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Melancong Sambil Tengok Hantu! Ramai Yang Berminat, Nah 10 Tempat Mistik Terbaik

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Post time 21-8-2018 11:03 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Ramai yang suka melancong bukan? Tetapi berapa ramaikah di antara kita yang suka melancong ke luar negara sambil berharap dapat melihat kuasa ghaib atau makhluk halus mengikut budaya masyarakat tempatan di depan mata?

Mungkin kedengaran agak pelik, tetapi memang ramai yang berminat untuk melancong ke luar negara sambil melihat hantu! Percaya atau tidak, terdapat banyak pakej pelancongan yang memfokuskan lawatan ke kawasan berhantu yang popular di seluruh dunia!

Tidak kira di mana sahaja anda melancong, mungkin ada rumah, hotel, atau tempat bersejarah yang berpenunggu yang boleh anda lawati.

Berikut adalah senarai 10 tempat berhantu yang sangat indah dan cantik di dunia sekiranya anda berminat dengan dunia pelancongan dan mistik!

10. Bhangarh Fort, India

Sumber foto: Google

Hanya dua ratus batu dari Delhi, kubu terbengkalai ini terletak di tengah-tengah padang pasir. Legenda mengatakan bahawa seorang ahli sihir telah menyumpah kawasan itu setelah ditolak oleh seorang puteri tempatan.

9. The Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, Calgary, Alberta

Sumber foto: Google

Sejak ia dibina pada tahun 1888, hotel ini telah dikaitkan dengan pelbagai aktiviti paranormal. Salah satu legenda yang paling terkenal adalah Hantu Pengantin, di mana dia dilaporkan menunggu kedatangan para tetamu di dewan tarian hotel sambil berpakaian pengantin.

8. Tower of London, London, England

Sumber foto: Google

Ramai tokoh terkenal telah memilih Menara London sebagai tempat persemadian mereka. Kubu benteng yang terkenal ini telah merekodkan pelbagai penampakan royalti Inggeris, termasuk Anne Boleyn dan Mary, Ratu Skotlandia.

7. Tao Dan Park, Bandar Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Sumber foto: Google

Tao Dan Park mungkin kelihatan seperti syurga pada waktu siangnya, tetapi menjelang tengah malam, penduduk tempatan mendakwa taman itu kelihatan sangat suram dan menyeramkan. Khabar angin mengatakan bahawa hantu seorang lelaki muda yang terbunuh dalam serangan pada zaman dahulu masih bersiar-siar di taman itu, mencari cintanya yang hilang.

6. Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Sumber foto: Google

Kubu abad ke-12 ini telah melakar sejarah selama berabad-abad lamanya. Banyak pengalaman yang berbeza telah dilaporkan selama bertahun-tahun, termasuk muzik yang tidak dapat dijelaskan tiba-tiba bergema di dalam dewan. Sesetengah tetamu percaya muzik itu berasal dari hantu pemuzik yang bermain "bagpipes" yang meninggal di istana.

5. The Catacombs, Paris, Perancis

Sumber foto: Google

Catacombs Paris sememangnya salah satu tempat yang paling menakutkan di dunia, dengan beratus batu panjangnya terowong itu yang berfungsi sebagai tempat pengebumian bagi penduduk Paris pada tahun 1700-an.

4. Corvin Castle, Hunedoara, Transylvania

Sumber foto: Google

Sekiranya anda sedang mencari kebenaran di sebalik mitos Drakula, silalah terus berjumpa dengan Vlad the Impaler yang pernah bermaustatin di bangunan ini. Penguasa yang sangat dahagakan darah itu ditahan di Kastil Corvin di Transylvania, di mana banyak penampakan pelik telah dilaporkan.

3. Lawang Sewu, Indonesia

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Bangunan bekas keretapi (dan penjara Perang Dunia II) yang terletak di Semarang ini dipercayai menjadi tempat paling berhantu di Indonesia. Di antara hantu yang telah dilaporkan berada di sini adalah roh seorang wanita Belanda, hantu tanpa kepala, dan juga kuntilanak (pontianak).

2. Pulau Jerejak, Penang, Malaysia

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Sekiranya anda kekurangan bajet untuk bercuti ke luar negara, tetapi masih mahu bercuti di kawasan yang menyeramkan, pilih saja Pulau Jerejak yang terletak di Pulau Pinang! Tetapi awas, melangkah kaki di kawasan ini juga akan membuatkan anda berasa seram di mana tempat ini juga terletaknya penjara yang mengasingkan penjenayah berprofil tinggi dan juga tempat pengasingan untuk mereka yang berpenyakit kusta, suatu masa dahulu!

1. Hutan Aokigahara, Jepun

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Hutan Aokigahara yang mendapat jolokan "Lautan Pokok" ini terletak berdekatan dengan Gunung Fuji di Jepun. Mempunyai pemandangan yang sangat indah, tetapi jangan terpedaya kerana hutan ini juga sangat terkenal sebagai tempat bunuh diri di kalangan penduduk Jepun!

Seperti kita juga, mereka tidak suka diganggu. Oleh itu, tidak kira bagaimana sekalipun, sekiranya anda melancong ke tempat-tempat di atas, jangan lupa menunjukkan "mereka" rasa hormat dan jaga tingkah laku anda. Anda dinasihatkan memberi salam kepada mereka sebelum melangkah masuk ke kawasan mereka dan jangan lupa mengucapkan 'terima kasih' sebelum anda pergi! -CARI


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Post time 21-8-2018 11:34 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-8-2018 11:59 AM | Show all posts
geli tgk catacombs tu...

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Post time 21-8-2018 12:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols.tgk.hantu kak.limah pon dh.ok.dah... lain

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 Author| Post time 21-8-2018 11:22 PM | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 21-8-2018 12:06 PM
Iols.tgk.hantu kak.limah pon dh.ok.dah... lain

Kak Limah uols balik Ipoh leh la tgk.. xpun google je gambo Kak Mah

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Post time 22-8-2018 08:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ferr_Remy replied at 21-8-2018 11:22 PM
Kak Limah uols balik Ipoh leh la tgk.. xpun google je gambo Kak Mah

Tu dhnjadi mimpi ngeri buat iols..hahaha
Eh..sarang art mamat khalid tu kat mana ek? Iols situ la.deting deting..

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2018 08:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 22-8-2018 08:21 AM
Tu dhnjadi mimpi ngeri buat iols..hahaha
Eh..sarang art mamat khalid tu kat mana ek? Iols ...

Iols x tau la.. Restoran ke tu.. Aritu iols nmpak mamat khalid n family makan kat assam pedas house

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Post time 22-8-2018 08:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ferr_Remy replied at 22-8-2018 08:26 AM
Iols x tau la.. Restoran ke tu.. Aritu iols nmpak mamat khalid n family makan kat assam pedas hous ...

Kedai mamat khalid..slalu ada org xtaunlokasi di mana..hahaha...
Assam pedas house sedap ke uols?

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2018 08:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 22-8-2018 08:31 AM
Kedai mamat khalid..slalu ada org xtaunlokasi di mana..hahaha...
Assam pedas hous ...

Bolehlah . Sedap tp  bgi iols, overpriced

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Post time 22-8-2018 08:01 PM | Show all posts
untuk yg xde budget nak g jejauh.....melancong jela di msia....insyaAllah jumpe la cik ponti, cik pocong, budak nagis

tapi xyh g jejauh...duk je ofis memalam sesorng...kang ada ler yg meneman ehehe


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 Author| Post time 22-8-2018 11:24 PM | Show all posts
merrissa replied at 22-8-2018 08:01 PM
untuk yg xde budget nak g jejauh.....melancong jela di msia....insyaAllah jumpe la cik ponti, cik po ...

Ye betul tu.. tp yg ni list utk klu bosan2 tgk antu melayu, cina, india etc. Kekadang nak gak tgk antu Jepun, omputeh smbil tgk2 tmpat yg cantik kih3

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Post time 23-8-2018 10:19 AM | Show all posts
no 9


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Post time 23-8-2018 10:28 AM | Show all posts
Edited by tikusmontok at 23-8-2018 10:29 AM

Is the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel … haunted?Some of the guests that have stayed with the Fairmont Banff Springs hotel, in Banff Alberta Canada have claimed to have seen some spooky things.
We’ve had the pleasure of staying with them while attending our good friend Erin Skye Kelly’s conference and on our most recent January trip, we took the opportunity to check out some of the claims for ourselves. I do not believe in ghosts, or an afterlife. The Mrs believes in ghosts to some degree. We both had the chance to explore the hallways and ballrooms separately, as well as together, and we both agree that we did not see, hear, smell, or grope anything out of the ordinary or supernatural during our visit. In fact, we’ve never encountered anything on any of our visits that wasn’t the Mrs startling at her own reflection in a window or mirror.
First, a little history about the castle! It was originally opened on June 1st in 1888 along the Canadian Pacific railway, one of many ‘rail hotels‘ across the prairies as they expanded out west. It was a hit!

If we can’t export the scenery, we’ll import the tourists!” -William Cornelius Van Horne, president of CP rail at the time. He’s reported to have said this at the opening. He damn well did too.
People from all over the world traveled to stay and soak up the beauty of the Rockies and it’s natural hot springs, so they decided to begin expanding and improving the hotel, to make it even bigger and better.

Fun fact: the hotel was actually built backwards, with the amazing mountain vista views available to the kitchen staff and not the paying guests. This was discovered part way through the construction by Van Horne when he visited to check on progress. Bet he was pretty pissed. Renovations fixed this to move things around, plus the addition of a gazebo. It didn’t really matter though…
Original hotel again, exact date unknown. Source: Google

On April 7th, 1926 what was remaining of the original hotel structure burned down. It was scheduled to be tore down later on in the fall anyway, when the hotel closed for the winter months.
There are reports of a hidden or ‘secret room’ built into the original structure, another mistake by the contractors. The owner was not told about it. This room had no windows or doors, and was only discovered after the fire. There have been reports/rumors of ghost activity happening in the vicinity of this room since. Also? it might have been converted into a staff room! spooky stuff.
The hotel then re-opened fully in 1928. december 5th 1969 the hotel opened for the winter, and has been open year round ever since.

Fairmont Banff Springs: The Stories

Sam The Bellman
It is purposed that in 1975 a long time employee of the Fairmont Banff Springs hotel, named Samuel McCauley (or McAuley) passed away, having immigrated from Scotland and worked there as a bellhop for over 40 years. Legend has it that Sam jokingly threatened to return to the hotel after death to haunt it for all eternity. Guests have reported hearing giggling in the hallways, elevators stopping on floors randomly, seeing an elderly man dressed in a dated uniform meandering through the hallways, helping guests get back into their locked rooms and generally just being helpful and nice. It is said that Sam enjoys spending time around the 9th floor of the original hotel.

The Corpse Bride
There are two flavours to this tale, both involving a bride and this staircase.

It was sometime back in the 1920-1930s while on the stairs to join her wedding party in the ballroom, her gown blew up in the wind catching the flame of some candles positioned on each of the steps, causing her to go into a panic, fall and break her neck — and die. Alternatively she is said to have died from burns suffered from going up like a tinderbox.
Guests have reported seeing a bride standing or walking on the staircase, or dancing in the Cascade ballroom. In addition the bridal suite, where the couple was staying at the time of her death, reportedly emits strange noises when not in use. A cold breeze has been noticed while using the staircase. This may or may not be due to the doors to the outside terrace that are nearby.

Goodguy Bartender
Supposedly a ghostly bartender manifests somewhere, and encourages guests that have had too much to drink  and they need to head to bed, however I haven’t been able to find out any additional information on this one. Sounds kind of like a normal bartender. Or my Mom.

Headless Bagpiper
Much like the bartender story, I haven’t been able to find out much about him. There are mentions online of guests seeing a bagpiper around the grounds, without a head, somehow playing bagpipe music but nothing with detail or more information. Perhaps just one of those things that people keep re-telling; or maybe the staff of the hotel made him up to play up it being haunted?

Room 873, or lackthereof
On the 8th floor, where room 873 should be, is only a blank wall. If you weren’t paying attention you wouldn’t even notice it was missing. But, if you look closer, you will see that not all is as it seems. Here is a video that the Mrs took while she was investigating the hotel.

The story told is that an entire family was slaughtered (by the father) in the room. After the investigation and cleanup, the handprints of a child kept reappearing on the bathroom mirror, even with nobody staying in the suite. Totally haunted. People have also reported hearing screams in the middle of the night. Supposedly The Shining was based on the murders at the Banff Fairmont Springs Hotel.

@sosimple @winamp05   


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Post time 23-8-2018 12:08 PM | Show all posts
tikusmontok replied at 23-8-2018 10:28 AM
Is the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel … haunted?Some of the guests that have stayed with the Fairmo ...

kenape ni.... kenape ni.... blur.... nak move ke hape ni ?

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Post time 23-8-2018 12:14 PM | Show all posts
winamp05 replied at 23-8-2018 12:08 PM
kenape ni.... kenape ni.... blur.... nak move ke hape ni ?

hahahah tq mod cantik

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Post time 30-8-2018 10:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 22-8-2018 08:21 AM
Tu dhnjadi mimpi ngeri buat iols..hahaha
Eh..sarang art mamat khalid tu kat mana ek? Iols ...

Kat Tanjung Malim chuols. Tersesat ke kedai dia hari tu. Nampak cam ade band main music di sittew

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Post time 30-8-2018 12:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Catpaw replied at 30-8-2018 10:07 AM
Kat Tanjung Malim chuols. Tersesat ke kedai dia hari tu. Nampak cam ade band main music di sittew

Ye ke..kat tjg.malim ek..
Best x makanan dia?
Iols teringin btol nak gi...

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Post time 31-8-2018 09:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 30-8-2018 12:06 PM
Ye ke..kat tjg.malim ek..
Best x makanan dia?
Iols teringin btol nak gi...

Yup kat TM dekat dengan line komuter. Tak pernah makan kat situ, cuma tersesat ke sana. Nampak cam happenig je. Cam nampak pa lain dr yg lain hipstur ke camtu? Ade nampak girls stand by ngan gitar semua kot2 la ade event ka tak tau. Chuols dari mana? kalau jauh malas drive naik je komuter ke TM ambik grab / cab banyak.

Chuol teringin makan ape kat situ

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Post time 31-8-2018 11:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Catpaw replied at 31-8-2018 09:42 AM
Yup kat TM dekat dengan line komuter. Tak pernah makan kat situ, cuma tersesat ke sana. Nampak cam ...

Iols dari puchong..hihi...
Teringin makan western situ.. sambil mengimbau kenangan silam..hahaha
Sebab iols.suka tgk.cite gitchu...kikiki...

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Post time 31-8-2018 12:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 31-8-2018 11:08 AM
Iols dari puchong..hihi...
Teringin makan western situ.. sambil mengimbau kenangan silam..hahaha

Oklah tu puchong ke tm tu sekangkang kera je. Bila chuols nak pergi tu, review la sedap ke idok, murah ke rege yahudi

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