Originally posted by batunilam4a at 11-5-2009 01:24
goosebump itu ade lah menaikkan bulu roma..mcm akiem - i am yours...ngan apiz - i believe i can fly.....
kalo ikut review ko wpon ko bias skrg sbb ko nyampah..tapi aku percaya..so mila biler n ...
.. peminat setia... ermmm.. dulu aku ingt.. si Mila ni lah yg aku akan minat selama2nya.. sebab aku tak pernah lak masuk mana2 fan club... but.. i think.. aku tak leh nak minat dia sesetia yg aku buleh bila perassaan dan hati aku sakit aje... ermm.. aku rasa farhan n akma lebih menghargai peminattnye... aku baru jumpa dia org 2 kali.. tapi.. bila jumpa tu.. aku rasa dihargai pulak oleh mereka.. salam pun.. cium tgn.. tanda hormat kat org lebih tua dari dia... pastu aku dgr... bila mereka ada buat kenduri ke apa ke... mereka jemput gak fan2 club dia... at least... kat org2 kuat fan club nye.. yelah takkan ler nak jumpa fan club dia kan... ramai lak .. yg sekitar rumah KL ni aje la kan.. so.. itu yg aku rasa.. fan club artis mahukan.. at least rasa dihargai...
.. maaf.. ler terout topic lak... aku dalam kesediahan..
aku pon jadi fan die sbb aku percaya dgn ability yg die ade..I mean it is very rare utk peserta AF yg kalo dari awal minggu mmg x best...sampai last pon impact die biase saje....but when it comes to mila aku rase terkejut...mila pada awalnya xde lah X factor mcm Stacy, mawi, mahupon hafiz or aril...tapi usaha die tu yg sebenarnye X factor....kalo die bagi lagi dan lagi....aku akan salute gak die...die sebenarnye blh pergi jauh sgt....sbb dari zero...die leh jadi juara bkn juara yg saje2 je...tapi ade bakat, rupa dan suara yg sedap...biler menang kat bulgaria..(in fact aizat pon dpt no. 3 kat sane... ).....aku yakin dgn kebolehan die....tu menunjukkan kalo die nak sgt die mmg boleh je buat...sbb jiwa budak ni quite rebel gak...tapi alahai sejak akhir2 ni..nyanyi pon teruk...kalo aku download lagu terlanjur cinta...terpaksa tahan je telinga nak dgr part sumbang mambang die...wpon xde lah teruk sgt but still memalukan gelaran juara...seteruk2 paejah tu ...nyanyi live x penah sumbang langsung....would u agree...
ni membuktikan die dah x serius ngan bidang nyanyian....kalo die serius mesti die sumbang2 ni dei dah on finger tips..menyanyi tanpe sumbang adelah asas kpd nyanyian...bygkan bende asas pon x leh catch up...mcm org hafal sifir 1 sampai 12....bende tu lah basic mathematic....so kesian ngan die..bkn aku nak menghina or tutup pintu rezeki die..tapi tgk lah cara die nyanyi....lagi teruk pada konsert ke - 3 melukut di tepi gantang tuh..which means below par... ......
tu yg aku geram....aku tau die blh kalo die serius..masakan masalah sumbang mase kat AF dan beberapa bln lepas klua AF die leh atasi ngan mudah je..kenapa skrg xde...? fikirkan lah...conclussion nye die dah jadi pemalas....sorry....
Originally posted by batunilam4a at 14-5-2009 00:00
aku pon jadi fan die sbb aku percaya dgn ability yg die ade..I mean it is very rare utk peserta AF yg kalo dari awal minggu mmg x best...sampai last pon impact die biase saje....but when it comes ...
Thx Batu for yr sharp n honest comments as usual !!! .......and from 'my heart' .....i know many share your sendiments in silence and will not publicly pen their emotions etc. but as for me, I feel its so sad that if all of what you say is true. I hope someone would from time to time relay these msgs to her and hope that she will take them constructively coz what you think is acceptable can sometimes be the direct opposite !!! Tcare Mila ....take heed and change, it's still possible.
... takut lak bila dia nyanyi lagu " i beleive i can fly"... dia ter fly terus... huhuhuh... kalau buleh tabikk springgg..
ha...ha... good one pu3 !!!
Yes ...she had it once b4 during the AFdays and immediately after that but somewhere...somehow she lost that spark. Once upon a time she used to soar with the Eagles but sadly these days she is on the ground surrounded by Turkeys !!!
I know coz during my journey in life, I have been there....done it all - I know whats it's like to be at the top and now struggling to maintain one's position and watching the rest of the world go by and u ask yourself ....what have i done wrong or what do I need to do to improve. Let me share my past ecolades with you ...I have been up there with the eagles, I have travelled in the best corporates jets that others can only dream of doing ....even travelled in the Concorde a few times ...now thats something !!!! All these were achieveable coz i put in the yards and reap the fruits of my labour ....there is no such thing as a free lunch in life ...some day you have to pay it back either by deed or in kind. There ....enough of my free advice from the wise old one again ....hee.....heeee.
Originally posted by batunilam4a at 14-5-2009 00:00
biler menang kat bulgaria..(in fact aizat pon dpt no. 3 kat sane... ).....aku yakin dgn kebolehan die...
ooo dh abih erk... no 3 tu dia mng quality sore ke lagu
aku dl pun mnt mila last minute vote pun last minute ms final leh kira x samp 5 kot
BULGARIA Varna 11 Mei - Bintang Akademi Fantasia musim kelima (AF5), Aizat, 20, mengharumkan nama negara apabila lagu ciptaannya, Lagu Kita berjaya menggondol tempat ketiga kategori Lagu Terbaik pada pertandingan Muzik Pop Antarabangsa Ke-18 yang berlangsung di Opera Theater House Varna, Bulgaria semalam.
Aizat turut menerima Anugerah Khas Juri sebagai penghibur terbaik pada festival tersebut.
aku salute aizat...sbb wpon lagu tu dpt no 3...tp lagu tu ciptaan aizat sendirik. and summore...
dia dpt anugerah khas juri utk penghibur terbaik....
artis mcm ni la ptt nya trus stay dlm industri:-
-punya passion yg amat kuat dlm muzik dan nyanyian
-usaha dgn sendiri utk buat album (tak kisah la anak org kaya ke ape...janji dia buat dgn sungguh tak cincai boncai)
- sanggup berpenat lelah grooming utk memastikan kelangsungan dia dlm industri (yelahh industri yg mementingkan rupa kannn)
Originally posted by braveheart2 at 15-5-2009 05:41
ooh...i am sorry, i must hv deleted it as i get hundreds of such requests !!! can u resend and i will definitely acknowledge this time....thx.
Mr B... also.. I didn;t see any photo you post at your FB lorrr...
Originally posted by braveheart2 at 15-5-2009 05:41
ooh...i am sorry, i must hv deleted it as i get hundreds of such requests !!! can u resend and i will definitely acknowledge this time....thx.