aku baru pas abis tengok BOF..akhirnye abis gak tengok 25 episod..hazabb dow.gahaha. ni SO yg ketiga aku abis lepas memule dulu layan My Girl,pastu Proposal Daisakusen....skang tengok BOF.muehehe
MetalFire Post at 13-3-2010 08:36 PM
dlm 3 SO ko tengok tuh. aku x tengok lagik My Girl.
heh.. amboii.. ingat aku takde marka sesedap gule nak cakap takde org serang
cube aku jerit mintak tolong.. agak2 org mesia nih baik tak tolong aku..
apa kata JC??
Kia_picanto Post at 13-3-2010 08:39 PM
aku sanggup tolong angkat ko kia even aku x larat.. ko terharu x?
i'm downloading it cuz JC & Kia said it's full of bishies {:2_76:}
J Post at 13-3-2010 08:52 PM
the story is about a girl yg kena nyamar as a boy in k-band idol group..
dalam group tuh ada 3 heroes.. they are so handsome and cute as well..
she's actually a nun.. but to protect her twin brother carrier.. dia kena menyamar la..
than. di situlah terjadi kisah2 kelakar di mana nak menyembunyikan identiti dia sampai lah abg dia balik..
ha.. nak tau citer selanjutnya? layanlah drama tuh.. x leh kasi spoiler lelebih..
satu2nyer citer yg aku layan dulu ialah full house..yg rain belakon tuhh...best gilerrrrr!!...cuteeeee sgt rain masa tuhh...
ibuKA Post at 13-3-2010 10:23 PM
aku layan autumn inmy heart dlu.. pastu successfull story of a bright girl.. pastu byk la.. pastu lelama aku hiatus..
x suker.. sbb drama dorg tipikal sgt..
than iljimae kembalikan aku..
sekalik ngan BOF.. sbb nak compare MG ngan hanadan..
than layan YAB plak.. so, it's good la..
aku sronok kutuk je J... he looks so fake wannabe..somehow tak kena lah muke die( dah la poyo2 pegi tukar nama jadi korea) hahah
MetalFire Post at 13-3-2010 10:41 PM
x ckup kat umah sana.. kat umah sini pun ko kutuk MF?
sekai nak bukak umah mamat korean wanabe tuh sbb mlm tadik kitorg sumer kutuk mengutuk kat umah borak AC..
sekalik dia bukak kat umah gossip tuk sesi mengutuk beramai2 dari sumer warga gossip dan lelain..
the story is about a girl yg kena nyamar as a boy in k-band idol group..
dalam group tuh ada 3 heroes.. they are so handsome and cute as well..
she's actually a nun.. but to protect her twin broth ...
JUSTcircle Post at 13-3-2010 22:50
yeah, it's sad to be labeled as wannabe...
who knows, ths guy might sell, no?
u guyz don't think so?
honestly, i don't know much about malay music industry.. but i get it that he's new & wants ...
J Post at 13-3-2010 10:46 PM
untuk muzik yg dia nak bawak.. it's good.. mmg bagus.. but to use the hangul for sing his song?
pronunciation hangul dior sungguh teruk okkay..
malu tau bg org korea dengar.. x sangup noks..
kiter nyanyi lagu english kalo x baper nak betul diciton.. kompom kena kritik.. tuh baru talent shw.. yg dia tuh?
siap buat album.. dgn tulisan hangul yg salah nyer.. euw.. so malu.. ni lah melayu.. buat sesuatu tanpa study dlu..
mana x nyer.. ramai org kutuk melayu..