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Pasangan Jenayah Terkenal (update)

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Post time 13-4-2018 06:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by noraidil_06 at 17-4-2018 11:32 AM

Dalam dunia jenayah terdapat pasangan
Yg bersama-sama bersekongkol melakukan kejahatan.
Mcm tak terbayang mcm mn pasangan ini
boleh duduk sekali berbincang utk melakukan kejahatan ke atas orang lain.
Kalau tengok cerita2 kepolisan di tv,
seperti CSI, Law & Order mahupun Criminal Mind,
Pasangan jenayah akan membantu sesama
Contoh pasangan lelaki merogol,  pasangan perempuan tolong pegang.
Pasangan lelaki merompak bank, pasangan wanita tunggu dlm kereta standby utk lari.

Pasangan plg terkenal seluruh dunia sudah tentulah Bonnie & Clyde pasangan jenayah dr US.

Manakala pasangan jenayah plg terkenal di Malaysia sudah tentu Mona Fendy & suami.

Pasangan jenayah kecil2an ade di merata2 tempat n kita mgkn sdg berurusan dgn mereka.

Dari ms ke semasa kalau sy rajin, sy akn listkan pasangan Jenayah.
Jom share mana2 yg korang tau.

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2018 06:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Bonnie & Clyde penjenayah kelas dunia
23 DISEMBER 2013
Bonnie & Clyde penjenayah kelas dunia
Bonnie & Clyde penjenayah kelas dunia
A- A+ (Ubah saiz teks)
SIAPA tidak mengenali, Bonnie dan Clyde, pasangan penjenayah terkenal dunia berpangkalan di Amerika Syarikat (AS) sekitar 1931 hingga 1934.

Mereka melakukan rompakan di lebih 15 bank, premis perniagaan dan meragut bergerak aktif bersama kumpulannya dikenali sebagai Barrow Geng dianggotai Buck Barrow, Blanche Barrow, Raymond Hamilton, W D Jones, Joe Palmer, Ralph Fults dan Henry Methvin.

Sepanjang melakukan jenayah, mereka dilaporkan membunuh 13 orang termasuk sembilan anggota polis sehingga diberkas dan ditembak mati di Louisiana.  

Kematian dan segala kegiatan jenayah dilakukan membuatkan pasangan itu popular sehingga dilabelkan sebagai penjenayah kelas dunia apabila kisah hidup pasangan ini difilemkan oleh pengarah Fritz Lang berjudul You Only Live Once pada 1937.

Pada 1958, pengarah William Witney kemudiannya turut memfilemkan kisah hidup pasangan jenayah ini dengan judul The Bonnie Parker Story.

Sepuluh tahun kemudian, stesen televisyen tempatan membuat drama bersiri mengangkat kisah pasangan ini melalui Bonnie & Clyde: The True Story.  

Plot kisah mereka mudah. Memaparkan  pasangan romantis seperti Romeo & Juliet melakukan rompakan, membunuh, mencuri dan akhirnya menemui ajal bersama.

Di sebalik keganasan dilakukan, Bonnie dikatakan seorang ‘penjenayah sentimental’ susulan penemuan ratusan puisi cinta oleh anggota penyiasat ketika menggeledah kediaman mereka.

Selain itu, kumpulan penyiasat turut menemui beberapa keping foto romantis mereka bergaya bersama puluhan  senjata yang digunakan untuk melakukan jenayah.

Kini, kesemua senjata berkenaan di pamerkan di National Museum of Criminal and Punishment.


Bonnie merupakan anak kedua daripada tiga beradik hasil pasangan  Charles Parker dan Emma Krause. Beliau dilahirkan dilahirkan di Rowena, Texas. Ketika berusia 4 tahun, ayahnya meninggal dunia dan mereka berpindah ke kampung halamannya di Cement City, Dallas.

Sepanjang berada di bangku sekolah, Bonnie merupakan pelajar paling menonjol terutama dalam penulisan puisi dan pengucapan awam. Sehingga ke hari ini, karyanya boleh diperoleh melalui buku The story of Suicide Sal dan The Trail’s End.

Ketika berada di gred dua sekolah tinggi, Bonnie yang ketika itu berusia 16 tahun jatuh cinta dengan rakan sekelasnya Roy Thornton, lalu mereka berkahwin pada 1926 dan berhenti sekolah.

Bagaimanapun usia perkahwinan mereka hanya bertahan tiga tahun. Tetapi, penceraian itu dikatakan tidak dilakukan secara rasmi. Media melaporkan, ketika Bonnie ditembak mati, beliau masih memakai cincin perkahwinannya itu.

Lebih mengejutkan, ketika Bonnie ditembak, Thornton merupakan salah seorang daripada anggota polis yang terlibat ketika serbuan terbabit.


Clyde dilahirkan di Ellis County, Texas, selatan Dallas. Beliau merupakan anak lima dari tujuh beradik dari hasil perkahwinan Henry Basil Barrow dan Cumie T Walker. Membesar dalam keluarga miskin, mereka  kemudiannya berpindah ke barat Dallas pada awal 1920 kerana kemelesetan ekonomi dunia. Pada bulan pertama mereka berpindah, keluarganya hanya berteduh di gerabak kereta api usang.

Kali pertama Clyde ditahan polis adalah pada 1926 kerana gagal memulangkan kereta yang disewa pada masa yang ditetapkan. Beliau kemudiannya sekali lagi ditahan bersama abangnya Marvin 'Buck' Barrow, atas kesalahan mencuri ayam belanda. Setahun kemudian, beliau terus aktif mencuri hingga dipenjarakan dua tahun di Eastham Prison Farm.

Cinta Bonnie, Clyde

Jika dilihat dari sudut latar belakang keluarga Bonnie, beliau bukan gadis kasar.

Namun, sejak berkenalan dengan Clyde dalam satu majlis di rumah sahabatnya menjadikan Bonnie seorang gadis liar. Mulai saat perkenalan itu, Bonnie yang ketika itu berusia 19 tahun mula berjinak dengan kumpulan Barrow.

Beliau sanggup mengikut jejak Clyde gara-gara kemaruk cinta. Maka itu tidak hairan pasangan ini dikenal sebagai penjenayah dua sejoli kerana sering melakukan kegiatan jenayah bersama.

Selain aktif melakukan jenayah, pasangan ini juga dikatakan sering mengambil gambar bersama mangsa.

Mereka melakukan kegiatan jenayah dan pembunuhan di Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico dan Missouri.


Pada 1934, merupakan tahun puncak kegiatan mereka tumpas. Pasangan itu ditembak mati oleh enam anggota polis dalam serbuan di Bienville Parish Louisiana.



2012 All Rights Reserved  Karangkraf Media Group
2012 Hakcipta Terpelihara  Kumpulan Media Karangkraf

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Post time 13-4-2018 09:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dh bc bonnie & clyde


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 Author| Post time 13-4-2018 09:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
supernaturalee replied at 13-4-2018 09:47 PM
Dh bc bonnie & clyde


Nanti kalau rajin i update.mlm ni mls nk research

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2018 09:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lupe nak tepek gambar. The bonnie & clyde

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Post time 13-4-2018 09:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noraidil_06 replied at 13-4-2018 09:50 PM
Nanti kalau rajin i update.mlm ni mls nk research


Ltk kt tajuk # post yg update tu nnt ye


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Post time 13-4-2018 10:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
najib n rosmah boleh x tt?

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Post time 13-4-2018 10:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
najib n rosmah boleh x tt?

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2018 10:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Digelar sebagai the lonely hearts killers
Raymond Fernandez & Martha Jule Beck.
Pasangan pembunuh berseri yg bergerak aktif di US di tahun 1948-1949.

"While serving time for petty theft in the 40's, Raymond Fernandez learned about voodoo and the occult from a cellmate. Upon his release, Fernandez believed he could use voodoo to gain a mastery over women and began writing letters to dozens of wanted ads posted by lonely single women. His M.O.: woo his marks, gain their trust, then rob them and disappear — which worked until one victim, Martha Beck, showed up on his front doorstep with her two kids. Fernandez agreed to let her stay if she got rid of the kids, who were promptly abandoned at the Salvation Army.

The couple continued to scam women, but the jealous and unstable Beck couldn't handle sharing Fernandez and they eventually began killing their targets. After the murder of a young widow and her child, the two were arrested, signed a whopping 73-page confession and died in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison in 1951. The Lonely Hearts Killers are believed to have murdered as many as 20 people."
The Time

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2018 10:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sazida replied at 13-4-2018 10:03 PM
najib n rosmah boleh x tt?

Tunggu mereka jadi sejarah dulu la.

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Post time 13-4-2018 10:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Fav sgt law&order, CM dll tu..sanggup gaduh dgn husband nak tgk pnye pasal

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Post time 14-4-2018 07:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rasanya Kat history channel ada siar drama biopic Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie ni Mula nmpk baik,pastu terpengaruh ngan Clyde.

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Post time 14-4-2018 11:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
law n order xde season baru ke..asik ulang je.
bonnie n cyde ni ada dlm history channel dulu2...legend gak la diorang ni

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Post time 14-4-2018 12:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Meol is suke criminal minds!

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Post time 14-4-2018 01:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Thread best!

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2018 02:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols sebenarnya nyesal buka thread ni.x pasal2 kena study.wakakakaka.huwaaa.tunggu yach.the  lonely hearts killers tu byk kupasan best

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2018 02:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by noraidil_06 at 14-4-2018 03:28 PM

The Lonely Hearts Killers - Martha Beck and Raymond Fernandez

Sedih kisah hidup martha, lahir dengan glandular condition yg menyebabkan dia tua sebelum waktunya dan menjadi gemuk.

Berjumpa dgn lelaki yg salah dua kali yg menyebabkan dia mempunyai dua org anak.

Please read on the English version.

Born in Florida in 1919, Martha Beck was a troubled child who worked briefly as a nurse before turning to a life of crime with partner Raymond Fernandez. The couple, who became known as the 'Lonely Hearts Killers,' murdered and robbed victims who answered personal ads placed by Fernandez.

Martha Beck suffered from a glandular condition as a child that caused her to mature faster physically than other children, as well as making her overweight throughout her life. The victim of incest and an overbearing mother, she was lonely and depressed for most of her childhood. She studied to become a nurse, eventually being promoted to supervisor at Pensacola Hospital in Florida.

While her professional life soared, Beck's personal life continued to suffer. After a one-night stand with a soldier in California, she gave birth to a daughter, Willa Dean, in 1944. The father was never heard from again. Her marriage to Alfred Beck was due to a second pregnancy, and they divorced six months later. After placing an ad in a lonely heart's column, Martha Beck met New York businessman Raymond Fernandez.

The two began a letter-writing courtship. He asked for a lock of her hair, which was later revealed as a totem in his voodoo ritual. They met for the first time in December 1947 in Florida, and then she visited him in New York. Fernandez tried to end the relationship, but after Beck was unexpectedly fired from her job, she showed up with her two children on Fernandez's doorstep. He agreed to allow her to stay if she got rid of her kids, so she abandoned them at the Salvation Army.

Fernandez then revealed that he had been scamming dozens of women through lonely hearts correspondence over the years. He even admitted to marrying some of them in addition to having a legitimate wife and children in Spain. Despite these revelations, Beck, who had spent her life unloved and unwanted, was committed to him. They became partners in crime, with Beck posing as Fernandez's sister or sister-in-law. Usually they stole money and looted the homes of their victims, who were too embarrassed to press charges.

Before long, the game turned deadly. Beck couldn't handle sharing Fernandez with other women, no matter how fictitious the relationships were. Their first murder victim was Janet Fay and others followed, including the young infant daughter of one of the women. After a suspicious neighbor called the cops, Beck and Fernandez were called into questioning, where they signed a 73-page confession.

A jury found them guilty of first-degree murder, and on August 22, 1949, they were sentenced to die in the electric chair. Martha Beck died by electrocution at Sing Sing prison in Ossining, New York on March 8, 1951.

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2018 03:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pasangan ini enggan/gagal mendapatkan bantuan perubatan utk bayi mereka (letih doh tulis mcm ni).

Keduanya dipercayai menganuti/mengikuti satu kepercayaan berkenaan 'faith-healing', di mana tuhan akan memulihkan kesakitan/penyakit.
Dalam hal bayi mereka, mereka percaya tuhan tidak melakukan kesilapan bila ank mereka mengidapi penyakit.

Please find herewith the story about them.
Via Crimeonlin

A Michigan woman failed to seek medical treatment for her newborn daughter, leading to the baby’s death, a police chief testified in court last week.

Lansing State Journal reports that Rachel Piland, of Lansing, refused to take her infant to the hospital, even after the baby couldn’t breathe properly and had blood running out of her nose. The suspect listened to gospel speeches instead, according to police, while the little girl suffered. The infant, just 4-days-old, passed away.

According to a detective working the case, Piland declared that her baby was fine and that “God makes no mistakes.” She’s also accused of preventing her mother from calling for medical help for the infant.

On Feb. 6, a midwife told Piland she needed to take her baby in for medical treatment for jaundice. The midwife warned the mother that her baby could possibly develop brain damage if jaundice was left untreated. Piland continued to ignore the warning signs as the baby’s health deteriorated.

On Feb. 9, the suspect found her baby deceased in a bouncy seat, according to Fox News. Instead of of calling for medical help, authorities said she called church members and friends to come over to her home and pray over the baby and massage her. Piland’s husband, Joshua Piland, reportedly said he didn’t try CPR on the baby because he only knew how to perform it on adults.

“They then brought Abigail upstairs to pray for her. Joshua continued to massage Abigail, attempting to get her good air,” Detective Peter Scaccia testified. “Both Josh and (Rachel) reached out to friends and fellow church members to come to their home and pray for Abigail’s resurrection, but never called the police.”

Piland’s brother called authorities from his California home. Police reported that the brother was the only person who alerted them to the incident. When authorities arrived to Pilard’s home, they found her with friends, praying over in the infant.

Piland, along with her husband, Joshua Piland, were both arrested and charged with involuntary manslaughter. According to court records, the couple belongs to the religious group, Faith Tech Ministries, an organization that believes in faith-based healing.

If convicted, the couple faces up to 15 years each, behind bars.

~ Pagan

Credit to FB Page Killers, cults, kingpin & crime.

What a beautifull couple with twisted mine.if she is alone, i wld say she suffered postpartum blues.

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Post time 16-4-2018 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Ma Baker tak masuk senarai ... ?
Satu family wat keje jenayah.

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 Author| Post time 16-4-2018 01:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eragon replied at 16-4-2018 01:09 PM
Ma Baker tak masuk senarai ... ?
Satu family wat keje jenayah.

I nk khaskan utk psgn suami isteri, bfgf yg bergerak aktif melakukan jenayah.sbb i rase interesting sgt org mcm ni. Match make in hell.sama2 setuju buat kebaikan tu biasa, ni sama2 buat jahat, pelik.

But i will google about ma baker. Thanks ye.

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