SR, Wall Street Journal berterusan memfitnah Najib- PANAS! bukti dah keluar
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Dua orang atasan 1MDB letak jawatan
Dua pengarah 1MDB meletak jawatan sebagai langkah protes selepas mengetahui dana berni;lai AS$700 juta (RM2.6 bilion) untuk projek kerjasama dengan PetroSaudi dipindahkan ke syarikat lain pada 2009.
Maklumat itu, lapor The Star, diperoleh daripada penyiasat yang meneliti dakwaan salah laku terhadap dana 1MDB.
Laporan itu juga menyebut Tan Sri Mohd Bakke Salleh dan Tan Sri Azlan Mohd Zainol membuat keputusan meletak jawatan kerana marah apabila tuntutan mereka supaya wang berkenaan diserah semula, diabaikan.
"Ahli lembaga pengarah tidak berpuas hati apabila perjanjian ditandatangani tanpa banyak pertimbangan dan AS$700 bilion (RM2.6 bilion) yang diperuntukkan bagi projek kerjasama dipindahkan ke syarikat lain tanpa kebenaran mereka," lapor akhbar itu.
Tidak dapat dipastikan pihak mana yang mengetepikan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah 1MDB untuk melakukan pindahan berkenaan serta enggan mengikut arahan supaya wang terbabit dipulangkan.

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Post time 11-7-2015 06:08 PM
From the mobile phone
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dauswq replied at 11-7-2015 05:40 PM
Dua orang atasan 1MDB letak jawatan
Dua pengarah 1MDB meletak jawatan sebagai langkah protes sele ...
hari2 ada drama...
apa selama ni depa mmg tak tahu la ye |
atira replied at 11-7-2015 06:08 PM
hari2 ada drama...
apa selama ni depa mmg tak tahu la ye
Buat ape lg tggl dlm company bermasalah...baik bla cepat  |
senang cite ...1 mdb ni mmg ade masalah....mmg ade yg songlap nye...tak payah nk konar sana sini..bayar gaji la cina dap la..toksah jadi bangang sgt la....nyampah aku tgok macai2 ni |
ada jah perkembangan mengejutkan
alal hukum dunia boleh lari.hukum Allah.akak ada kenal menteri ,bekas polis,bekas segala bekas.masa tua sakit,miskin,anak bini tipu.duit hasil benda haram.habis macam tu jugak.kalau percaya janji Allah. Doa rakyat yg dizalimi oleh pemimpin yg zalim.cepat lambat pasti bertemu juga.satu tahun,dua tahun,tiga tahun.sekarang Allah tak tunggu mati.hidup hidup ditunjukkan. |
pemimpin yg gila duit,gila kuasa.takut miskin.takut susah.sanggup menutup benda yg salah jadi benar.ingat ye duit yg korang bawak pergi haji,bagi anak bini makan.tak berkat.ada jumpa pegawai kerajaan yg kaya raya.bila pencen jatuh miskin,anak bini tinggalkan.rumah tergadai.hutang keliling pinggang.sakit tak berduit.pencen habis bayar duit hospital.tutup hutang.tengok je lah.mati dalam senyap,keseorangan.. |
ada ramai pegawai kerajaan yg jujur.hidup yg lurus.duit pencen sikit.tapi masa tua hidup aman damai.mati pun tak menyusahkan orang.pegawai kerajaan yg buat kerja menutup kesalahan pemimpin.ingat mati.ingat tua.masa sakit.masa tu tak guna dah duit yg banyak bila cancer,kencing manis,hidup tak aman asyik fikir pasal duit.duit tak pernah cukup.asyik habis je.duit tak berkat asyik tutup kebenaran. |
Selalu nya yg memfitnah , menuduh , mencerca , menghina , mengutuk tak kira di bulan puasa ITU lah yang lebeh busuk dr longkang. Budak bangang punboeh fahamkan. Kalau ada sedikit ilmu agama tak kan sanggup mencemarkan bulan ramadan yg mulia . Sungguh rugi dunia dan akhirat . Renung renungkan lah jika anda seorang bergelar isle |
Tak tumbuh tak melata tak sungguh orang tak kata |
Bodoh punya penaja 1malaysia. Percaya sgt ke cina. Mcm takde muslim yang pandai berniaga.
amukgemuk replied at 11-7-2015 11:42 PM
dah tersepit camni mula laa peralat agama utk lepaskan diri..modus operandi sejak dulu lg |
Yahudi APCO pun dah tak larat cover, nak cabut lari...

All great parties have to come to an end....
Shredders Working Over-time in PMO's Communications Offices
he fun-loving communications chief in the Prime Minister’s Department, UK national Paul Stadlen, has been spending the past fortnight shredding documents at his offices at the Bangsar Menara building, say insiders.
The job was all done and his 8th floor office neatly shut and closed just days before the raid was carried out down the corridor on the SRC International office, which is run by Jho Low’s close contact Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil, last Friday.
Others on the corridor suspect that Stadlen received a tip off on the raid – one that he did not share with others:
“…man with shredder seen coming in and out in days before raid. Stadlen office shut up just before raid…. am thinking Stadlen getting tip off before SRC / NCT office raids. His office not getting raided that day because nobody there. So Stadlen saves his own skin and doesn’t share his tip off with others”, one said bitterly to Sarawak Report.
The information is useful, because it indicates that not only was SRC raided, but that the National Communications Team, which also forms part of the Prime Minister’s Office, were also subjected to the scrutiny of law enforcers on that day.
Indeed, the 8th Floor of the Menara Building appears to have become something of a parallel outfit, operating off site and outside of the Prime Minister’s official bureaucracy.
This has amongst other things enabled the former APCO chief, Stadlen, to disguise his role as the man in actual charge of communications.
SRC and the PMO’s Parallel Communications Team
Author of the Foreign Minister's letter to the New York Times...
It is therefore significant that the highly controversial company SRC, which was originally part of 1MDB and received a RM4 billion loan from the civil service pension fund, was also located just a few doors down the same corridor.
The money taken by SRC back in 2011 has never been properly accounted for and the company was brought directly under the Ministry of Finance (also controlled by Najib) as demands for transparency grew at 1MDB.
Now that it has been ascertained that millions of ringgit were recently transferred from SRC by Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil into the Prime Minister’s own personal accounts (the background to last week’s raid) there is inevitable speculation that this company could have been used to fund the PM’s ‘special ops’ and communications teams based on 8th floor of the Menara building – including the ludicrously well paid Stadlen himself, whose salary was moved off the official books following criticism some years back.
Ready to ‘jump ship’?
Stadlen’s disgruntled colleagues are now wondering if he is planning to jump ship completely, since he is no longer operating out of his Menara office.
“He is still in KL for now but gone dark. Not working from Bangsar office, but spotted in PMO and PM’s KL residence”, confirmed one.
Indeed, Stadlen, who currently sports a brand new Audi A7, is still confirmed as working for the Prime Minister and has been seen in his offices and residence over the current crisis.
However, he is attempting to lower his profile. He has changed his business card from the old one, which confirmed his role, to a lower key number:
Old card

Old card (@nct = National Communications Team)
New card....more discreet!

New card… still @nct
Stadlen, whom ministers have denied is being funded by the government to master-mind its PR, is therefore working harder on covering his role, but clearly still keen to hang on if he can.
Sarawak Report is reliably informed, for example, that it was Stadlen who penned the Foreign Minister, Anifah Aman’s recent “open letter” to the New York Times, which lashed out at the former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir for criticising 1MDB and corruption issues associated with the present regime.
“Tun Dr Mahathir told the New York Times that Umno “lacks vision and talented people”, that it “has become a repository of patronage-seeking politicians”, and that members “try to keep out people who are more intelligent than themselves”. But it is Tun Dr Mahathir himself, having led the party for 22 years, had during his time, worked to cultivate “yes men” and entrench his position – even introducing a quota system in the nomination for the Umno presidency in order to prevent challengers – rather than bringing in talent and strengthening the party. On the other hand, it is Prime Minister Najib who democratised the party constitution to make it far easier to challenge him for his job” thundered Stadlen, pretending to be Anifah Aman.
You can see why the Prime Minister is keen to keep him in post.
More booze and birds - Stadlen will miss KL, but surely his time is up?
However, there is a dictum, which is that when the PR man becomes the story…. well then it is time for him to go.
Stadlen has enjoyed a pay packet to die for, thanks to his services on behalf of the present Prime Minister – acting as a willing attack dog against those seen as his political enemies.
He has also plainly enjoyed all the pleasures that KL has to offer.
However, now the investigation has clearly begun into the financing of the more shadowy aspects of the Prime Minister’s operations, bets are on over how long it will be before Paul Stadlen steps onto a flight back to London! |
No wonder laa belanja pengurusan PMO berbeliyun beliyun..... pakai tenaga kerja omputih rupanya.
Aku tgk crite korean mmg byk persamaan dengan politik malaysia..seabis baik tutup kesalahan kejahatan..dengan tabur duit etc.. padahal yg muka baik tu la yg macam hantu... |
mcm bodoh ahjib. kita da halau penasihat british balik ms merdeka pastu pak jib pg panggil blk as penasihat.
mmg bertambah2 meluat aku dgn kebobrokan najis ni. |
kecimpret replied at 12-7-2015 04:21 AM
dah tersepit camni mula laa peralat agama utk lepaskan diri..modus operandi sejak dulu lg
Bila nak coverina putar alam, mula la petik2 agama.....
Bila menyamun secara berjemaah, tak ingat pulak agama.....
Generasi skang dah buhsan dgn taktik2 bodoh coverina guna2 agama nih.....yg penting bagi dorang, camner nak survive dalam keadaan ekonomi yg teruk disebabkan oleh pemimpin2 yg rasuah dan kaki penyamun.... |
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