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Living with ADHD

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Post time 22-9-2020 04:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by manjalara_01 at 22-9-2020 04:32 PM

Assalamualaikum semua.

Ok so today i decided to share this part of my life with u guys. 1 main reason because day by day rs mcm b'tambah stress yg b'punca from my Inattentive ADHD. What about u guys yg tgh hadap dugaan ni so far? How are u coping?

Harap u all bleh share
1-pengalaman masing2, or sesiapa yg u kenal ade ADHD
2- tips yg work for u
3- medication ape u guys ambik, brape lame dah? Ade side effect x?
4- bile kena diagnose? Sejak zaman skolah ke dah dewasa/tua ni baru kena diagnose?
5- struggles at school, work, relationships, family, financial independence? etc

For me pulak i just got diagnosed last year di ppum. I have it since i was a kid. Last week i surrender breakdown because i rs dah otak ni x bleh nk function. Rs mcm dah lame teringin nk bukak thread ni. Cume rs segan sbb yea la xde ape2 progress or inspirational stories to share.

Ape2 pun harap kite semua dpt manfaat dari thread ni. Tq in advance.



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Post time 22-9-2020 08:12 PM | Show all posts
ganbatte Manja...teringat drama Bidadari Kiriman Tuhan...

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Post time 23-9-2020 07:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I suka thread ni. Keep sharing TT. I ada kawan yg nmpk ada ciri2 ada adhd ni tp taknk jumpa doc. Sorang lg kawan, anak dia yg ada, mmg doc dah diagnosed since last year. Yg tu hyperactive

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Post time 23-9-2020 07:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
X pernah tau psl penyakit ni but looking forward for this thread.

I support you Manja.

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Post time 23-9-2020 07:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Manja, kiyah doakan manja diberikan ketenangan dalam menghadapi ujian ni. Btw, mind to share apa yang menyebabkan manja pi screening ni? I meant, ramai yang mungkin menghadapi keadaan yang sama tapi tidak aware. And kalau manja kata dah ada adhd dari kecik, kenapa baru  skrg seek for treatment?

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Post time 23-9-2020 07:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pernah tau n belajar siket2 briefly pasal contoh special needs children,cuma tak pernah berdepan lagi dengan theyol,adhd especially
Iol amat admire mereka2 yang terlibat dalam bidang ni,

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2020 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kiyah replied at 23-9-2020 07:32 PM
Manja, kiyah doakan manja diberikan ketenangan dalam menghadapi ujian ni. Btw, mind to share apa yan ...

Hi guys, thanx yea sbb sudi masuk sini & be supportive..

Thanx kiyah..bleh je share.

Well i ni 80s kid, so bezakan masa tu dgn skrg? Parents skrg ni more aware tentang mental illness, cikgu2 pun same. Bukan mcm dulu sgt beza la. So walaupun masa i kanak2 dulu mmg perangai pelik & x mcm my siblings yg lain,..mana la parents i nk tahu ade something wrong dgn otak i dulu huhu.

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2020 11:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kiyah replied at 23-9-2020 07:32 PM
Manja, kiyah doakan manja diberikan ketenangan dalam menghadapi ujian ni. Btw, mind to share apa yan ...

Actually for me i rs i ni mmg pelik sejak skolah rendah lg. Everything was a struggle from socializing to learning, reading, counting,sports dll.

Sblum tu i kena tutor dgn my late dad kat rumah sbb i slow sgt nk tangkap info. Nk blajar mengeja , m' baca..

Tp that time i masih bleh cope. Masuk highschool je everything fell a part.

Nak pendekkan cerita bile dah masuk 3 series i insomnia, jumpe Dr 2 kali mkn ubat tdo, third time Dr bg surat jumpe psychiatrist. I ade bc a few stories yg kalu masa kanak2 x kena diagnose bile umur masuk 30s mcm2 hal la terjadi antaranya insomnia.

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2020 11:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CardiGans85 replied at 23-9-2020 07:24 PM
X pernah tau psl penyakit ni but looking forward for this thread.

I support you Manja.

Kalau u all rajin bleh tgk clip ni. I relate sgt dgn die part keje tu. X silap die pernah cube keje at 20 different jobs tp semua x bleh dpt keje tetap. Yes that was t same for me. She is 36 i think diagnose masa skolah dulu. Hyperactive + Inattentive adhd.



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Post time 24-9-2020 12:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keep writing tau... since Internet slow sgt jenuh taip x lepas.. u know... i nak add some jugak boleh? those with ADHD ni yg berjaya in life. Nanti i share... meanwhile keep sharing babe!

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Post time 24-9-2020 12:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 23-9-2020 11:14 PM
Actually for me i rs i ni mmg pelik sejak skolah rendah lg. Everything was a struggle from sociali ...

Hugs manja! Well I'm pretty sure uve excel in many ways despite all the struggles. Truly understand your situation, unlike now byk source of info, dulu mmg limited. But see where you are now, u made it your way!! Congrats!

Kiyah dok risau bout my 2nd son. Sejenis yang jumping around all the time even when watching TV. Tak boleh duduk diam. dia suka berlari melompat n flapping hands.Cuma kiyah rasa dia gifted sbb by the age of 2 dah mula membaca, communicate well, and had been receiving awards for his achievement. Adakah kiyah patut bawa dia for screening?

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2020 02:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 24-9-2020 12:06 AM
keep writing tau... since Internet slow sgt jenuh taip x lepas.. u know... i nak add some jugak bole ...

It's ok la u. I rs xyah kot share about successful people yg ade adhd ni. Thread ni more fokus pd pengalaman, struggles, treatment ubat , symptoms dll..

Mcm debbie downer pulak i ni tp kalu masih teringin sila la.

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Post time 24-9-2020 02:28 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 24-9-2020 02:22 PM
It's ok la u. I rs xyah kot share about successful people yg ade adhd ni. Thread ni more fokus pd  ...

ok manja, of coz i will not. i will respect that. Then i zill enjoying the reading.

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2020 02:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 24-9-2020 02:40 PM
Kiyah replied at 24-9-2020 12:54 PM
Hugs manja! Well I'm pretty sure uve excel in many ways despite all the struggles. Truly understan ...

Honestly u i'm no where on the scale of achievements bandingkan dgn my peers yg normal yg dah bekerjaya, berkawin, beranak & dlm proses mengumpul harta dll.

I harap ade la faedahnya i buke pekung didada kat thread ni haha.

Bgsnya ade anak mcm ni. 2 tahun dah mcm ade ciri2 budak genius. U dah discuss dgn hubby u ke? Kalau i yaa bleh je la hantar anak jumpe pakar..


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 Author| Post time 24-9-2020 02:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 24-9-2020 02:28 PM
ok manja, of coz i will not. i will respect that. Then i zill enjoying the reading.

Sure u, no problem. U rs ade x forumers lain yg akan share pengalaman they all?

Actually skrg ni i dah 1 bulan lebih mkn 40mg prozac. Dr i mmg dah lame nk up my dossage tp mahal u sekotak ubat tu dlm RM80. Kad oku x tanggung. Yg ditanggung ubat yg murah haha.

November ni i ade follow up dgn my Dr. I thought nk tanya die about my adhd meds. Brape RM? Bile bleh start? I rs desperate sgt nk fix my dysfunctional brain.

T upside kalau dah mkn ubat tu nnt u akan rs otak u clear & alive. Kalau x sblum ni my brain rs mcm 70% of t time in day like half awake half asleep. Rs mcm zombie or like u rabun jauh & dekat. So bile jln2 tu slalu terjatuh sakit la kan lebam sana lebam sini.

Tp t downside
1- bleh trigger anxiety
2- bleh ketagih..

Ni 2 side effect ni la yg i cuak. I mmg dah ade anxiety..mcm lawak pulak.

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Post time 24-9-2020 03:52 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 24-9-2020 02:57 PM
Sure u, no problem. U rs ade x forumers lain yg akan share pengalaman they all?

Actually skrg n ...

im sure there is, sure ada forumer yg ada pengalaman..just wait and enjoy sharing yours je..once yg lain perasan topik ni im sure they will be very happy to share experience.

hmmmm u shud ask your doctor anything u need to know. I hope u well and keep ur charm and enjoy what ever yg u tgh buat ok and yeah look fwd for more storys from you.

I hope u will listen to ur doctors and yes..try ur best not to rely on ur medication too much. If u know what i mean. U go gurl!


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 Author| Post time 24-9-2020 07:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 24-9-2020 03:52 PM
im sure there is, sure ada forumer yg ada pengalaman..just wait and enjoy sharing yours je..once y ...

Sblum i start my prozac 3 tahun lepas i mmg resist mula2 tu. Risau jgk psl side effect. I mmg ade gerd, gastric, indigestion semua & antara side effectnya can cause isu indisgestion ni.

Dlm 3 months kot i tangguh sampai sorg psychiatrist tu sound i haha, she said" if u don't eat your medication how r we going to help u??"...stress muke she all.

So..thats how it is i guess. Nk x nk ke still have too take..

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Post time 25-9-2020 11:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 24-9-2020 02:31 PM
Honestly u i'm no where on the scale of achievements bandingkan dgn my peers yg normal yg dah be ...

I dah voice out to husband n family tp semua cakap nothing to worry. I guess maybe sbb his 'genius traits'..everytime bawa jumpa org their first impression 'this boy is something' sbb dia sejenis friendly walaupun dgn org2 tua. Personally I xtau nak ckp dia betul2 genius or not sbb dah hari2 dgn dia..hihi..I mmg nak sgt bwk dia for screening tapi I have no idea where to start. Adakah perlu referral letter or how?

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2020 12:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kiyah replied at 25-9-2020 11:42 AM
I dah voice out to husband n family tp semua cakap nothing to worry. I guess maybe sbb his 'genius ...

Hey u..ya i guess better bwk gi jumpe pakar utk kanak2. Kat ppum ade. Yes u need referral from gp. Elok la buat skrg ape2 pun, jgn tggu dah besar baru nk buat.

Sometimes bile nk jumpe psychiatrist mmg kena ade courage. Masa i nk jumpe dulu pun rs nervous, but since i terdesak nk tahu what's wrong with me?

Selama ni pyh sgt nk buat ape2 je la. Tgk org lain buat kacang je..huhu malu tau terkesan sgt self- esteem & dignity as a person.


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 Author| Post time 26-9-2020 08:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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