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Gangguan seksual: Ketua jabatan digantung tugas 2 bulan
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Edited by R2D2 at 18-9-2018 01:56 PM
KKM siasat kes gangguan seksual pegawai perubatan siswazah
KUALA LUMPUR – Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) menubuhkan sebuah badan siasatan bebas bagi menyiasat kes gangguan seksual terhadap pegawai perubatan siswazah melibatkan seorang Ketua Jabatan Ortopedik di sebuah hospital di Lembah Klang.
Menteri Kesihatan, Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad berkata, pihaknya telah bermesyuarat dengan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail serta Timbalan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat Hannah Yeoh berhubung perkara itu.
“Susulan pembongkaran kes ini, lebih ramai pegawai perubatan termasuk pelatih perubatan siswazah tampil membuat aduan yang serupa kepada pejabat Menteri Kesihatan dan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat melalui pelbagai saluran,” katanya menerusi kenyataan hari ini.
Dr. Dzulkefly memberikan respons tersebut selepas memetik laporan sebuah akhbar berbahasa inggeris yang melaporkan bahawa berlaku gangguan seksual di sebuah hospital di ibu negara melibatkan seorang ketua jabatan dari sebuah unit.
Dalam pada itu, beliau menggesa semua mangsa yang mengalami kekerasan atau gangguan di tempat kerja sama ada dalam bentuk fizikal, verbal, mental atau seksual untuk membuat laporan terus kepada Menteri Kesihatan di alamat emel [email protected].
“KKM juga akan memberikan kerjasama sepenuhnya kepada pihak Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dalam siasatan ini,” tegasnya. |
ingat gangguan histeria kat keterh tu |
Kes ni dah dibuat report polis tahun lepas tpi xde tindakan drpd polis. Mmg laknat sgat! Moga pelaku tersebut ditarik sijil amalan doktor dia, biar merepot jadi perogol di lorong hj taib jah!  |
Mostly doktor2 tau sapa orgnya. Bkn kecik2 anak.. Head dept. Mmg mendapat la kalau sabit kesalahan |
sexual harassment lelaki nagn pompuan
frzafs replied at 29-7-2018 09:56 PM
Hospital Sungai Buloh
Title dato'?
Yes.. ketua jabatan katanya
Macam mana dia mengganggu seksual doktor pelatih itu?... kenyit mata ka... cer citer...
PETALING JAYA: It was during the end of a long shift at the hospital when houseman Michelle (not her real name) was told that her department head wanted to meet her over work-related reasons.
In actual fact, he had a more sinister intention in mind.
“He then grabbed me and started to unbutton my shirt and kiss my lips,” said the 27-year-old.
“He said he was going to give me his ‘blessings’. I pushed him away and ran out of the room.
“I was shocked and depressed. I cried, I was disgusted,” she said.
The incident isn’t an isolated one. Michelle said throughout her posting, the doctor had touched her inappropriately, demanding that she went out drinking with him.
“He would tell me to drink almost all the drinks he ordered and would try to grab my breasts after I become tipsy.
“He asked me to send him home so we can continue, but I always managed to find excuses,” she said, adding that he would ask her to go out drinking with him at least twice a week.
The houseman said she felt pressured to comply with his demands as he had threatened to fail her if she did not do as he said.
“He told me and the others that there was a non-academic component to our test, and if we don’t follow his orders, we would be failed,” she said.
Michelle lodged a police report last October. To this day, no action has been taken.
Michelle is one of many house officers who had fallen prey to the sexual advances and threats of the man, who is the Orthopaedics department head in a hospital in the Klang Valley.
The predator targets young female housemen whom he felt were powerless against him as he ruled the department with an iron fist and had the power to fail them.
The Star contacted these victims who wanted their stories heard.
Another houseman said the department head was relentless in making sexual advances toward her, throughout her six-month stint at the hospital.
“Whenever he is bored, he would call me to his office to talk about sex,” she said.
An incident that has since been etched in her mind happened during a physical exercise activity at the hospital.
The department head touched her breasts while she was in an exercise position.
She said he had even gone to her residence and sent photos of it to her via WhatsApp.
She concurred with Michelle that he had a habit of asking housemen to drink with him, and would try to get the housemen drunk while they were out.
Another houseman, who only wanted to be known as Sarah, said she was warned of the department head’s behaviour at the start of her posting.
“I made sure I went to his office with my friend as I needed a photo with him for a report.
“When I was taking the photo, he pinched me – at the braline.
“I gave him a cold stare to which he said: ‘I can do this because I am a father to you all’,” said the houseman who had left the hospital since.
She said that he would pester her about bringing along her bikini while they were on a trip to a medical conference in another state.
“Another request I did not submit to.”
She said after realising she would not fall prey to his advances, he started bullying her by putting her on 36-hour shifts on consecutive days.
The specialists at the hospital were unable to do anything as they too were afraid of losing their positions, she said.
Another houseman revealed that the department head would “corner” her at the end of her shift, asking her to carry his bag to his car.
“When we were alone, he suddenly said he wanted to take a selfie.
“Since our bodies were close when taking the picture, he kissed my cheek,” said the 27-year-old.
A 32-year-old, who is now a medical officer elsewhere, said the department head would always blame the victims instead.
“One day he invited me out for some drinks, and I felt I could not say ‘no’ so I went along. I was a bit drunk and he then told me to send him back to his house.
“The next morning, I felt uneasy and he accused me of trying to seduce and kiss him instead.
“I was scared of destroying my career, so I didn’t say much and left it at that.
“Many of us had studied hard to enter our housemanship, so we do not want to jeopardise it,” she said.
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Aku ingat Dr pelatih lelaki tadi yg kena harassed dari Head of Department yg juga lelaki.
Lelaki dan perempuan......biasalah
Organisasi lain tak kiralah Government sector ke private sector.......sama je. Mungkin lebih teruk.....nak confirm jawatan ke, nak naik pangkat ke.......kalau bolih bagi yg bawah tu.... confirm kow tim.
Kadang2 pompuan yg dok lebih meng”offer” sebab nak fast track |
My friend said masa dia houseman 2008 lg dh ada kes ni. Dah banyak kali report tp he title dia n ayah dia kah? |
siapakah beliau n ayah beliau????
Ingat indon je. Malaysia pon sama. Semoga mereput la penis dan anus kau. Syaitan nya perangaiiiiii. |
800214 replied at 30-7-2018 08:21 AM
My friend said masa dia houseman 2008 lg dh ada kes ni. Dah banyak kali report tp he ...
Mmg babi sgat kalau begitu, semoga dia mampos kena jel kena jolok jubo! |
Babi jantan taguna. Kat opis boypren aku ada sekor jantan lahanat ni. Muka innocent jah rupanya dh bertaun harass sorang staf pompuan ni. Hari2 carik alasan nk jumpa. Hari2 mesej lucah ajak romen. Cilakak betul.. Kesian staf tu nangis2 ngadu.. Yet xde action dr pihak atasan. |
Decaffeinated replied at 29-7-2018 10:09 PM
Macam mana dia mengganggu seksual doktor pelatih itu?... kenyit mata ka... cer citer...
ramas ketet
akak baca kt the star |
Ketua Jabatan Ortopedik & Traumatologi - Dato’ Dr. Zamyn Zuki Bin Mohd Zuki
wow dah keluar nama dato terus
napa dato tak tambah bini je
dapat cara halal
cara camni kalau kena gaya habis la belaka |
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