Aku tau you cant control your mind but keep thinking about him, but.....lakukan ini akan
1. make him hate you 2. put yourself in a toxic situation
Jadi...be aware dont do this!
1. Meroyan dengan muat naik status negatif di akaun media sosial
2. Layan lagu sedih berminggu-minggu tanpi henti
3. Kuring diri dalam bilik sampai tak makan. Please love yourself!
4. Menjadi Stalker
5. Cari orang yang replace dari Tantan/ Tinder, sis ini app yang tak baik!! Kalau mau new friend for talk, go to JustDating/ SweetRing/ CofeeMeetBagel yang serius app ni -,-
Bonus: JANGAN keep talk about him all the time!!
Go to a course, find something you like to do, give youself a time Meet people, talk about thing not relationship. Meditation, Yoga, Find your inner self and spend some time with close friend and family. Ataupun cari kak Kay Boleh pergi shopping cafe to heal yourself.
bila putus cinta...tarik nafas pun rasa pedih..air mata bertakung...mulut terkunci...suara tak keluar ...sakit betul rasa tu...perasaan yg tak sanggup nak tempuh..
Post time 4-1-2020 12:03 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Penah alami dl.. Nangis setiap ari sampai bengkak2 mata.
Paling Kejap pulih dlm ms 3bulan.. Paling lama dlm ms 1thn setenggah
. Cinta mati la konon nye.. Hehehe