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NAK TANYA: Private School/ International School bagus tak? Worth the money?

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Post time 21-7-2020 01:05 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Would you recommend kids pergi Private School/ International School?
I mean ramai orang sentiasa cakap "kalau ada duit, of course"
Tetapi saya nak tahu worth it tak? Anak2 yg pergi sekolah2 ni akan ada lebih opportunity?
Lebih cemerlang (kerana studies mereka different sikit?)

Sifu2 sini, if ada apa2 insight/advice, sila share, terima kasih in advance



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Post time 21-7-2020 07:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Betul..kalau ada duit boleh pegi..semuanya mmg perlukan duit, stanby mcm nk masuk uni swasta lah ya..admission fees, monthly fees, activities fees..every single thing will be charged..

Masuk sekolah swasta/international school tak menjanjikan anak2 pandai tp usaha anak + mak bapak tu yg boleh membantu jd anak cemerlang..cuma yg elok sekolah international school dia mcm stress free lah sbb assessment dia bukan based on ada je private schools yg ada ajar silibus sek kebangsaan..kira bagus la jgk ni nnti ada spm utk bolehkan bdk2 tu masuk local uni jgk..kalau takde spm tak dapek la nk nolong...

My circles, mmg berlumba2 nk masukkan anak g private school diorg xmampu sbb  yearly expenses mcm boleh beli sebijik kete setiap private schools with local subjects is an option itu lah semenjak PKP ni baru sedar yg they cant afford to pay for the private schools sbb they are losing their jobs..

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Post time 21-7-2020 09:33 AM | Show all posts
private school ni mcm tadika swasta jgk

zaman laa nih sapa yg ade fulus lebih..level top 20..level2 kayangan

jelah yg mampu hantar all to private n tak hrp services from gomen lagi:

1. hospital

2. klinik

3. private school

4. college university private

so yg marhaen bottom 40 hadap jelah sume servis from gomen

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Post time 21-7-2020 11:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Imo, sekolah private @ international @ local anak tetap boleh excel kalau dapat bimbingan yang sepatutnya. Kalau yakin ada duit yg cukup untuk edu anak dr primary sampai uni silakan proceed dgn mana2 private school pilihan. Ada some of my friend yg mmg dah allocate big sum ard 300k untuk setiap anak punya edu.through times diorang still saving more sbb obviously 300k tu tak cukup sampai masuk uni sbb kalau international school tu per year ada 3 terms..kalau dah 1 term cost them ard 15k, belum termasuk charges for lain2 lg..meols nak pitam dgr..hehe

As for me yg takat m40 ni, i prefer school yg combine academic and agama. Under KPM very limited so we have no choice terpaksa ke private juga.luckily in our area byk pilihan. Masa my eldest son dulu, pergi survey around 7-8 schools. Kiyah list down base on our experience dulu. Ni hanya pendapat meols yg kerdil. Banyak benda yg kena consider:
1) concern / expectation
Ni kena discuss with ur spouse and anak. Meols dulu main concern adalah ilmu agama and secondly nak english medium sbb time tu anak2 lebih cenderung pada english dr bahasa ibunda. Dont get me wrong, we worked so hard preparing them with both language, kira balance la tp they prefer english material. Just go with the flow la

2) syllabus
Yang ni parents kena do some research sbb syllabus skrg cepat sgt berubah. Since private school byk, the competition is there. Each school ada kelebihan masing2.

3) tenaga pengajar
Ada sesetengah private school yg dibarisi tenaga pengajar bukan dr latarbelakang pendidikan. Tak semua org mampu mengajar dgn baik walaupun dia berkelulusan cemerlang. Yang ni mungkin reflect pada performance current student. Cuba dtg survey pada hari persekolahan sbb boleh la tengok suasana pembelajaran sekolah tu yg sebenar.

4) facilities
Kebanyakan private school guna shoplots. But there are still good ones yg bukan setakat ada all sort of courts, swimming pools pon ada..yuran pon faham2 je la..haha

5) location & school hour
Yang ni penting gak sebab hari2 nak commute kan. Kena plan betul2 and jgn lupa pertimbangkan juga waktu untuk anak berehat, makan, main, mengaji, doing homework, quality time with family etc.

6) extra co-curricular
Some school wajibkan stud untuk involve in at least 2 co curricular activities. Boleh tanya apa yg diorang offer and fees. Biasanya fees berbeza sbb diorang outsource. Ada yang sampai monthly cost untuk ni je 150-200.

7) fees
Yang ni tanya poket masing2. Kalau sekolah tu best sgt menepati ciri2 yang uols nak n fit in ur budget why not?

Kesimpulannya, terpulang pada ibubapa memilih sekolah yg sesuai untuk anak masing2. Pada masa yang sama kita harus ingat bahawa peranan mendidik anak2 adalah tanggungjawab bersama ibubapa n guru. Kiyah personally prefer sekolah yang tidak terlalu mahal yurannya sebab nak peruntukkan sejumlah wang untuk anak2 hadiri kelas2 lain di luar waktu sekolah. Tujuannya supaya anak dpt mengasah kemahiran sosial dengan different set of people at different places doing different activities. Sekadar pendapat kiyah yang kerdil


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Post time 22-7-2020 05:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Better sekolah biasa n tuition or pvt tuition yg cikgu dtg rumah tu..
N simpan duit utk anak further study oversea..
Tp kalau mmg kaya raya, why not..

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Post time 27-7-2020 04:35 PM | Show all posts
kalau ada duit why not. persoalan sama ada worth it or not, i think depend dengan sekolah yang kita nak attend tu. so kalau decide nak hantar private research lah sekolah yang betul-betul okey.

mmg ada sekolah yang okey pun. anak sepupu masuk private school under scholarship lah tapi, mmg banyak opportunity budak tu dapat.

macam saya sebenarnya sangat menggalakkan orang yang berada ni pergi institusi swasta macam sekolah swasta, hospital swasta dan segala benda yang swasta. at least institusi kerajaan macam sekolah kerajaan, hospital kerajaan tak lah sesak dan boleh fokus kepada rakyat marhaen yang B40 dan M40 ni macam saya sendiri. hehe.

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Post time 30-7-2020 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Anak akak pergi international school dari junior kiddy sampai grade 5 sebelum sambung ke aliran biasa  sek kebangsaan. Bagusnya international school ini latih anak develop strong growth mindset. Selain itu ada extra class utk bahasa mandarin selain fasih english.

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Post time 9-8-2020 09:07 AM | Show all posts
u guys missed a point
hantar international / private school (yang top tier la) ni kelebihan utama dia is who ur kids grew up with. especially boarding school. ni grew up together not just rub shoulders.

contoh senang korang tengok - jho low
bapak dia kaya, that is a given, tapi not that insanely rich

who jho low grew up with? anak jibby, anak syeikh arab. royalty.

dia punya connection? crazy. in a world yang about who u know ni, yang ni kelebihan utama
hate jho low all u want, gotta admit his dad did a mighty fine job of setting him up.

sama jugak macam a lesser extend. sebab tu orang berlumba hantar anak masuk mrsm/sbp. grow up among brightest minds. aku sendiri product sbp. tak pandai pon. cukup syarat ja.
tapi now in my 30s -
nak legal advice - top rising star in agc call ja
something weird? - let me whatsapp member katil sebelah now in blackrock
astrophysicist? i know one, a senior masa sekolah dulu. kami dulu aktif kadet polis sekali
PTD- ada 4-5 ekor

stuff like this would help u greatly in life.

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Post time 25-8-2020 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Kalau ada duit tak salah nak hantar ke international school. Kalau private school silibus mcm sekolah biasa. Internation school ikut chambridge silibus

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Post time 6-9-2020 11:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kiyah replied at 21-7-2020 11:53 AM
Imo, sekolah private @ international @ local anak tetap boleh excel kalau dapat bimbingan yang sepat ...

Thank u very good info !!

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Post time 6-9-2020 11:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
BigPanther replied at 9-8-2020 09:07 AM
u guys missed a point
hantar international / private school (yang top tier la) ni kelebihan utama d ...

This is also so true. Networking.

Sama macam budak masuk boarding schools- prominent ones. Not school itself but who do you know.


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Post time 6-9-2020 06:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lesprincesse replied at 6-9-2020 11:19 AM
Thank u very good info !!

No problem sis untuk manfaat bersama

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Post time 25-9-2020 10:28 AM | Show all posts
The main difference between a private and public school is how they are funded. Private schools are not government funded and rely on other means of funding, such as endowments and donations. This means that tuition can be higher for a private school than a public one.

Attending public school comes with its own challenges, but there are also the advantages.

Both are schools. The hard work you do to put your children at the best school count.

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Post time 27-9-2020 10:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jika mampu hantar ke sekolah private, ape salahnya.
Lepas tu rancang path hala tuju anak selepas sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah..Etc


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Post time 7-10-2020 10:49 PM | Show all posts
kaksarah66 replied at 30-7-2020 11:25 AM
Anak akak pergi international school dari junior kiddy sampai grade 5 sebelum sambung ke aliran bias ...

aliran kebangsaan ni dlm lingkungan berapa fees nya??

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Post time 18-12-2020 05:50 PM | Show all posts
mawarputih2612 replied at 7-10-2020 10:49 PM
aliran kebangsaan ni dlm lingkungan berapa fees nya??

lambatnya nak reply. sorry dik, kak jarang masuk forum. Tapi jawab juga soalan dik, aliran kebangsaan tu sekolah kebangsaan kerajaan biasa.

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Post time 18-12-2020 09:02 PM | Show all posts
kaksarah66 replied at 18-12-2020 05:50 PM
lambatnya nak reply. sorry dik, kak jarang masuk forum. Tapi jawab juga soalan dik, aliran kebangs ...

aah sis. iols tanya fee nya, belum dijawab lagi

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Post time 26-12-2020 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Masih nampak ada discussion pasal faedah2 untuk sekolah international/ kebangsaan.

Faedahnya really depends on what kind of individual or character yg you nak anak2 you jadi.

International school dapat bagi anak2 banyak different exposure sebab mereka dapat mingle dengan budak2 yg datang dari background yg diverse. Di sinilah you boleh nampak mindset dan attitude anak2 berbeza dengan budak yg study di sekolah kebangsaan.

Point kedua adalah syallabus international school. Sebelum enrollkan anak dalam mana mana sekolah, mestilah buat research pasal what kind of study material sekolah tu adapt. Is this particular curiculumn what you want your kids to study in?  

Lepas tu, juga perlu consider pasal quality pengajar, facilities sedia ada, fees, location yg sesuai dan lain-lain lagi.

At the end of the day,  both international or sekolah kebangsaan have their benefits. It really depends on what you want for your kids. Just ingat choices yg you make sekarang x akan contribute to their success or failure in the future. Success ke tidak memang depends on how hardworking your anak is and character dia.

Harap kongsian saya dapat membantu. Cheers.

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Post time 26-12-2020 03:25 PM | Show all posts
mawarputih2612 replied at 18-12-2020 01:02 PM
aah sis. iols tanya fee nya, belum dijawab lagi

Hai dari Q-dees! Nampaknya masih x ade reply yg concrete pasal question anda.

Fees sekolah memang depends on jenis programme yg you enrolkan anak2 in. Dia memang berbeza depending on brand sekolah dan programme structure yg you pilihkan. Di sini ada satu article yg breakdownkan pengiraan school fees:

Hope this helps

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Post time 28-12-2020 03:19 PM | Show all posts
mawarputih2612 replied at 18-12-2020 09:02 PM
aah sis. iols tanya fee nya, belum dijawab lagi

fee sekolah kebangsaan ke fee sekolah antarabangsa? Kak pulak yang confuse

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