia duduk kat tepi tingkap.   Akak nampak muka dia melekap kat tingkap kononnya nak cari fresh air.  Nak tergelak pun ada gak.

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Post time 9-12-2013 12:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hehehe aku biasa naik kapal dgn penuh pak mak arab dan kpl sri lankan yg penuh dgn rakyatnya. Adoi.mula mula dulu mmg stress thp gaban. Tujuh jam prjalanan. Klu pk mk arab mmg ikut sukati dia je. Nk take off..touch down dia selamba je bgn nk g toilet lah.ambil beg kt compartmnt lah. Pi basuh botol susu anak la. Klu yg sri lankan pulak haa siap ada yg tido ats lantai ko. Ko mampu???

Hahahahaaa. Mula mula mmg rasa bengang je. Tp dah selalu ni tak de rasa apa dah. Bagaikn entertainmnt atas kapal pulok rasanya.

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Post time 9-12-2013 03:43 PM | Show all posts
aku pon angin dgn mainland chinese, dah la kalau borak dari awal smpi landing x abes-abes. lagi-lagi yg nyonya-nyonya tu.. yg lagi eran diaorg ni suka pakai windbreaker/ baju ujan jarang ek? ape jadah..

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Post time 9-12-2013 07:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sy ada pengalaman baru2 ni. Naik jetstar je pun dari chc ke melb. Flight 3 jam. Org yg dok row depan aku tu family mat salleh. Dia bengang konon2 ank aku suka cuit seat dia. Dah la condong kerusi xingt org blkg. Ank aku tu baby je pun. Dah puas control tp dah dia nk cuit seat blkg org tu jugak, tp baby je pun. Kuat mana la cuitan dia. So kejap2 dia toleh blkg. Pastu dia sound aku suh jg ank aku jgn kacau kerusi dia. Cam haremmm... wahal ank aku wat gitu sblm take off je. Kat ats flight dia tido elok. Xmeragam pun. Mamat salleh ni je poyo. Skali tgk cam jakun naik kpl terbang. Flight yg 3 jam tu siap dia ambik entertainment la, minum makan bagai. Kejap2 stewardess dtg htr itu ini... hb kata lg skali mangkuk ni toleh blkg, mmg kena sound la mat salleh tu. Stupid betoiii

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Post time 11-12-2013 02:46 AM | Show all posts
Annoyed bila nak order makanan pastu makanan habis. Selalu jadi bila naik Air Asia.

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Post time 15-12-2013 11:17 PM | Show all posts
juz nk share:

Can't control your children in-flight? Brace for death glares
Inattentive parents have emerged as the scourge of flyers in the latest survey on in-flight etiquette.
In an Expedia poll of 1,000 American adults, negligent parents who let their children run in the aisles and throw wild tantrums outranked seatback kickers, bad body odor, drunks and ‘Chatty Cathy’ types as the most annoying type of passenger.
It’s a pet peeve noted by a growing number of airlines which offer ‘quiet zones’ i.e., child-free cabins.
This summer, Singapore Air’s budget brand Scoot for instance, launched their ‘ScootinSilence’ cabin that bans kids under the age of 12.
AirAsia X also has a quiet zone reserved for flyers over the age of 12.
Nearly half or 49 percent of American flyers in the Expedia survey also said they would be willing to pay extra for such services. That figure spikes to 59 percent among respondents aged 34 and under.
"lanes are flying full, and the holiday season is traditionally hectic, so in-flight etiquette is at a premium," said John Morrey, vice president and general manager.
Are you the type of passenger who likes to strike up conversation with your seatmates? Do you go beyond the niceties and use the opportunity of fixed seating plans to expound on your philosophies of climate change, alien life forms or Miley Cyrus?
You are dreaded by nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of flyers.
Despite this, 34 percent of Americans reported that they often use flights as “an opportunity to and meet new people.”
The Expedia survey follows on the heels of a similar study by released last month which found that the kicking of seatbacks was the most annoying in-flight behavior.
Next time you board a flight, keep in mind that the following emerged as the most annoying or offensive in-flight behaviors, according to respondents in the Expedia poll:
1. Inattentive parents
2. Seatback kickers
3. “The aromatic passenger”
4. “The boozer”
5. Chatty Cathys
6. Audio insensitive flyers
7. “Seatback guy” (defined as the passenger who reclines their seat fully)
8. Carry-on baggage offenders
9. Backseat grabber
10. Queue jumper
11. Armrest hog
12. “Mad bladder” referring to window seat passengers who make frequent bathroom visits
13. Pungent food eaters
14. “Mad dashers” who jump up the moment the plane reaches the gate
take note



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Post time 15-12-2013 11:47 PM | Show all posts
baru2 ni aku dlm flight KL-HCM. entah camne aku nyer seat boleh x duduk skali dgn sanak sedare n rakan taulan yg len. depa seat depan n ntah mana2 blkg.
aku duk kat rear seat. aku pelik apsal la yg duk kat window n seat tgh ni lmbt sgt naik sbb aku masuk pon agak lambat.

dtg satu famili ade atuk nenek busu amma appa n BABY - dlm 2 thn ke atas la aku assume since budak tu boleh bercakap dah.

atuk n nenek n busu duk seat belakang aku. so since appa (mebi late 20 kot). duk sebuk2 gendong anak la. amma (buat2 muke kiut) pon nak amik seat ujung kat tingkap. Baby buh kat seat tgh.
Busu lak suh appa aka abang dia kot. letak beg atas compartment tu.. aku tunggu lama tau. sbb seat aku kat rear. asik aku kene masuk kat seat org len sbb nak bg lalauan. appa control ensem sgt nak buh beg tu.

pastu amma boleh buat tgk2 tingkap. then lps siap ltk beg appa ckp kat amma

"sayang anak tu jgn letak kat tgh, abang nak duk kat mana? ni seat akak ni" sambil mulut muncung kat aku

amma muke x puas ati.
"eh, kite bukan byr ke tiket anak kite?"
aku rase nak tampor je. byr RM50 ringgit dpt seat ke?-aku ngutuk dlm hati. hahaha sebenornya aku pon x tau. tp disebabkan aku berdiri lama dah ni. maka mood aku pon dah sedikit swing.. ala2 PMS gitew.

amma buat muke terkejut n tetibe berdiri mcm org kene karen.

"abang duk tepi tingkap, sayang duk tgh. " mata x lepas jeling aku oke.

ingt aku hadap sgt kat laki ko agaknya.
aku order mkn melantak ns ayam. diorg jeling2 aku lg. nampak gaya mcm nak beli dah kuarkan purse tp amma x jadi simpan blk. tgh2 FA kutip sampah dia boleh hulur pampers anak dia penuh kencing kat depan muke aku untuk buang dlm plastik sampah FA tu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mmg bangsa bangang bertingket2 ko..
aku tgk org len heret je anak g toilet tukar pampers. n sgt KURANG ADAB lalukan pampers najis (kencing pon najis kan) di depan muke aku yg sahih2 bukan sedara mara dia. time tu aku rase nak hempuk je. n aku rasa nak mrh kan aku telah membalasnya dengan................

bangun lewat/lambt tinggalkan seat tuk amik beg/berebut nak kua. sbb aku rasa bodoh sgt ko duk berdiri sedangkan kapal terobang x stop lg. hat amma ni dah galas beg gedik dia duk gelisah sbb aku relaks je. tapi aku buat bodo n sengaja ko aku lambat2 kan. sbb along aku n adik aku masa tu pon x bgn lg. diorg pon x suke berebut2 nak kuar. masa aku amik beg tu muke amma kelat sgt n appa senyum je.

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Post time 16-12-2013 11:56 AM | Show all posts
when u pay peanuts, u get monkey seat...

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