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Fazura and her love for high-end arm candies
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Edited by skinskin at 9-1-2018 03:10 AM
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Fazura and her love for high-end arm candies
KUALA LUMPUR: Popular actress Nur Fazura Sharifuddin may have played "shoe-crazy" Intan Mastura in the Bernard Chauly comedy Pisau Cukur 11 years ago, but in reality, she describes herself as "handbag-crazy".
The 34-year-old who married actor Fattah Amin late last year recently introduced some of her favourite handbags in some Instagram posts, complete with photographs of them.
While Fazura did not tell fans how many handbags she had, some of the arm candies totalled more than RM300,000, and were mostly coloured bright red, emerald green and jet black.
Fazura's photos showed six of her favourite handbags - Hermes Birkin Malachite (retailing around RM60,000), Hermes Constance (RM40,000), Chanel Round Hard Case Carry Bag (RM12,000),
Chanel Grand Shopping Tote (RM11,600), Chanel Large 2.55 Handbag (RM26,500) and Hermes Rouge Pivoine Birkin 30 (RM79,700).
She appeared in various poses carrying them, and most of the photographs were taken here and in Europe, where she is currently on her honeymoon with Fattah.
One of the photos showed her with Fattah and two other friends posing beneath the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Captioned "Faztabulous And The Brothers", it showed her holding a green Hermes handbag that nicely matched her all-black sweater, jeans and boots.
The photo received more than 115,000 likes, and many of Fazura's fans praised her choice of handbags. One of them Abby Safina said: "Wow! You sure have lots of lovely handbags, Fazura. They're great fashion accessories that add to your style and sophistication."
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Org byk duit tak kesah pun berhabis puluhan ribu utk beg tgn. 70k cash nk bubuh duit dlm beg yg hrga 70k pn xmuat.. lantak lerr. Janji tak guna duit aku kekdahnyerr. |
Syok betul org berduit ni nak beli beg ratus2 ribu pun Tak payah pikir byk kali |
Kalau kita dah penat kerja, ape salahnya manjakan diri sendiri beli things yg kita suka (as long as mampu) dan bukan buat personal loan bagai. Hehehe. This is inspiring article for us to see the bright side. Work hard, do what u makes u happy the most and as a reward of the hardwork, buy things u love. Gittew! Hehehe |
TApi ada mangkuk hayun risau pulak Fazura habiskan duit laki dia sendiri beli handbag mahal dan Loubies. Macamlah Fattah tu sengkek dan Fazura tu cuma suri rumah |
lain org lain cara nak splurge bila dah penat keje kumpul duit kan.mcm i suka mekap so beli mekap ribu riban pun tak rasa apa sbb suka.faz suka kasut n handbag.lagipun she works hard for it kan.aloh pompuan napsu je dah 9, ape nak heran suka kumpul2 beli2 soping2 camtu   |
aldilla_zahraa replied at 7-1-2018 08:13 AM
TApi ada mangkuk hayun risau pulak Fazura habiskan duit laki dia sendiri beli handbag mahal dan Loub ...
padahal sebelum kenal fattah lagi faz dah berderet koleksi bags dan lubis dia ek..sibuk nau memasing risau duit fattah susut sbb faz |
aldilla_zahraa replied at 7-1-2018 08:13 AM
TApi ada mangkuk hayun risau pulak Fazura habiskan duit laki dia sendiri beli handbag mahal dan Loub ...
Ayat last tu best! Hehehe |
Baru nak tanya if ada thread khusus untuk archive Fazura’s fashion..tak kiralah arm candies ker kasut or outfit...suka tengok style dia..pakai simple tshirt ngan jeans pun cun..boleh kita semua buat cuci2 mata.  |
BoongaKertas replied at 7-1-2018 07:52 AM
Kalau kita dah penat kerja, ape salahnya manjakan diri sendiri beli things yg kita suka (as long as ...
Betul tu. Perempuan kan. Especially they work hard for it. Bukan faz je. Most women are like that kan. I suka juga tgk scha alyahya. Handbag Chloe dia, balenciaga lg. Cantik betul. Kalau I ada duit, I pun beli. Hihi |
Edited by Lana at 7-1-2018 09:48 AM
Kalau tak silap sebelum birkin or hermes bags lain yg sewaktu dengannya jadi “mainstream” , Fazura dah lama kelek bag2 ni (prolly the first retis Malaysia?- correct me if I’m wrong). Ex manager Ning aka Mr. Manager pernah tepek gambor masa dia lepak ngan Faz with her birkin dlm blog dia zaman tok kadok dulu (masa ni tak ramai yg aware dgn bag/brand ni).

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Post time 7-1-2018 09:48 AM
From the mobile phone
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sape yg ade gambar koleksi faz tu tepek la kt sini dlu sesambil cuci mata |

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Post time 7-1-2018 09:51 AM
From the mobile phone
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lagi satu kalau ada forumer yg provoke tu kita flip fair je la ye.. jgn dilayan.. sy x nk forumer bergaduh smpi attack hal personal forumer.. tq tq tq |
Yang I perasan Faz ni selalu carry Hermes, Chanel and Balenciaga. Celine and Dior jarang. LV buat luggage. |
aldilla_zahraa replied at 7-1-2018 08:13 AM
TApi ada mangkuk hayun risau pulak Fazura habiskan duit laki dia sendiri beli handbag mahal dan Loub ...
Tp surirumah skrg pon tak sengkek sis.
RooneyMara replied at 7-1-2018 09:36 AM
Betul tu. Perempuan kan. Especially they work hard for it. Bukan faz je. Most women are like that ...
Kan?? For me, as long x susahkan our partner, go lah and buy stuffs you like. Gittew! Hehehe |
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