Tubelight is an upcoming Indian war drama film written, and directed by Kabir Khan. The film is produced by Salman Khan and Kabir Khan. Set in the 1962 Sino-Indian War, it stars Salman Khan in the lead role who plays a man from India. It is confirmed from the director that Shah Rukh Khan will play a cameo on the film. Julius Packiam and Pritam scored the music of the film, with the former composing the film score and latter composing the songs. The film is scheduled for release on 23 June 2017. It is an adaptation of 2015 film Little Boy.
Tubelight is an entertaining family drama set in a small town in the hills of northern India, and tells the story of one man's love for his family and his unshakeable belief in himself. After Bajrangi Bhaijaan, Kabir Khan and Salman Khan come together to tell another heartwarming story about the power of doing good.
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Salman Khan's next flick with director Kabir Khan, 'Tubelight' is the talk of the town for two reasons. Firstly, because the super hit jodi of Salman and Kabir are coming back together after giving us blockbusters like 'Ek Tha Tiger' and 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' and secondly, because it stars popular Chinese actress Zhu Zhu. Now reports of the film being a copy of Hollywood film 'Little Boy' is doing the rounds on the internet with just a slight difference in the storyline. Where on one side, 'Little Boy' plays on the lines of a father and son story, rumour has it that 'Tubelight' will highlight the bond between two brothers played by Salman and Sohail.
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