Pesawat MH17 Terhempas V3 : Ketua pemberontak sudah hubungi Malaysia #1
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panjang sangat nak baca.. aku amik tang ni jer
..Biener says if American Airlines airline dispatchers, who compile flight plans for specific flights, had provided him with the NOTAMs that were in effect at that time, and a route that included flying over eastern Ukraine, he most likely would have taken that route.
“If dispatch had given me a flight plan with the NOTAMs included, I would have taken that trip myself and thought nothing of it,” Biener told Mashable in an interview. “The company approved that flight plan.”
Malaysia Airlines says that in addition to being sanctioned by its dispatchers, the flight plan was approved by Eurocontrol, which is the air traffic control organization in Europe. On its Facebook page, the airline stated: "MH17’s flight plan was approved by Eurocontrol, who are solely responsible for determining civil aircraft flight paths over European airspace.
According to Biener, pilots rarely overrule aircraft dispatchers unless there is a weather issue enroute. He said he never had to reroute "for a foreign armed conflict" in his years of flying both for the military and for the airlines.
**Don Biener, a retired American Airlines captain Last edited by biggirlduncry on 21-7-2014 02:52 PM
nolya posted on 21-7-2014 02:42 PM
Tiadalah apa yg dpt kita tengkarkan lagi untuk menyalahkn MAS. MAS amat malang dan kasihan sunggu ...
Setuju kak. Dah ajal dan maut bukan di tangan kita. Sepatutnya kita berdoa utk umat umat islam yg meninggal dlm penerbangan tu. Bukan dok bercakar2 dari day 1 smp skrg. |
fatehana posted on 21-7-2014 02:44 PM
Retweeted by Khairy Jamaluddin
Dzariman ‏@dzariman 10m
Gila tu 330ptg. Time tengah jam org berpusu pusu nak blk. Cubalah buat pkl 10pg ke. |
biggirlduncry posted on 21-7-2014 02:44 PM
panjang sangat nak baca.. aku amik ...
mat salleh pun tak salahkan MAS tp rakyat Msia berjemaah salahkan MAS. Confuse aku jap. |
NIXAR posted on 21-7-2014 02:33 PM
harap2 peta ni dpt jelaskan yg masih route ke hulu route ke hilir
yg 75x lalu tu.... haramjad sangat nak menipuuu
biggirlduncry posted on 21-7-2014 02:44 PM
panjang sangat nak baca.. aku amik ... "MH17’s flight plan was approved by Eurocontrol, who are solelyresponsible for determining civil aircraft flight paths over Europeanairspace.
patut obama tu sarankan rakyat die saman eurocontrol ni. yg cuai eurocontrol tak alert benda2 mcm ni kan?
hzln posted on 21-7-2014 02:36 PM
tak cukup rasul zetatalk, rasul saripah sopiah nih pun ko hangguk2 gak
tahniahlah banyak nau rasu ...
baca boleh..tapi akal ada..kena pakai la mek....
NIXAR posted on 21-7-2014 02:33 PM
Home > News > Nation
Published: Monday July 21, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM The newspaper also said that minutes before the crash, the Air Indiapilots heard air traffic controllers give the Malaysian plane a “directrouting”.
ape maksudnye ni muntz? mmg ade tangan2 ghaib yg suruh mas lalu tmpt yg ditarget ke? :funk
skymania posted on 21-7-2014 02:41 PM
boleh aku nak kata..
mangsa neh seme carikpasal..sapa suh naik MAS...
aah kan uols? motip mangsa2 ni nak mengkayakan MAS? patutnye kene membankrapkan lg MAS la..
sedih aku backlog terbaca gmbr ade budak tulis note puji food dlm mas sedap plane pun best
annehuda posted on 21-7-2014 02:51 PM
aah kan uols? motip mangsa2 ni nak mengkayakan MAS? patutnye kene membankrapkan lg MAS la..
se ...
mesti baru pas makan.. die gigih tulis diary..touching gler.. tgk gambo tuh..
annehuda posted on 21-7-2014 02:49 PM
ape maksudnye ni muntz? mmg ade tangan2 ghaib yg suruh mas lalu tmpt yg ditarget ke? :funk
mohtip muntz?
biggirlduncry posted on 21-7-2014 02:48 PM
yg 75x lalu tu.... haramjad sangat nak menipuuu
xpe...dh selamat kena hencap dh tu. ai fikir deme salah tulih je la. bersangka baik di bulan mulia
hzln posted on 21-7-2014 02:49 PM
gigih aku korek balik...jumpa dah
http://mforum.cari.com.my/forum.php?mod=viewthread& ...
wa ambik sikap berhati2..kita tgk je la nanti..kalu betul..lu kena telan la..tu pun payah ke? ada mata..baca..ada otak..guna utk pikir..ayooo.....
skymania posted on 21-7-2014 02:53 PM
mesti baru pas makan.. die gigih tulis diary..touching gler.. tgk gambo tuh..
Ni dah menunjukkan yg org DLM flight tu happy with Mas...siap tulis note lg...mat salleh LA tu sbb tulis in English. Ni org melayu srndiri nak salah Mas ikut route tu... Betullah cakap sprang former...bangsa melayu senang kena jajah sbb Ada mentality mcm diaorang lah |
ada sesetengah forummer dalam ni sorry to say.ada penyakit apa ye .asyik cakap benda berulang-ulang pasal route.letih orang nak jawap dari segi law,tak boleh nak digest.masih nak ulang ulang benda yg sama salahkan MAs punya route.cukup je lah jawap dan tanya sekali boleh tak.macam tak move on. |
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