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an Isolated abuse of Indon maid?
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would it affect global and regional politics?
Nirmala抯 abuse a scar on Malaysians
Martin Jalleh
4:23pm Fri May 21st, 2004
The local media抯 front-pages and accompanying photos of the savagely beaten, severely burnt and scalded body of Nirmala Bonet, a 19-year-old Indonesian maid, left me shocked and numbed for quite a while.
What thinking and feeling person would do such a horrible and heinous thing to another human being I kept on asking myself?
Is there any sense of human decency left in our society? Have we lost all sense of shame to descend to such depths as to commit such a despicable act?
As I got to the details I was disgusted and angry. One does not need to be in the American jails of Iraq or the cells of Kamunting and Bukit Aman to be tortured. In the peaceful city of the Petronas Twin Towers, in the upscale Villa Putra Apartments in Jalan Tun Ismail, there is torture too.
What equally troubled me was how Nirmala's employer dared to hurt her over the five-month period. Did she not know there would be grave consequences for causing such grievous hurt? Perhaps she did not care? Perhaps she thought she could get away with it?
The abuse and torture of Nirmala Bonet is no storm in the teacup. One has only to browse through the daily papers to be convinced that the social fabric of this nation is in tatters. Our social values have gone to the dogs ... but even dogs are treated better than Nirmala.
Murders, rapes, corruption, robberies, violence, all kinds of crimes are reported each day. In our mad and reckless chase for development and success something has gone terribly wrong.
Bolehland needs some serious soul-searching. Could it be that the very forces that supposedly lead us to so-called success, in reality de-humanise us further and leaves us devoid of any respect for the dignity of another human soul?
Very soon the photos of the tortured body of Nirmala Bonet will be circulated and the world will come to know the evil some Malaysians are capable of doing to another.
[ Last edited by 13Friday on 21-5-2004 at 07:58 PM ] |
I am not trying to be racist but giving my fact and point.
Most of the abuse cases comes from Chinese community. u can get back dated news in local malaysia papers. only few malays or indians. but seldom i hear indian abusing maid or malays.
I did wrote in this forum that if China come to power it will be dangerous. Infact, I too highlight that some Chinese got no respect for the law in Malaysia. Take a ride in Petaling street, Jln Alor, Seri Petaling , Pandan perdana and few others .....u could see this community park their cars in road side and stall in road side.
Why the authority not taking any action??
the recent abused case was commited by Chinese. |
I think mostly Chinese have Indonesian maids... |
hehehe read this pals ..
Amah Indon penipu?
Kat akhbar cina Sin Chew hari ni kata amah Indon Nirmala Bonat yang mendakwa di dera majikannya adalah penipu.Kecederaan yang berlaku ke atasnya adalah perbuatannya sendiri...biasalah nak dapatkan simpati.Menurut akhbar tu lagi..amah tu mempunyai sakit jiwa kerana sering mencederakan dirinya.Ini diakui sendiri oleh anak majikannya yang sering melihatnya menghantuk kepala ke dinding dan sengaja mencucuh sterika panas ke badannya.Menurut akhbar tu lagi,Nirmala Bonat selalu mencuri wang majikannya...jadi untuk mengelakkannya ditangkap polis dia mereka-reka cerita dirinya di dera majikannya....Itu kata akhbar cina laa..mungkin diaorang sengaja nak backing majikannya kerana majikan Nirmala tu orang cina.Tapi aku rasa kurang percayalah...takkan dera orang sampai cam tu sekali.Dah lima bulan kena dera baru nak repot.Jiran-jiran sebelah rumah tu takkan tak perasan kot Nirmala kena dera..musykhil-musykhil.
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WICKED This user has been deleted
Kenapa ada manusia sengaja nak cederaka diri sendiri sampai hantuk kepala & cucuh seterika hanya dapatkan simpati? Kebanyakkan wanita concern pada wajah mereka untuk kekal cantik. kalau sengajapun tentu tidak mahu cedera wajah mereka tapi tak kisah pada bahagian lain anggota. entahlah anak majikan tu nak cover lah tu. |
WICKED This user has been deleted
but seldom i hear indian abusing maid or malays.
belum pernah dengar kes melibatkan indian..tapi cara kau cakap nak backing orang india jer?? adakah kau sebangsa mereka??? heheh..musykil |
Originally posted by WICKED at 21-5-04 04:31 PM:
Kenapa ada manusia sengaja nak cederaka diri sendiri sampai hantuk kepala & cucuh seterika hanya dapatkan simpati? Kebanyakkan wanita concern pada wajah mereka untuk kekal cantik. kalau sengaja ...
wartawan surat kabar cina tu buat cerita murahan. Tak logik langsung. |
WICKED This user has been deleted
sekarang apa dah jadi..pagi tadi aku buka radio bagitahu ada delegate indonesia datang menyiasat. perkara macam ni boleh mengeruhkan hubungan dua negara antara indonesia-malaysia disebabkan maid kena abused & maybe nanti sebelum ambik maid kena selidik background majikan & check samada sakit mental ada ke tidak. maid pun manusia bukan robot. ada perasan juga. |
WICKED This user has been deleted
What is there to be afraid of Indonesians..They were the ones who came to our country to work...Some of the crimes here are done by those pendatang haram Indonesia... |
Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
u could see this community park their cars in road side and stall in road side
I would agree with Truth8. In fact, I am very very pissed off to see these people parking their car in front of the table they are eating their roti chanai! It happens everywhere as if their father own the road! Sometimes I really felt like hitting their car for obstructing & congesting the path!! |
Straight to the point;
Penderaan tu melambangkan anti-indo-melayu/ anti islam nf:. wahsai chi-si:agr:
Di dera majikan , dipaksa makan / masak daging babi, tak boleh sembahnyang, tak boleh bertudung, majikan jenis ni anti islam memang BERLAMBAK.
Orang Cina & Indon memang takngam, kalau dulu di Indonesia Orang Cina dikerjakan Indon sekarang Indon pulak dikerjakan Cina. Macam orang Nippon jumpa Cina apa diorang buat.:jeling: |
Robotic This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Seraphim at 22-5-2004 09:13 AM:
What is there to be afraid of Indonesians..They were the ones who came to our country to work...Some of the crimes here are done by those pendatang haram Indonesia...
Wow what a statement. There is always difference between human and animal...
Not all Indon bad...maybe some of them... |
Originally posted by Robotic at 22-5-2004 09:47 AM:
Wow what a statement. There is always difference between human and animal...
Not all Indon bad...maybe some of them...
Of course it's the truth..Try looking carefully that i put the word SOME of the crimes done by them... |
Originally posted by WICKED at 22-5-2004 08:33 AM:
belum pernah dengar kes melibatkan indian..tapi cara kau cakap nak backing orang india jer?? adakah kau sebangsa mereka??? heheh..musykil
ada baca i punya topic lagi??? i kata india dan malay seldom abuse maid....but i know malay husband like to scandal with their maid rather than abusing because sometimes the indo maids too gatal least better than sex scandal than abusing. sekurang-kurangnya maid itu syok dengan orang lama yg experience.:lol dan husband pula main tanpa pengetahuan isteri atau threesome:hmm:
p/s: kalau i back up chinese or dayak or malay am i that particular race????:stp: bodoh punya olang.....makan belacang opppsss belacan punya olang
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 22-5-2004 at 11:39 AM ] |
Originally posted by H猷L鰃頧 at 22-5-2004 09:46 AM:
Straight to the point;
Penderaan tu melambangkan anti-indo-melayu/ anti islam. wahsai chi-si
Di dera majikan , dipaksa makan / masak daging babi, tak boleh sembahnyang, tak boleh bertudung, majikan jenis ni anti islam memang BERLAMBAK.
Orang Cina & Indon memang takngam, kalau dulu di Indonesia Orang Cina dikerjakan Indon sekarang Indon pulak dikerjakan Cina. Macam orang Nippon jumpa Cina apa diorang buat.
masa i islam dulu.....majikan saya (chinese lah) tidak membenarkan saya mengerjakan solat jumaat.
di sebelah rumah jiran i pun maid indonsia masak babi, tidak di benarkan sembayang dan lain2
itulah saya kata tadi if peoples going to invest in China it will disater and dangerous.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 22-5-2004 at 12:27 PM ] |
WICKED This user has been deleted
itu dulu..sekarang tentu engkau pun join rumah jiran sebelah makan babi yang maid indon tu masak kan heheh jangan marah ya gurau senda di hari sabtu |
Originally posted by DARSITA at 2004-5-22 04:03 AM:
Amah Indon penipu?
Kat akhbar cina Sin Chew hari ni kata amah Indon Nirmala Bonat yang mendakwa di dera majikannya adalah penipu.Kecederaan yang berlaku ke atasnya adalah perb ...
My reply:-
Biasalah tu....... Actually, lelaki2 Cina pun suka buat affair dgn maid mrk. Dulu pernah baca dlm majalah wanita tentang lelaki Cina buat scandal dgn Indonesian maid. Kata isterinya, maid tu lawa mcm gadis Mediterranean & rambut pulak warna keperang2an.
Benda2 mcm ni berlaku kpd semua kaum tak kira agama & bangsa. So tak perlulah lapor dlm paper maid tu sengaja iron tubuh badannya sendiri mcm kes DSAI tumbuk mata sendiri hingga dpt black eye.:lol Accept the facts!!! As simple as ABC! |
WICKED This user has been deleted
lain kalau nak ambik maid indon jangan ler rupa lebih lawa dari mem dalam rumah..kan boleh tergoda tu.
ada satu lagi kisah majikan cina, singapore politician kalau tak silap tu ambik gambar maid dia mandi guna hidden camera. |
Originally posted by WICKED at 22-5-2004 11:53 AM:
itu dulu..sekarang tentu engkau pun join rumah jiran sebelah makan babi yang maid indon tu masak kan heheh jangan marah ya gurau senda di hari sabtu
aku tak makan babi tapi bau goreng babi adalah.......macam kamu, kalau jiran cina lu goreng atau masak lauk pauh babi mesti u bau masuk dlm lu punya lubang tahi hidung lu. |
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