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Aktiviti tuhan dan syaitan di masa lapang
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Ni dah sampai tahap mempermainkan Tuhan...berani betul Acong. Ish ish
he getting old - live is not colorful , he now blame GOD...
Edited by zamkumis at 21-7-2016 11:34 AM
Biarkan aja... dah banyak athiest yang celupar...
Dia sedang membina penjara kepungan untuk sempitkan hidupnya sendiri... dia sedang berperang dengan tuhan.. lantak ko la. haha
Kita follow aja, tengok apa kesudahan dia diakhirnya nanti...
Orang islam berperang dengan orang kafir harbi aja... |
Hi truth apa khabar bila nak masuk islam. Ko dah sunat kan?
Tulah dah tau diri tu serba kekurangan pergilah belajar ilmu, ambil degree, phd. nak salahkan tuhan pula...
cian Acong...
masuk yahudi pun kena sunat gak
imaginary god ko tu wujud kaa?
blame WHICH gods? there are so many gods i don't believe
Hujatul_Jihad replied at 23-7-2016 12:05 AM
imaginary god ko tu wujud kaa?
Awak percayakah bila aku jawab ya? |
Edited by Truth.8 at 23-7-2016 07:18 PM
salam 1 malaysia zakumis...lama x ke mari sini... sibuk amal ibadat ke?? mungkin dah bersara so zakumis kerap ke surau kot?? puasa mcm mana? puasa penuh atau poteng curi makan??
saya dah sunat lama ...kalau x percaya i boleh tunjuk gambar di sini...u nak gambar atau youtube live??
isu nak masuk islam....?? kalau muslims dah damai saya masuk islam ...
Edited by mbhcsf at 23-7-2016 07:09 PM
we are talking about his postings , the content - the manifested ideas or elements shows something you know. it reflects certain form of subconscious anger towards the highest power above has reached its peak soon after the government and the mufti decided to ban this so called 'vape'. From there onwards , you could see his postings are lile the way yo have seen it.
the content of his writings - will have some elements of hatred towards religion especially islam and the rest . You tend to 'feel' the anger simmering beneath towards the highest power above . i.e. like a child displaying his tantrums towards his parents when the parents refused to grant his wishes or something
I seriously think that this guy who suddenly changes his attitudes like this, manifested through the postings he made , out of the blue after certain events - should be seeking profesional help lah. it can be u know a form of underlying depression or difficulty in adapting himself to the new , unexpected circumstances - as you know , these are the potential stressors . some people are good in coping with adversity in life and vice he might no be one of those who would be able to competently cope with this pressured situation.
he wont reached out. If he did i think - everyone would always want to help him , i think. just he needs to shout back. but he did not.
this is purely my observation based on his postings. the message ascribed to it. implicit and explicitly. tu je.
Orang islam berperang dengan orang kafir harbi aja.. kafir harbi??? abis muslim cari makan dgn syarikat kafir harbi mcm mana?? FB dan lain2 social media kafir harbi punya idea...muslims turut tumpang di fb dan lain?
so, itu kafir harbi jahat lah dan muslims ini malaikat ???
negara islam kuat rasuah ...negara kafir harbi x banyak pun
frustration towards Divine is normal among humans but one should think what is a `purpose and etc.
I am going lot of obstacle in life a lot- from humliation and etc...I never blame GOD for once....I believed everything happened for reason.....if one able to cop with it...all be fine
relax, fahamkan harbi tu ape.
bukan org islam memusuhi org bukan islam pun. sejatah membuktikannya tapi org islam bertindakbalas terhadap golongan kelompok yg memusuhi islam dengan cara mengancam islam tu ( nyawa org islam atau elment agama tu ) secara perlakuan, verbal atau written.
org bukan islam ygbaik tak terlibat dalam kategori 'harbi'.
ada juga org bukan slam cari makan dengan org islam . tu je.
ade je org bukan islam yg bergantung kerjasama dengan org islam ...
so u know chill lah.
Edited by Truth.8 at 23-7-2016 07:16 PM
silap adalah muslim sendiri....kalau mereka bukan islam hina islam...adakah cara utk bunuh mereka???
ajaran Kristian dan Buddhism x menyuruh umat bunuh kalau hina agama masing2...
.... cari makan ???ramai syarikat2 kafir harbi berbanding dgn syarikat islam....
Edited by mbhcsf at 23-7-2016 07:19 PM
well as i said , no two individuals are the same. may be you are good in coping with life adevrsity . adverse life events but some donts. with those who donts you know - they failed to reach out somewhat ...some of them will transfer their anger ...towards u know what ...
i think they tend to have the views that whatever i have WORKED for SHOULD be rewarded with something i have already expected. macam tu ....if not then the rebel , the anger unleash...god is not fair ( nauzubillah ) god suppose to take care of me but he did not - macam tu lah ...u know...padal you are the winner in the making tu...depa tak realised
i , myself have gone thru ups and downs yes i also had asked Allah - whyyyyy? but then there is something like smething you felt in your heart / qalb kinda telling you , is okay , go through it ...nanti okay ...then it is okay
well, I never complain anything to GOD....even in my 20's I went thru lot suffering but I never ask GOD why instead ask for HIS blessing...unless I feel some kind danger...then I ask HIS assistant to combat or destroy such person but it all under his jurisdiction.
I am glad having a peaceful life but there is some kind humiliation from time to time from humans...I don't care as I believed it will circle back
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