Merlin's Tavern (S1-S4) Part 7 (Borak Edition) Warning:Spoiler Alert
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ruffleen Post at 3-2-2012 11:02
terkejut apa ni ruff? |
terkejut apa ni ruff?
Mulan Post at 3-2-2012 11:04
entah. lawaknya muka diorang masa ni |
Reply 1917# Mulan
Queen Annis: Uols propa jer eh Morgie, Arthur maintain macho lagi gitu.
Morgana: (Scoffs) Len kali line clear la Mokcik. Len kali, muntah darah heols nanti!
Queen Annis: Takder nyer len kali noks...mak tak koser ah
Morgana: Haper uols merepek ni nyah?
Queen Annis: Mak rasa mak salah sontot la pasal Arthur neh.
Morgana: Takyah terpedaya ngan propa heols!
Queen Annis: Bukan Arthur yg propa nyah, uols tu ha. Uols ni meroyan sakan Morgana. Macam berpenyakit mak tgk. Tak pasal pasal dgn mak sekali meroyan ngan uols!
Morgana: Haper kejadah nyer noks? Dah lupa laki uols kojol pasl Arthur? Uols ngaku uols nak santau heols khen?
Queen Annis: Iyer mak nak santau. Tapi mak tak rasa itu langkah da-bomb yg perlu diambil
Morgana: (nyampah) Lembik nyer noks, Annis, mak tak koser tau. Sukati uols la nok. Gi lah cium montot Arthur tu, tapi mak tetap giler koser mak nak jugak rampas Camelot!
Queen Annis: Morgie? Uols ckp uols dtg atas nama Gorlois, tapi hyppo jah uols lagi mcm Uther kekdahnyer. |
kita jadi cikgu, sedia dgn pen merah utk bagi markah
ruffleen Post at 3-2-2012 10:58
wahhhh ader grading system gitu |
ruff kasi kucing A++ tau
aryza Post at 3-2-2012 11:16
thanksssss! |
Reply Mulan
Queen Annis: Uols propa jer eh Morgie, Arthur maintain macho lagi gitu.
Morga ...
kucinghutan Post at 3-2-2012 11:12
akak likeeeeeeeeeee!!! |
Reply Mulan
Morgana: (nyampah) Lembik nyer noks, Annis, mak tak koser tau. Sukati uols la nok. Gi lah cium montot Arthur tu, tapi mak tetap giler koser mak nak jugak rampas Camelot!
Queen Annis: Morgie? Uols ckp uols dtg atas nama Gorlois, tapi hyppo jah uols lagi mcm Uther kekdahnyer. kucinghutan Post at 3-2-2012 11:12
part ni paling best!! wakakakakakakaa!!! kuceng, ko pegi bukak thread kat bod Jokes sana!! gerenti gempaks!! |
part ni paling best!! wakakakakakakaa!!! kuceng, ko pegi bukak thread kat bod Jokes sana!! gerenti ...
ruffleen Post at 3-2-2012 11:36
hehe |
kucinghutan Post at 3-2-2012 11:40
tambah sket.....saja nak test skill
“The one thing I am not afraid of is death” Gaius to Elyan Nyahhhh..iols tak takut mati taw??
“They will have tofind themselves a new King” Arthur to Merlin
Theyols kena cari raja baru!! Iols takkoser nak jadi raja dah nyahh!! Penat makk!!!
“So it is you, you are Emrys” Agravaine to Merlin Noks……uols rupanya Emrys tu!! Motip iols baru tau??
tambah sket.....saja nak test skill
“The one thing I am not afraid of is death” Gaius to ...
ruffleen Post at 3-2-2012 11:53
bravo!!{:4_502:}{:4_500:} |
tapi dialog tu agak serious kan? susah gak nak meng-itamrazali-kan dialogue tu ...
kucinghutan Post at 3-2-2012 11:29
eh, dah sgt OK la tu...
sat akak cari lain assignment..
Geoffrey of Monmouth: Will you, to the utmost of your powers maintain the laws...?
Lady Catrina: (Impatient, as she is turning into a troll) Yes, yes.
Geoffrey of Monmouth: I'm sorry, you must let me finish. The wording must be exactly right to be binding.
Lady Catrina: Well, get on with it then! I mean really, where did you dig up this old crone from?
Uther: She's right, get on with it.
Geoffrey of Monmouth: Will you, to the utmost of your powers...
Lady Catrina: Yes, yes, yes.
Geoffrey of Monmouth:...maintain the laws and customs...
Lady Catrina: I will, I will.
Geoffrey of Monmouth:...of the land and serve the people of Camelot?
Lady Catrina: Yes! Just shut up and give me the crown!
Arthur: You're a troll!
Uther: How dare you speak about her like that?
Arthur: What is wrong with you? Look at the state of her!
Morgana: I don't believe it.
Arthur: She just ripped a door off its hinges, doesn't that tell you something?
Uther: Enough!
Arthur: She's a troll! A giant, grey...
Morgana: Stinking!
Arthur: ...stinking troll!
Uther: Stop it! Haven't you hurt her feelings enough? Insult my wife again, it'll be the last thing you ever do.
Gaius: I don't suppose it's escaped your notice, Sire, but we just... just wanted to make absolutely certain. You do realise your wife is a troll, Sire?
Uther: I beg your pardon?
Gaius: At least that's the way she looks to us, what with the... warts, and the... nose...
Sir Leon: And the smell.
Gaius: ...the smell.
Uther: What...?
Gaius: She also has what appears to be... a set of fangs.
Uther: What?!
Sir Leon: I wouldn't really say they were fangs… more like tusks.
Gaius: Yes, they are more like tusks. Not that we're saying that that's necessarily a bad thing. I just thought I ought to point it out to you, in case it had passed you by.
Uther: The next person to insult Queen Catrina... will be charged with treason and beheaded according to the laws of the land.
(At the table)Uther: Is everything to your satisfaction?
Lady Catrina/Troll: Er, no. (Referring to her chair) This thing's got to go for a start. It's made for midgets! Too hard, too clean! Not my taste at all.
Uther: What can I get you instead?
Lady Catrina/Troll: Ah... I was walking through the grounds this morning and I couldn't help but notice that your stables have just been mucked out. It seems such a waste to throw away all that lovely dung
(The Great Dragon laughs)
Merlin: This isn't funny.
The Great Dragon: Oh, it is! It is! The thought of Uther marrying a troll! Was it a very public affair?
Merlin: Public enough.
(The Great Dragon laughs)
Merlin: Don't laugh. If she can't be stopped, Arthur won't become King. Albion will never be born.
The Great Dragon: I'm sorry. You are right, of course |
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