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..Antara Cina komunis paling berani dalam sejarah - VIDEO
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Edited by pyropura at 18-9-2016 02:34 AM
Injured army captain refused to leave his men behind
THE army captain collapsed after an enemy bullet punctured his lung during a mission to fight a group of communist insurgents. Several of his men were injured as well.
Other soldiers quickly radioed for help in the jungle fringes east of Gopeng. The helicopter flew in, but Capt Patrick Wong Sing Nang re­fused to leave until all his injured subordinates had been evacuated.
“If I die, then I die. But my men must not die,” said the man, now Major (rtd) Wong, 69.
Wong said he had led a troop of about 100 men to flush out the enemy in the 1977 incident.
Just before daybreak on Boxing Day, Wong’s company inadvertently set off an enemy bomb, alerting the communist group that was on a hill.
A fierce firefight ensued in the next half hour, which saw the enemy withdraw but with three of Wong’s men and himself wounded.
He later underwent an operation for a punctured lung and a lacera­ted diaphragm and liver.
His valour and dedication won him a Kepujian Perutusan Kebe­­ra­nian gallantry medal.
Another army man who put his life on the line many times for the country was Major (rtd) Chin Chee Foo, 71, an expert in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD).
Trained in Britain’s Royal Military College of Science and School of Ammunition, Chin was then one of only three trained personnel the country could call on when a bomb had to be defused.
He was so good at his job that he was asked to set up an Ammunition Training Wing in Batu Arang.
Datuk Capt (rtd) Liew Siong Singsaid the contributions of such vete­rans should not be forgotten.
“They are real anak-anak Malay­sia,” said Liew, who is also EcoWorld Foundation chief executive officer. ... ave-his-men-behind/
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Outnumbered but willing to fight on against communists
THEY were outnumbered three to one and the enemy was coming at them with heavy fire.
It was quick thinking that saved the lives of 22-year-old Second Lt Panirchellvum Velai­tham (pic) and his five men during a confrontation with communist insurgents in 1976.
“It was dark and visibility in the jungle was poor. We only heard gunfire and the shuffling of leaves,” said Capt (rtd) Panirchellvum, 62, of the incident in Air Kala, Gerik.
Running out of options, the young officer was forced to use all five M36 hand grenades he had.
“I pulled the pin of my first grenade and counted to five. There was a big explosion. Then, I threw the remaining four. Out of all five grenades, only one did not explode.”
Outnumbered, they waited until 6am before advancing to where the enemies were, some 20m away.
“We saw one dead body and a lot of blood. We decided to get permission to follow the others,” he said.
A mile down the road, a communist insurgent stepped out of his hiding spot and trained his rifle at Panirchellvum.
But Panirchellvum had noticed a nervous glint in the man’s eye.
“I lowered my weapon and he did too. Then I tied him up,” he said.
The man was from Sitiawan, Perak, and spoke English well. His capture gave the army important intelligence to combat the insurgency in Gerik.
For his courage and valour, Panirchellvum was awarded with the Panglima Gagah Berani the following year.
After retiring from his military service in 1985, Panirchellvum joined the plantation sector and worked his way up to become a chief operating officer in one of the companies. He now owns a plantation business in Sabah.
“This is my message to the younger generation: nation-building was done by all races in Malaysia.
“Young ones today must re-read our history on how the previous generation fought to preserve peace and harmony,” he said. ... against-communists/
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Post time 21-9-2016 08:17 AM
From the mobile phone
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kacang helang mana kacang helang mana??
maleysyah replied at 21-9-2016 11:21 AM
kacang helang mana kacang helang mana??
Kenapa kita gak bisa taklukin malay waktu konfrontasi? |
kita?? lo aja kale gue nggak
maleysyah replied at 21-9-2016 11:25 AM
kita?? lo aja kale gue nggak
Ok, kenapa gagal taklukin malay? |
gagal ,,,,tidak ada sjarahnya gagal ,,yang gagal itu kalian tongong dapet unesco aja gagal
babu.belanda replied at 21-9-2016 11:32 AM
Ok, kenapa gagal taklukin malay?
Woi bodo ko! Klo Sokarno tak kene kudeta sama Soharto wkt acara ganyang malon. Malon sudah pasti takluk di kaki indon skg. Baca lg sejarah lon, mak ko suruh ko belajar jd orang pintar, tapi ko main kat septic tank tiap hari. : |
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itu buktinya Sukarnonok amat lemah, kagak pinter,
yang pinter itu kayak Perves Musharraf tuh, udah hampir mati dibunuh malah boleh naik kuasai negara ...
Why Timor Timur terlepas, kalau INDON kuat
zeck19 replied at 21-9-2016 12:32 PM
Why Timor Timur terlepas, kalau INDON kuat
Ini lagi satu bodo teman main @babu.belanda kat septic tank kotoran. Baca lagi sejarah sebelom ko posting komen bodo ko ya! |
konfrontasi gagal, Sukarno jatuh, bangsa babu gagal total gan
papua bakalan lepas juga gan
asu_malaya replied at 21-9-2016 03:35 PM
Yang ada tu Sabah Serawak lepas lon.. cam Singapore tu . Kenape negara pecahan boleh lebih jay ...
Partai Umno menang mayoritas disono, gimana lo bilang bakal lepas? Dasar otak babu goblok |
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