Post Last Edit by sweetmm at 16-5-2010 11:05
Reply 1876# bedah_kg_pisang
Haah betul2 adik dia |
adoiii kat sini ramai casey james fans lak
I don't really care the one top 2
cos all i hope f ...
MissQuincy Post at 15-5-2010 19:02
bagi le kami peluang.
mungkin this week is the final week for abe casey |
lee dewyze melts people more...hehe
i_know_you_wont Post at 16-5-2010 10:08
agree ... also including me ... eheheh jom speku who will go to the next round ... grand finale
1. lee vs crystal
2. crystal vs casey
3. casey vs lee
ai rasa klu ikut bakat lee vs crystal ... klu ikut voters casey vs lee ... ai nk speku casey vs lee ... mgkn jgk this year is the girl's year ... |
aku rasa Casey vs Lee la ....! |
Tak kisahler apa americans nak; akak tetap nak
Double C Finale |
aku rasa Casey vs Lee la ....!
santubung Post at 16-5-2010 12:31
aku pon rasa cenggitu ... |
byknya cougars kat all Casey's homecoming functions |
tak pe.............cougars = votes = kipas susah mati |
agree ... also including me ... eheheh jom speku who will go to the next round ... ...
belon_cumil Post at 16-5-2010 11:34
kalau ikut voters...
masih lee vs crystal
casey james vote total not stable...
crystal had the most weeks with highest number of votes
followed by lee...
Lee DeWyze will win...
Crystal really talented, but I wonder people would buy her kind of album in the future, i am not sure. Her style of music kinda made me boring....People are voting her just because she had consistents performance and received good comments by judges, didn't mean ppl will be buying her album |
thanks sebab post gambar lee |
kalau ikut voters...
masih lee vs crystal
casey james vote total not stable...
crystal had th ...
i_know_you_wont Post at 16-5-2010 17:08
There is a rally around for don't vote for Lee macam anti Gokey last year; but not so obvious. Dulu because people tak suka Gokey, this time around pasal org menyampah Idol management nak push Lee vs Crystal so they just want to break it up.
Seram for Crystal; takut org lupa undi her. The best contestant of the season.
Apa2 pun Casey needs to be in the final to make it attractive |
Muahaha...giler ONTD_ai nih...
| |