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Author: manjalara_01

Support for Depression & Anxiety

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Post time 26-3-2021 09:33 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 26-3-2021 12:19 PM
Hey u..

Alhamdulillah..tu la i was like aik? ttiber missing in action?..hello anybody home ...

Thanks Manja. Cuma ai takut kalau2 ada relapse jah.

Keep going babe. Despite you're thinking that D&A will always be a part of you, ai harap you will get much, MUCH better. I really do.

B4 i forget, x kisah la ape jenis depression skali pun the sooner u get help t better. Sbb kalau x dpt treatment it will just get worst. Bile dah worst lagi susah nak buat treatment & sebagainye.
Exactly. Jangan tunggu lama2. Seandainya ada family member atau kawan yg mengalami simptom2 yg menyerupai D&A, suruh atau bawak mereka pergi dptkan rawatan.

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2021 09:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 26-3-2021 09:33 PM
Thanks Manja. Cuma ai takut kalau2 ada relapse jah.

Keep going babe. Despite you're thinking th ...

Bleh relapse yea? Hopefully u r better prepared now.

To tell u the truth i told my Dr yg i feel the same emptiness, nothingness soulessness even dah 3 years on meds. Gituuww la ape yg feel like 70% of my life.

Positive side i bleh tdo semula. My GAD pun dah kurang. But lately muncul balik. My next appoint bulan June.

U nnt kalau ade ape2 thread/ topik menarik jgn lupe jemput i ok? Bosan skrg.

Kalau nak tahu General Anxiety Disorder tu ape nnt i share. Ehem2 copy paste kisah org lain hahaha.

No problem u.

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 Author| Post time 26-3-2021 09:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 26-3-2021 10:37 PM



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 Author| Post time 26-3-2021 10:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 26-3-2021 10:04 PM

GAD case study

Nancy L., a 45-year-old married lawyer, presented with exacerbation of her chronic generalized anxiety and recurrent depressive symptoms in January 2005.

Nancy had a history of anxiety dating back "as far as I can remember." She was an anxious young girl with separation anxiety and shyness that manifested in elementary school. As she grew up, she experienced ongoing anxieties about the health of her parents (worrying that her parents would die, even though they were in good health) and her school performance (though she was a good student). She remembers marked fears, including fears of the dark and thunder, most of which she "outgrew" except for a persistent fear of insects, particularly spiders.

Her anxiety became more prominent and persistent after she left home at age 18 and entered college. She sought care at the university health service and received a prescription for diazepam that she used over the next 4 years on an as-needed basis during periods of increased anxiety such as examinations; she also met episodically with a therapist at the counseling center. In the spring of her freshman year, she experienced her first major depressive episode following a break-up with a boyfriend. She was prescribed imipramine, which she took for a couple of months but then discontinued because of intolerable side effects (dry mouth and lightheadedness). The depression gradually resolved over the next 6 months.

Continue reading kat link ni

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Post time 27-3-2021 07:43 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 26-3-2021 09:49 PM
Bleh relapse yea? Hopefully u r better prepared now.

To tell u the truth i told my Dr yg i fee ...

Ohh Lambat lg eh next session. Mine's once every 2 weeks. Lepas minggu depan, ai akan jumpa doc sekali sebulan - memandangkan ada progress.
Kalau nak tahu General Anxiety Disorder tu ape nnt i share. Ehem2 copy paste kisah org lain hahaha.

Share jah, Manja. Bole tambah pengetahuan.

U nnt kalau ade ape2 thread/ topik menarik jgn lupe jemput i ok? Bosan skrg.

We'll see. Tgh blank nih, tak tahu thread apa nak buka. You suka topik apa?


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 Author| Post time 28-3-2021 02:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 27-3-2021 07:43 PM
Ohh Lambat lg eh next session. Mine's once every 2 weeks. Lepas minggu depan, ai akan jumpa doc se ...

Good 4u ade progress. Sape la yg nk jumpe Dr ke therapist slalu uhuhu..

Ok u. My GAD yg menakutkan not t physical systems mcm tgn menggigil tu ke nervousness. Tp t disturbing thoughts in my mind.

Cth la kan kalau diri sendiri masa nk turun tgga rumah ttiber terimagine i jatuh tgga end up a freak accident. Or masa tgh driving terimagine accident yg mcm dlm movie, but u r in t movie.

Yg lain pulak kadang terbayang siblingnye funeral my niece nephew crying kat kubur. Or my niece freak accident kudung sbelah kaki kat hospital.

Hhmmm i'm thinking jgk u. X pasti bile singgah board movies mcm boring pulak. Ade x any interesting tv shows yg u dah tgk? Dah tgk Bates Motel x?


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Post time 29-3-2021 08:02 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 28-3-2021 02:14 PM
Good 4u ade progress. Sape la yg nk jumpe Dr ke therapist slalu uhuhu..

Ok u. My GAD yg menakut ...

Dahsyat jugak apa yg you kena deal hari2 eh? Tu yg dipanggil sbg intrusive thoughts tu kan? Rasa mcm pernah baca psl nih. Katanya ada teknik jugak utk cuba kurangkan fikiran mcm tu.

TV shows? Ai sejak kena D&A nih tengok Japanese comedy shows lah, Rupaul Drag race la, Dave Chappelle's etc Bates Motel tengok kat mana? Netflix? Best tak?

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 Author| Post time 30-3-2021 09:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 30-3-2021 09:02 PM
dani-rox replied at 29-3-2021 08:02 PM
Dahsyat jugak apa yg you kena deal hari2 eh? Tu yg dipanggil sbg intrusive thoughts tu kan? Rasa m ...

Yea kot u. Yg skrg ni muncul scene2 pengkebumian..Tp since dah ade awareness slow2 la pujuk diri.

Yg pelik tu masa my Dr kata my anxiety type GAD i x pernah skit pun story kat die semua ni. Bile i balik rumah google ape binatang GAD tu? . I bc kes sorg prempuan dah kawin ade anak2. Bile tiap kali husband die kluar tp balik lewat dari biase mula la die fikir worst case senario. Husband die accident la mati la.

I was like oh my gosh! My Dr can read my mind !!! Hahhahaha..i ni mcm prempuan ni la tp bile mak i yg kluar balik lambat.


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 Author| Post time 30-3-2021 09:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 30-3-2021 09:09 PM
dani-rox replied at 29-3-2021 08:02 PM
Dahsyat jugak apa yg you kena deal hari2 eh? Tu yg dipanggil sbg intrusive thoughts tu kan? Rasa m ...

For me unik jgk la taste tv show u. Bates Motel ni i tgk online je kat 123 movies. Tp x  habis lg.

Oh ya u jemput dtg ke thread lagu2 Sugababes & The Strokes i yea. ... 242162&mobile=2 ... 244540&mobile=2


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Post time 30-3-2021 11:50 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 30-3-2021 09:01 PM
Yea kot u. Yg skrg ni muncul scene2 pengkebumian..Tp since dah ade awareness slow2 la pujuk diri ...

yg ai pernah baca pengalaman org kena GAD/intrusive thoughts nih... org tak jwb tepon/sms pun dia dah fikir bukan2 - 'dia tak suka kat aku lg kah' ' aku ni membosankan kah?' Gituuhh.

duluuuu ai pernah jua terfikir morbid scenario... ai bayangkan polis angkat dan usung mayat ai dlm body bag, keluar dari rumah sambil diperhatikan oleh jiran2 ai dari luar pagar. Ai siap imejin gambar dan bideonya dlm berita summore. Lama2 ai dah tak fikir sgt dah hahaha

Apapun, take it easy Manja.

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Post time 30-3-2021 11:51 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 30-3-2021 09:05 PM
For me unik jgk la taste tv show u. Bates Motel ni i tgk online je kat 123 movies. Tp x  habis l ...

will do. The Strokes nih fave band ai  dah berbelas2 thn

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 Author| Post time 31-3-2021 11:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 30-3-2021 11:50 PM
yg ai pernah baca pengalaman org kena GAD/intrusive thoughts nih... org tak jwb tepon/sms pun dia  ...

Bile u story mcm ni ttiber teringat 1 movie ni mmg best tp underated. Dah tgk x movie ni? Somebody kat board movie rekomen pd i.

Yes take it easy is a good advice for a square & uptight ( like spandex ) person like me hahaha. Thanx u



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 Author| Post time 31-3-2021 11:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 30-3-2021 11:51 PM
will do. The Strokes nih fave band ai  dah berbelas2 thn


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 Author| Post time 31-3-2021 11:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 1-4-2021 05:41 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 31-3-2021 11:24 AM
Bile u story mcm ni ttiber teringat 1 movie ni mmg best tp underated. Dah tgk x movie ni? Somebody ...

Belum tengok, tp mcm pernah dengar tajuknya. Nanti ai cari nak tengok kat mana

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2021 10:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 1-4-2021 05:41 PM
Belum tengok, tp mcm pernah dengar tajuknya. Nanti ai cari nak tengok kat mana

Alright u. Mmg worth it. Ttiber i pulak rs nk tgk balik. Tgk siang2 hari pun takut haha

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2021 08:05 PM | Show all posts
Hi guys..

I x pasti i pernah citer kat u all x psl adik i yg tingtong ni. Just rs nk luahkan kat sini. Yea la i sedar i pun ting tong jgk.

Anyway, adik i die spesis Schizo. Sblum ni mmg die ade suicidal tendency. Pernah tu die duk conteng2 kat dinding bilik mcm2 benda mengarut & nk bunuh.

Yes dah buat treament semua makan ubat bla3. Dah 4 tahun kot. Also pernah skali tu die paranoid die ingat die diabetic. Skrg ni pulak i x tau la die paranoid ke ape tp die kata die sakit mata. Die nampak mcm2 benda kecik. Ntah la i pun x phm nk describe kat u all mcm mana situasinye.

Rasanye dah jumpe Dr pakar mata lain2 4 kali. Semua kata mata die ok. Masalahnye die tetap x puas hati. Die kata sbb nampak benda2 kecik tu die xx bleh bc buku, nak tdo blah3...

U all...i x tau la nk buat ape. Dah la mak i pun x brape nk sihat. Nyanyuk pun yea. Ok maybe more pelupe than nyanyuk i don't know. I pun kadang rasa down riso ttiber mak i meninggal. Org tuakan anytime je bleh pegi. I cume harap die pjg umur la if anything pun biar la lepas raya la...

Tu je kot nak kongsi..

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Post time 22-4-2021 11:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 22-4-2021 08:05 PM
Hi guys..

I x pasti i pernah citer kat u all x psl adik i yg tingtong ni. Just rs nk luahkan kat  ...

stay strong and doa banyak banyak... hmm call emergency if anything.. adik tu makan ubat x? i xtau how to say.. but very proud of u.. sbb u keep fighting... i doakan manja akan dipermudahkan... tanam bayam banyal banyak tauu!


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 Author| Post time 23-4-2021 04:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 22-4-2021 11:44 PM
stay strong and doa banyak banyak... hmm call emergency if anything.. adik tu makan ubat x? i xtau ...

Thanx u . Anything good comes from Allah SWT. Yes die mkn ubat, mmg kena mkn ubat sampai bile2 Dr kata.

Actually t past month i ade rs perubahan. Sakit fizikal i dah kurang. Sometimes bile bgn pagi rs happy which is not normal for me. Mungkin kesan ubat ke I'm not sure. It's strange but good i guess.

& Since start puase pun i rs tenang. Alhamdulillah. Tp biase la ade je something unpleasent jd mcm adik i tu. Die mandi pun skali sehari je.

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Post time 23-4-2021 08:46 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 23-4-2021 04:49 AM
Thanx u . Anything good comes from Allah SWT. Yes die mkn ubat, mmg kena mkn ubat sampai bile2 Dr  ...

My anak lelaki, umur 16 tahun, tahun ni SPM, baru2 ni pergi klinik kesihatan & disahkan D&A teruk, dah buat appointment nak jumpa psikiatrik kat hospital tapi amik masa 3 bulan.  Tak berminat pergi sekolah dan selalu ponteng sekolah.

Nak tanya you pergi jumpa psikiatrik & kaunselor swasta ke?  Atau boleh recommend tempat yang boleh pergi?


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