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Nabi yahudi vs Nabi arab (fakta atau auta)
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God is Love (Agape)
Jesus v Muhammad
Which one represents God:
Muhammad said: Allah hates those who don’t accept Islam. (Qur’an 30:4, 3:32, 22:38)
• Jesus said: God loves everyone. (John 3:16)
• Muhammad said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. (Sahih Muslim 1:33
• Jesus said: He who lives by the sword will die by the sword. (Matthew 26:52)
• Muhammad stoned women for adultery. (Sahih Muslim 4206)
•Jesus said: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. (John 8:7)
• Muhammad permitted stealing from unbelievers (Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)
• Jesus said: Thou shalt not steal (Matthew 19:18)
• Muhammad permitted lying (Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)
• Jesus said: Thou shalt not bear false witness. (Matthew 19:18)
• Muhammad owned and traded slaves (Sahih Muslim 3901)
• Jesus neither owned nor traded slaves
• Muhammad murdered those who insulted him. (Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)
• Jesus preached forgiveness and forgave those who killed Him. (Luke 23:34)
• Muhammad said: If then anyone transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress ye likewise against him. (Qur’an 2:194)
• Jesus said: If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. (Matthew 5:39)
• Muhammad said: Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one’s position in Paradise by a hundred fold. (Muslim 4645)
• Jesus said: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. (Matthew 5:9)
• Muhammad married 13 wives and kept sex slaves. (Bukhari 5:268, Qur’an 33:50)
• Jesus was celibate, was never married.
• Muhammad had sex with a 9 year old child. (Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)
• Jesus did not have sex with children.
• Muhammad ordered the murder of women. (Ibn Ishaq 819, 995) and beat women (sahih muslim 2127, Quran 4:24)
• Jesus never harmed a woman, He loved and cared for them.
• Muhammad said: O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness. (Qur’an 3:110)
• Jesus said: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth. (Matthew 5:5)
• Muhammad ordered 65 military campaigns and raids in his last 10 years. (Ibn Ishaq)
• Jesus ordered no military campaigns, nor offered any approval of war or violence.
• Muhammad killed captives taken in battle. (Ibn Ishaq 451)
• Jesus never took captives; never killed anyone.
• Muhammad encouraged his men to rape enslaved women. (Abu Dawud 2150, Qur’an 4:24)
• Jesus never encouraged rape; never enslaved women.
• Muhammad was never tortured, but tortured others. (Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)
• Jesus suffered torture, but never tortured anyone. (Isaiah 53)
• Muhammad said: “And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah.” (Qur’an 8:39)
• Jesus said: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)
• Muhammad ordered a slave to build the very pulpit from which he preached Islam. (Bukhari 47:743)
• Jesus washed His disciples feet. (John 13:5)
• Muhammad demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship. (Qur’an 4:102)
• Jesus chastised anyone attempting to defend Him with force. (John 18:10-12)
• Muhammad advocated crucifying others. (Qur’an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)
• Jesus was crucified Himself, and forgave those who killed Him. (Luke 23:34)
• According to his followers, Muhammad had others give their lives for him. (Sahih Muslim 4413)
• Jesus gave His life for others and their sins. (John 18:11 & Isaiah 53)
(Compiled by, Vera Plechash)
U copy dari blog terrorist christian mana ini acong.... spark hatred ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
dari FB warung atheists ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
Waaah! Semuanya hanya paraphrase orang. Hanya satu aje yg ko bagi ad verbatim :
• Muhammad said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. (Sahih Muslim 1:33
• Jesus said: He who lives by the sword will die by the sword. (Matthew 26:52)
Kind of lazy of you isn't it kalo ko tak mampu pikir utk diri sendiri. Oh ye , ko mat slow
Ok then , ko lupa atau buat2 lupa atau memang tak tau ada 2 lagi hadith berkenaan tersebut?
“Jabir narrated that: the Messenger of Allah said: “I have been ordered to fight the people until they say: ‘La ilaha illallah’. So when they say that, their blood and their wealth are safe from me, except for a right, and their reckoning is for Allah.” Then he recited: So remind them – ‘YOU ARE ONLY ONE WHO REMINDS. YOU ARE NOT A DICTATOR OVER THEM’ (Quran 88:22). (Jami at-Tirmidhi volume 5, Book 44, Hadith 3341 (Sahih, Darussalam)) “It is narrated on the authority of Jabir that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded that I should fight against people till they declare that there is no god but Allah, and when they profess it that there is no god but Allah, their blood and riches are guaranteed protection on my behalf except where it is justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah, and then he (the Holy Prophet) recited (this verse of the Holy Qur’an):” THOU ART NOT OVER THEM A WARDEN” (lxxxviii (88), 22).” (Sahih Muslim Book 1, Hadith 32 )
Hadith tersebut rujuk kepada Quran88:22. Tafsir Ibn Kathir
(You are not a Musaytir over them.) Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid and others said, "You are not a dictator over them.'' This means that you cannot create faith in their hearts. Ibn Zayd said, "You are not the one who can force them to have faith.'' Imam Ahmad recorded from Jabir that the Messenger of Allah said
(So remind them - you are only one who reminds. You are not a dictator over them -) This is how Muslim recorded this Hadith in his Book of Faith, and At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i also recorded it in their Sunans in the Books of Tafsir. This Hadith can be found in both of the Two Sahihs.
Definisi 'fight' dlm Oxford DictionaryDefinition of fight in English:
1[no object] Take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons:
‘the men were fighting’
‘protesters fought with police’
‘Cameron fought back as hard as he could’
1.1 Engage in a war or battle:
‘those who had fought for King and country’
[with object] ‘the country is still fighting a civil war’
1.2archaic [with object] Command, manage, or manoeuvre (troops, a ship, or military equipment) in battle:
‘General Hill fights his troops well’
1.3 Quarrel or argue:
‘they were fighting over who pays the bill’
1.4[with object] Take part in a boxing match against (an opponent):
‘McCracken will fight Sheffield's Martin Smith’
2[with object] Struggle to overcome, eliminate, or prevent:
‘a churchman who has dedicated his life to fighting racism’
‘the company intends to fight the decision’
2.1[no object] Strive to achieve or do something:
‘I will fight for a fairer society’
‘for several days, doctors fought to save his life’
2.2 Endeavour vigorously to win (an election or other contest).
2.3 Attempt to repress (a feeling or its expression):
‘she had to fight back tears of frustration’
2.4fight one's way Move forward with difficulty, especially by pushing through a crowd:
‘she watched him fight his way across the room’
Skg the objective is to deliver the message of Islam in the 2 hadith (ie. no God but Allah etc). Jadi dlm konteks ayat tersebut kalo rujuk pada definisi 'fight' ...... apa konteks dia?
Cuba jawab mat slow? Ha ha ...... kiri kanan lah ko lari
Kesiaan penganut atheist.
Kononya tak percaya Tuhan dan harap orang percaya cakap dia.
Attention seeker betul. Who cares..... |
tolol2 theist dlm thread nie amik port ![](static/image/smiley/default/laught16.gif)
LOL , betul jugak ko ni attention seeker selain dari mat slow
So , ko tak mampu jawab lah ...... biasak lah kan
JESUS BUKAN PEDOPHILE ![](static/image/smiley/default/3laugh.gif) |
Ha ha ..... mat slow yg cuba sedaya upaya nak tukar topik
Jawab lah isu pada pos aku #5
Cuba bagi definisi medical utk paedophile
Mat slow akan mentetal lari ...... attention seeker lah ko ni
JESUS BUKAN PEDOPHILE ![](static/image/smiley/default/3laugh.gif) |
Mat slow dah mati kutu
Ha ha ..... mat slow yg cuba sedaya upaya nak tukar topik
Jawab lah isu pada pos aku #5
Cuba bagi definisi medical utk paedophile
Mat slow akan mentetal lari ...... attention seeker lah ko ni
JESUS BUKAN PEDOPHILE YG BERJIMAK DENGAN KANAK2 ![](static/image/smiley/default/3laugh.gif) |
Errr , no use bringing up Christianity with me.
Bagi lah definisi medical utk paedophile
Ni pon ko takut jawab?
Macamana? Boleh jawab soalan aku pada pos#5?
Lari mat slow .... lari
Ha .... bagi lah definisi medical utk paedophile
Sampai skg ko tak berani ..... pasal apa ko takut sgt?
Macamana? Jawab lah post #5 aku
JESUS BUKAN PEDOPHILE YG BERJIMAK DENGAN KANAK2 ![](static/image/smiley/default/pompom.gif) |
LOL , mat slow yg hanya berani ulang isu copy paste
Bagi lah definisi medical utk paedophile
Sampai skg ko tak berani ..... pasal apa ko takut sgt?
Macamana? Jawab lah post #5 aku
Lari mat slow .... lari
JESUS BUKAN PEDOPHILE YG BERJIMAK DENGAN KANAK2 ![](static/image/smiley/onion/run.gif) |
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