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[Falsafah] NARROWMINDED...

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Post time 18-6-2019 05:33 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by seribulan at 18-6-2019 04:38 AM

Which one depicts you? Agree?

10 Traits Of Narrow-Minded People[size=0.67em]
Malgosia Ruszkowska

Narrow Mindedness is part of life and we’ve all experienced it at some point in our life, to a greater or lesser extent.
If one has chosen to purposefully limit their perspective of life and the world around them, their choice should be respected, as long as they do not try to impose it on others.
It seems science is yet to answer what exactly makes some of us more narrow-minded than others. For the time being, however, we can take a quick look at the top ten defining characteristics of a closed mind.
1. Narrow-minded people tend to be very judgmental.
They know it all, and they always have their say about what someone else should do, say, or how they should look like. Typically, those statements are nowhere near objectivity. Judgmental people know best what their friends should be doing with their lives or where their relationships should be going.
In some extreme cases, they may even feel obliged to comment on what their neighbor should wear. Their statuses on social media are often criticizing others with no intention to give anyone at least a bit of credit. However, in some cases, their excessive criticism may backfire on them.
2. Must be (always) right.
“I told you so” is their favorite line. There is no way you can win an argument with a narrow-minded person, not to mention getting to some form of agreement. They will turn around the facts to support their opinion and will never let you have the last word.
Remember this absurd classroom rule that “The teacher is always right” with the following being that if the teacher isn’t right, refer to Rule One? Well, whoever came up with it must not have been very broad-minded.
3. Xeno/Homo/Humano… phobic.
Anything that the narrow-minded person does not understand or appears to them even slightly different is perceived as a threat. The list of targets includes, but is not limited to, immigrants, gay people, people with disabilities…
The narrow-minded person can be very good at hiding their phobias and not showing their disapproval on the surface, but deep inside they hold a mighty grudge for these social groups. Needless to say, their fears and reservations are seldom justified or reasonable.
4. Stuck in their habits.
One of the most defining characteristics of a narrow-minded person is that no matter what happens around them, they remain staunch to their habits. If, for example, a hard-headed person has been having a particularly bad fit of gout, they’d rather complain to high heaven then go and seek medical attention.
Similarly, they may spend hours complaining about their job, but they actually have no intention whatsoever to do anything to improve their situation.
When driving a car they are always swearing at other drivers, as if the road belonged to them. Their verbal outbursts, however, can sometimes escalate into brutal road rage crimes.
5. Generalizing lots.
Statements such as “All foreigners steal jobs”, “Rich people are rich because they exploit the working class”, “All politicians are liars”, “Such and such country is dangerous” and so on, are their everyday slogans.
All of the above generalizing catchphrases have been devised with the sole purpose of attracting a bunch of narrow-minded hardliners, frozen in their own stereotypes of the past. These are often repeated slogans they’ve heard from others or read in tabloids and have never bothered to cross check or verify.
Their favorite words are: “always”, “never”, “everybody”, “all”, etc, and these are mostly used to heap reproaches or throw accusations at someone.
Generalization is a very common communication strategy nowadays. The truth is that it hurts not only the people we address these slogans at, but it also backfires on us, because by doing so, we are closing our mind even more. It’s very bad energy – yeah, generally speaking!
6. Getting offended or upset easily.


Many things, even the smallest ones, can offend a narrow-minded person. A girl in a bar who wore something they’d never dare; a friend’s friends who didn’t pay them the attention they think they deserve, a taxi driver who didn’t say “Thank you for the tip”, etc.
While it is normal to get pissed of if an annoying situation is happening over and over again, there are days when we just get out of bed on the wrong side and then everything appears to be against us – from our colleagues and our boss to the elements outside. You are just a human being and it would be very narrow-minded of you to think that you’re not allowed to moan from time to time!
7. They’re dishonest and have trust issues.
These two usually go hand in hand. Obviously, I am not talking about situations when you don’t trust someone because your gut feeling is telling you not to, neither when your lack of trust is the result of a traumatic experience in the past.
In the circumstances described above, it’s absolutely understandable and OK to have certain reservations to people you meet for the first time. However, if you don’t trust anyone by default, perhaps it’s time to think things over. Some people are worth your trust and may feel offended if you keep them at bay.
8. Giving up on people too easily.
Narrow-minded people tend to part ways with their friends more easily than they can make new ones. And this is not because these people have done something terrible, but because they were not as perfect as their narrow-minded friend expected them to be.
They did well in pretty much everything; they were kind, respectful to you and funny, but they did that one single thing which overshadowed your whole relationship with that person. Here, we may argue that your reaction is a matter of maturity and perhaps that’s the case at times. Nonetheless, when you’re a grown up and still choose to focus on the negative things instead of the positive ones, you should reconsider your philosophy of life.
9. Live by their stereotypes.
They will listen to only one type of music, eat only food from their country even when they travel abroad, see only people within their social circle, etc. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with preferring one thing over another as long as you’re happy. On the other hand, you’re the one who may miss out on different life opportunities. Narrow-mindedness is when you do that one thing and impose your preferences on those around you.
10. Having an agenda.
They call their friends only when they need something or they feel lonely because their partner is away. Otherwise, you don’t hear from them. They want you in their life only because you got something they want to make use of, or because hanging out with you will make them feel better about themselves.
The above are only some of the most typical characteristics of a narrow-minded character. In a way, we all are narrow-minded to a greater or lesser extent. Coming from a very judgmental society, it took me years to overcome my prejudices and learn not to get upset whenever I see people doing things in the way I’d never do. I still struggle at times. Nonetheless, it’s still worth the effort, because the more open-minded you become the better you feel about yourself.
And here is a small definition to nail it.
Narrow-minded people seldom think independently.
Instead, they prefer to repeat what they’ve heard. Open-minded people, on the other hand, prefer to use their best judgment before they decide to follow a particular trend or chose a role model.



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Post time 18-6-2019 09:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
None of these actually depicts me. I am more to open-minded person actually. Here i would like to share 15 traits of open minded person. Perhaps one of you have the similar traits like me!

1. They’re Good Conversationalists
They’re great to talk to. You’re not going to get bullhorned by an open-minded person, nor catfished, gaslit, or unfairly berated. You’ll actually be listened to, something that’s becoming a novel concept these days.

2. They’re Not Quick To Judge
Your open-minded friends are able to hear one side of a story… and then wait for the other, which is nothing short of amazing.

3. They’re Inquisitive About Life
Having friends who not only have varied interests but actively seek out new interests is a Saturday night’s dream. These are the people who will find out about a hole-in-the-wall venue and say, “Let’s go,” leading perhaps to the best concert you’ve ever seen.
Or perhaps there’s an avant-garde play that absolutely no one but your open-minded buds would possibly suggest seeing, one you’d never have considered, but – having seen it – changed your life in ways you wouldn’t have dreamed.
They’re even likely to open you to innovations in science and technology seeing as they don’t mind being the guinea pig if it means satisfying a bit of curiosity about a new product or service.

4. They’re Not Harbingers Of Doom
We all know people who are able to equate whatever’s happening in the world with the end times. Political unrest equals doom. Hurricanes, tornados, and floods equal doom. Social change equals doom.
Conversely, the open-minded person sees political unrest as evidence of policies failing to serve equitably; hurricanes, tornados and floods are seen as the powerful forces of nature they are, not judgments upon humanity; social change means that perhaps injustices are finally being addressed.
Every new fad isn’t a sign of humanity’s slide into irredeemable idiocy; a new virus discovered doesn’t mean a return to Black Plague conditions.
Open-minded people tend to be level-headed and measured in their assessments of the tribulations and nuances of life.

5. They’re Honest
Most of the time, dishonesty comes from thinking one has to protect a particular mindset or singular worldview. The politician lies because he thinks Party first, truth second. The child lies to avoid the punishment of not continuing to get the things it likes.
Not that an open-minded person is a bastion of truth, they are simply less likely to see any value in trying to cover for a rigid viewpoint foisted on them by outside influences, rather than telling it like it is in the first place.

6. They’re Observant
It’s hard being open-minded with closed eyes, metaphorically and literally. The curiosity of open-minded people keeps them open to noticing the changes in their environments.
This can be as simple as noticing how well a certain shade plays off your eyes or as crucial as recalling the license plate or model of a car fleeing an accident.

7. They Like Jokes
Your open-minded friends often see humor where it might otherwise be missed, and deep down they know that the ultimate joke in life is that there is nothing so serious it can’t be made fun of.
This isn’t the same as someone making a tasteless joke. This is knowledge, perhaps consciously, perhaps unconsciously, of the innate ridiculousness of most human affairs. But nor are they above a tasteless joke or two.

8. They’re Not Easily Offended
Open-minded people don’t immediately assume every interaction is a game of outrage-tag, but they’re savvy enough to see when offense is someone’s goal.
They know that their sensibilities are not default settings for everyone else, but won’t shy away from letting someone know when they’ve crossed a line.

9. They’re Sympathetic
Because they haven’t walled themselves off from having contradictory feelings, they can be quite sympathetic to other people, perhaps even attaining levels of that separate, mysterious quality we call empathy. They don’t necessarily need direct experience to feel connections of pain or joy.
The best hugs come from open-minded people.

10. They’re Comfortable Being Mavericks
Real mavericks aren’t just people who go against the grain, they’re people who reshape the direction so that life flows a bit more smoothly for all than it did before.
Because open-minded people aren’t generally interested in following crowds or accepting pat answers, they will question the status quo more often than not.
If this means they do things that won’t gain them favor, they’ll live with that.

11. They Possess A Youthful Exuberance
There’s a playful quality to these open-minded friends. They can be a bit naive, and might be prone to daydreams. They might even strike you as foolish more than someone their age ought to be.
But they light fires under your own exuberance and invite all kinds of play and mischief, which, admittedly, you love more than you likely let on.

12. They’re Great At Problem Solving
We all have “go-to” people. There’s a problem keeping you up at night, you reach out to the go-to, that open-minded person who’ll listen, weigh, consider, alchemize, and point the way toward solutions.
Open-minded people get giddy when they get to wrap their minds around life’s puzzles and mental quandaries. They also make great mediators.

13. They’re Not Stingy With Their Time
Because they don’t think they’re the focus of the universe, open-minded folks don’t mind taking time out of their busy lives to assist others. They’re the ones who’ll help you move into your new apartment on relatively short notice. And they will do so without complaining.
They also won’t mind sitting quietly with you. They’re experts at walking beside you in museums and parks, or sharing popcorn with you at the movies. Generally-speaking, open-minded people are who you want on your bowling team.

14. They’re Musically Adventurous
Avail yourself of their music collection. Seriously. These open-minded friends of yours are music mavens.
They listen to everything: Prince, The Cure, Brides of Funkenstein, Lyle Lovett, Kate Bush, Baaba Maal, Air Supply… you name it, they either have it or have something like it.
This means road trips with them are epic karaoke fests.

15. They’re Patrons Of The Arts
The indie artist scene is advancing in all directions, fueled in large part by open-minded people hungry for more than the latest book to self-purchase its way to best-seller lists, the hottest of the haute galleries to highlight the latest rage, or – as mentioned above – a need for more from their musicians than the number of YouTube hits it took to get them a record deal.
Your open-minded friends support the indie authors who take literary risks. They buy the CDs on sale at the micro concerts. Not only do they stop to admire the work of festival artists, they are inclined to take a piece of their art home with them.

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Post time 18-6-2019 09:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Narrow minded in simple Malay linggo translation ... Bodoh Sombong tak boleh diajar!!  Meaning...dah la bodoh...sombong pulak..bengap tak boleh diajar..

Why Lord AlMighty create this kind of narrow minded people? And make them exist in our surrounding?  They do have their part in this entertaint us as our JOKER  



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Post time 18-6-2019 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Narrow minded people mostly person yang tak suka bergaul dengan orang.
Just live in their own group.
Afraid to step out from their comfort zone.



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Post time 18-6-2019 10:04 AM | Show all posts
agreed on the "judgmental" part. I have experienced dealing with a judgmental person and upon confronting them most of them are narrow-minded type. just because they have not experienced it, they would simply accuse or judge another person. to make it worse, they become so defensive about it.



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Post time 18-6-2019 10:28 AM | Show all posts
Biasa org narrow minded mmg tk boleh di tegur. Dia akan nampak semua nya salah kita. Dia ja betul dan tak akan mengaku salah.

Lain2 yang iols perasan dia mmg suka psyco orang lain, padahal die sediri yg psyco (gile). Nak org dengar cakap die ja. Ikot telujuk die.

Lama2 kawan dengan orag mcm ni, kita yag gile..



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Post time 18-6-2019 10:33 AM | Show all posts
MFR_IN replied at 18-6-2019 10:28 AM
Biasa org narrow minded mmg tk boleh di tegur. Dia akan nampak semua nya salah kita. Dia ja betul da ...

tak kuase nak layan manusia gini khens

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Post time 19-6-2019 12:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hmmm.. If you describe someone as narrow-minded, you are criticizing them because they are unwilling to consider new ideas or other people's opinions.
Synonyms: intolerant, conservative, prejudiced, biased

But realitinya dalam kontex kehidupan kita (tiada kaitan dgn pandangan agama ya) .. Narrow minded not only berfikiran sempit.. Tp diorg mmg tend to be judgemental dan sememangnya mereka ini ada sifat dengki.. Rasa mcm diri mereka je yg betul.. Nak salahkan org lain shja.. Tp kesalahan diri sendiri mmg x nampak.. Kadang mmg stress berhadapan dgn manusia berfikiran sempit ni.. Bukan shaja rasa diri tu hebat dan betul.. Tp xleh nak Terima pendapat org lain lansung.. At the end the best way is to ignore shja org mcm ni.. Cakap banyak pun tiada guna.. So buat dek je lah.. Xyah layan kan sgat.. Xdelah sakit hati..



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Post time 21-6-2019 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Sadly, some of narrow minded traits depicts my inner-self tapi sbb i can hide it well so people always describe me as an open minded  person.

I think life is about how well do you know urself and balance it with the environment. Simple.



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Post time 22-6-2019 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I have experienced once dealing with this kind of pipol. After a while of tolerating the negative judgements or advicing not to think the negative way, i gave up. Whenever we talked now, i either smile, nodded or reply with hmmm.. Just to make the other party feels a bit okay. I no longer care to correct the other party or to at least try to speak up my mind becausr i know at the end of the day, they are just being them, the narrow minded



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Post time 23-6-2019 09:56 AM | Show all posts
DetectiveFS replied at 18-6-2019 09:23 AM
None of these actually depicts me. I am more to open-minded person actually. Here i would like to sh ...

Its tough bila handle ngan org mcmni.. bff sendiri jugak...
Bila dia rasa pegangan dia tu tepat, tapi sebenarnya boleh buat cara lain.
now sampai dah bercerai maybe laki xdpt tahan ngan minded dia yg mcmtu...
kesian...tapi dia sebenarnya sgt penyayang tp mgkin dengan cara yg salah...



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Post time 23-6-2019 11:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I can be narrow, and i can be open minded too. Depends pd situasi. Kebanyakannya dtg dr pembawakan dan pendidikan ibu bapa. My father especially masa i kecik2 dulu mmg sgt narrow. Rasa hanya pendidikan sekolah yg konvensional shj yg akan bawa masa depan yg cerah. I sebaliknya hanya average student yg minat sgt aktiviti mcm tarian dan sports, dan i sgt berbakat. Wakil sekolah sampai daerah. Tapi tak ada support jadinya terbengkalai saja. Ayah i sgt benci apa2 selain pelajaran dan berfikiran sempit. I tak ulangi perkara yg sama bila ada anak. Apa kecenderungan dia i support dan walau apa pun 50:50 pendidikan sekolah dan minat dia i nurture sama rata. I buka minda - skills sama baiknya dengan pelajaran. Kalau dia jd engineer tp dalam masa yg sama good in sports macam swimming atau martial arts dia boleh jana pendapatan sampingan. I tak sempitkan pemikiran i sama macam ayah i. When i look back sad that i dot get a chance to pursue my interest. Tgk atlit2 rasa macam i can be them dulu2 tapi dek narrow minds yg dictact my life. Sighh sedih sebenarnya.



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Post time 2-7-2019 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Narrow mindedness in arabic is called ‘jumud’. I rasa menjelang wawasan 2020 ni, sepatutnya ramai yang dah boleh berfikiran luas dan bersifat lebih terbuka. Banyak faktor yang affect cara pemikiran seseorang tu especially upbringing dan environment.

Being too narrow minded and too open minded dua2 tak bagus. Kita kena balance kan both of them. Narrow mindedness is not good for the development while open mindedness shouldn’t be pressed on sensitive matters mcm agama and so on.



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Post time 11-10-2019 09:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Err who is this narrow minded . Agree.

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Post time 10-8-2022 12:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Narrow minded bahaya blh buat umat pecah belah sbb fikiran sempit

Seribulan nak tacang pls

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