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Author: manjalara_01

Living with ADHD

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Post time 1-10-2020 05:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 1-10-2020 04:59 PM
Paksa ape u? Dr prempuan ke ? Kalu Dr jantan x tau la i nk komen ape..haha

Dr pompuan.. asyik ckp aku boleh buat..tak bg aku berhenti keje.. pdhl aku mmg tak mampu aku la dr jumpa psikiatrik baik jumpa tok moh jahhh.. hati aku tak sakit.. ini habis diceramahnya aku

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2020 05:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 1-10-2020 05:07 PM
Dr pompuan.. asyik ckp aku boleh buat..tak bg aku berhenti keje.. pdhl aku mmg tak mampu a ...

Haa? X professional langsung. Org mcm ni mmg annoying. X kira la kaunselor ke therapist ke tp so far & i & my psychiatrist ok la xde la anmoying mcm ni.

I thought keje psy ni dengar masalah u ni pun takat isi2 penting je like my Dr die xde masa nk dengar details. Then diagnose & bg ubat.

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Post time 1-10-2020 05:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 1-10-2020 05:47 PM
Haa? X professional langsung. Org mcm ni mmg annoying. X kira la kaunselor ke therapist ke tp so f ...

Mmg tak best pun jumpe pun.. aku tak baik pun.. dah berenti baru aku baik..aku redha je tinggal gaji 6k.. sbb mmg dah tak mampu.. pi keje pun nangis.. sabtu seronok ahad pagi dah mula tak seronok.. ahaf mlm nak plan monteng.. isnin pagi murung.. tak seronok idup cam tuu.. ckp kat kawan.. kawan kata aku yg melebih.. keje senang je.. ye la agaknya kot.. tiap kali masuk mesyuarat aku berpeluh mcm duk tepi api..

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Post time 1-10-2020 10:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 1-10-2020 05:03 PM
Godiva? X pernah dengar, choco dari planet mana tu? Hehe ..i baru lepas mkn twiggies choco & half  ...

adalah  ce Google.

hmm ye lah.. i pun rasa lebih sesuai gitu.. hujan lagi ni   so u have a good nite sleep.. nnt update okeh

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2020 11:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 2-10-2020 11:50 AM
Buritan replied at 1-10-2020 05:52 PM
Mmg tak best pun jumpe pun.. aku tak baik pun.. dah berenti baru aku baik..aku redha je tinggal ga ...

Honestlykan i pun kalu bleh x nk attend appointment mcm ni. Mmg unpleasant especially sesi psychotherapy. Dah la b' sambung2..

Menyakitkn bile kena recall balik memory yg negatif. Antara soklan cepu emas:

1) u pernah kena abuse x zaman chilhood or bile2 ?
[ I angguk2 je sbb air mata b'derai dah masa ni x bleh buat ape dah ]

2) u pernah rs nk bunuh diri x?
[ my reaction dlm hati " what t heck punye soklan?? Dah 4 sessi duk tanye soklan tu je last2 i redho ]

3) knp yea sampai skrg u masih blum cube utk nk bunuh diri?
[my reaction dlm hati " are u kidding me??". I jwb " i dont know". Lepas tu rs mcm bangga sbb rs mcm tu jwpn yg bgs haha]

T only reason i sanggup nk tempoh semua ni because my whole life i know ade something yg x kena dgn diri i but have no idea ape puncanya & bile dah x brape nk muda ni rs sgt terdesak nk tahu. Susah u all imagine dah 20 jobs i lompat kena fire la tp bleh X dpt keje tetap. X bleh nk function keje mcm org lain?? Antara symptom adhd
yg ramai x tahu...


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 Author| Post time 2-10-2020 11:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 1-10-2020 10:45 PM
adalah  ce Google.

hmm ye lah.. i pun rasa lebih sesuai gitu.. hujan lagi ni   so u have a good ...

Sure u. U2 . Dah keesokan hr dah pun hehe

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Post time 2-10-2020 02:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 2-10-2020 11:48 AM
Honestlykan i pun kalu bleh x nk attend appointment mcm ni. Mmg unpleasant especially sesi psych ...

Aku lak....i cakao saya jenis ade benda yg menghantui akan berjln dlm otak aku.. doc ckp.. cubelaa utk lupe.. taik hang.. cmn aku nak lupe.. aku mmg tak reti dan tak boleh lupe..

Aku bgtau saya jd too sensitif.. cubelaa jgn jd sensitif.. aku rasa doc psi ni kbnykan yg aku jumpa bongok.. ..

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2020 11:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 2-10-2020 02:40 PM
Aku lak....i cakao saya jenis ade benda yg menghantui akan berjln dlm otak aku.. doc ckp.. cubelaa ...

Ntah2 die kaunselor?? I rs better u try gi jumpe psy kat hospital lain. ASAP....lg cepat lg bgskan?

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Post time 3-10-2020 11:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 3-10-2020 11:37 AM
Ntah2 die kaunselor?? I rs better u try gi jumpe psy kat hospital lain. ASAP....lg cepat lg bgskan ...

Betul.. psikiwtrik.. tapi saya pun malas nak jumpa dah.. saya pun dah tak keje dah pun.. so nak buek ape dah pun.. saya stress aje pun

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2020 12:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 3-10-2020 11:39 AM
Betul.. psikiwtrik.. tapi saya pun malas nak jumpa dah.. saya pun dah tak keje dah pun.. so nak bu ...

Cube je u..mmg masa mula2 susah byk dugaan mcm my at the end yg penting u dah didiagnose kalau btul la ade anything wrong with u...


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Post time 3-10-2020 12:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 3-10-2020 12:01 PM
Cube je u..mmg masa mula2 susah byk dugaan mcm my at the end yg penting u dah didiagnos ...

U tau tak dah 14 tahun i jumpa.. doc pun dah bertuko byk..dptla i keje smpai umur 40 tahun dan pencennn

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Post time 3-10-2020 12:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 3-10-2020 12:01 PM
Cube je u..mmg masa mula2 susah byk dugaan mcm my at the end yg penting u dah didiagnos ...

I mmg kecik ati dan terasa.. tp tak pe la.. ini ujian i kat dunia ni

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2020 12:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 3-10-2020 12:28 PM
Buritan replied at 3-10-2020 12:10 PM
U tau tak dah 14 tahun i jumpa.. doc pun dah bertuko byk..dptla i keje smpai umur 40 tahun dan pen ...

Lamenya..Psy2 yg lain kata ape?

Few months ago i tgk this sci-fi short. I ade bukak thread nnt i tepek link kalu u all nk tgk.

Plotnya about this app developer she all dlm proses nk kluarkan app AI yg bleh tlg org yg ade depression. Kisahnya sblum tu late bf die ade depression tp she all x mampu nk bantu. Last2 bf tu bunuh diri

Lepas i tgk cite ni i was thinking " ade ke app mcm tu skrg ni yea?." Since i curious i pun search. Guess what ade. I dah guna. Wow! I guna versi free. U should try. Rs mcm u tgh talk with such a reliable, understanding & kind friend. App Wysa ade kat google play.



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Post time 3-10-2020 12:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 3-10-2020 12:24 PM
Lamenya..Psy2 yg lain kata ape?

Few months ago i tgk this sci-fi short. I ade bukak thread nn ...

Sembang sembang bangang pas tuu ubat.. pas tuu balikkk..

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2020 12:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 9-11-2020 02:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hi guys. Actually i nk tanye u all something about pencen terbitan.

Kalau mcm dlm kes i oku tp kena diagnose masa dah dewasa ade peluang ke nk dpt pencen terbitan?

Skrg my mom yg dpt. I call tanya Jabatan Hal Ehwal Tentera Veteran. Cause arwah ayah i keje tentera. They said kena ade form from my Dr yg i oku bleh keje ke x bleh bla3. Then kena send them t form utk pengarah semak i layak ke x.

Tp all this only bleh buat masa my mom dah past away.

B4 this adik i ( yes die pun ting tong ) cube apply tp x dpt sbb 18 tahun ke bawah saje yg yg diagnose layak utk dpt pencen terbitan.

In my case i kata my Dr said i mmg ade adhd ni sejak kecil.

Anyway korang tau x ape2 pasal ni? I x mengharap i dpt la cause rs mcm x layak but at same time kalau dpt lega la skit rs. X nk nyusahkan org lain dgn masalah kewangan in t not so far future.


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Post time 9-11-2020 10:39 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-11-2020 01:53 PM
Hi guys. Actually i nk tanye u all something about pencen terbitan.

Kalau mcm dlm kes i oku tp k ...

Jap...tag @ipes2 he should know...his father was a soldier too...

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Post time 10-11-2020 10:24 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-11-2020 02:53 PM
Hi guys. Actually i nk tanye u all something about pencen terbitan.

Kalau mcm dlm kes i oku tp k ...

pencen terbitan ni takke akan diberikan kepada pasangan yang dah passed away, kepada anak anak. Tak silap I jika ibu bapa keduanya dan meninggal akan jatuh kepada anak anak and if OKU tiada had umur. I rasa all u need to do is to tanya dgn JPA prosess and cara yang betul utk apply sampai dapat.  Best call JPA and tanya . Laporan perubatan dan dari pegawai perubatan you tu pun kena complete.Memang agak leceh kena ulang and ulang but if betul betul layak dapatla nanti.

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2020 12:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 9-11-2020 10:39 PM
Jap...tag @ipes2 he should know...his father was a soldier too...

Owh yea ke, ok2 thanx u

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2020 12:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 10-11-2020 12:14 PM
adila39 replied at 10-11-2020 10:24 AM
pencen terbitan ni takke akan diberikan kepada pasangan yang dah passed away, kepada anak anak. Ta ...

Ha ah u kena ke sana ke sini time2 covid ni haha.

Tp tu la sblum ni katanya ade had umur? Konfius pulak i. masa nk apply tu mmg gi JHETV. Org kat kaunter tu yg kata ade had umur. Tp ni few years ago la. Yg ni adik i yg pegi.

X tau la kalau ade perubahan. Esok nnt i cube tanye Dr M psl ni.

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