The film premiered at the SVA Theater on July 12, 2016,[5] and was theatrically released on July 27, 2016, by Lionsgate. It received mixed reviews and has grossed over $81 million.[4]
*cite ni release july haritu..tak keluar wyg kot..cer carik dlm on9 cite niii...*
rasanye citer ni tak tayang kt malaysia kot. tp hakak dh tgk movie ni. best jugak. walaupun tak banyak stunt lompat bangunan tinggi ataupun bergaduh pakai martial art sgt, tp mendebarkan la jugak aksi berani mati diorg. comel dan sepadan sgt hero dan heroin dia.
typical bbnu punye movie. bleh la tgk secara ringan2. tp sapekah pencipta nerve ni sbnrnye takde sape pun tau kan?