pcyduck posted on 12-11-2012 04:37 PM 
grup len aku bole time!!!ni grup yg seksi x hengat2 tuh!!!aigoooo!!!!!!SNSD ke...T-ARA ke!!!!femin ...
group ilbak yil cari ni lagi ok kot :p
chekshu posted on 12-11-2012 04:40 PM 
nak plak part tayang perut
kaka, intrview baru ni ade reporter tny adik kecik ni pasal season 2. terdiam kjap adik kecik ni. iols speku dia xde mase pun nak tengok. mesti sebok ngn concert dia tu. hahaha
makdik2301 posted on 12-11-2012 04:45 PM 
haha...bertabahlah duck...ko kena terima hakikat 2..
eh ko pon kena ikut taste yobo ko r..ko kena ...
saket mate aku menengoknye!!!!!!!1seksi yg amat!!tp x bole lwn Suja!!!
Kang Ho Dong is back .. sori tepek sikit2 pic dr show lain masuk sini ..

papa bear and baby bear .. miss them together .. hope Mong is back too !
papa bear and baby bear in 1 scene ..
utk kak @chekshu tengok menantu akak nie nangis oo bercerita pasal ex dia.. 
Joo Won cries as he talks about his past love stories
Joo Won spilled tears as he talked about his love life for the first time.
On the November 13th episode of ‘Win Win‘, he confessed, “I’ve only been in 2 relationships so far“, and talked about his high school girlfriend and his college girlfriend.
When talking about his first girlfriend he said, “I’m the type that’s very expressive, so I told her that I loved her a lot. My girlfriend must have gotten fed up with that, so she broke up with me over a text message.” He confessed that he always woke his girlfriend up in the morning and only slept after she did at night. Even when she broke up with him, he replied back to her, “Okay, I’ll cheer you on from now on.”
He then showed tears as he talked about his love life, saying, “I don’t think I’m bad at dating. It’s just that the way I love is not calculating and it’s innocent. I watched ‘Romeo and Juliet‘ over 10 times when I was young, and I always cried. I thought to myself, ‘Okay, I don’t know about anything else, but I won’t be calculating when it comes to love’.”
To explain why he teared up, he said, “When I was young, I wanted to protect my love. I told myself that I’d never be calculating and even as I get older, I’d love innocently. But when I got older, I realized I was being calculating. I hurt myself because I was loving with the mindset of ‘That woman is like that and that doesn’t match with me’.”
MC Tak Jae Hoon asked him if he had ever had a love he couldn’t protect, and he revealed, “I loved her a lot, but I was focused too much on work. I didn’t even know her birthday. My heart was big, but I was too focused on work.“ 
source allkpop
im_comey posted on 13-11-2012 07:26 AM 
salam semua .. lama dh tak masuk sini .. tp tetiba bila ada jer berita Kang Ho Dong dah aktif balik, ...
nana pun dh lama tak join diorg meroyan.SR je manjang.hihi
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