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Rihana Petra Kongsi Identiti Individu Azankan Putera Ismail Leon?
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Apa ni kejap Khavadi, kejap Hawadi. Tulis betul2 boleh tak? Tak proof read ke?
And.. mcm doktor perempuan je dalam gambar tu.. perempuan azan? |
Bosannya lah baca pasal bini kena tendang keluar rumah dek laki.
Bosan sebab bini bukan orang melayu.
Bosan sebab tk valid cerita dia ni for ummah malaysia cam tak kena.
Asik ade je benang pasal bini kena tendang dek laki ni.
Bosannnnnnnnn!. |
baru nak cakap benda yang sama... mana boleh perempuan yang azan dan iqamatkan anak... ke boleh tapi aku yang taktau?
Dia..Isabella...lambang cinta yg lara..
terpisah kerana...ADAT YG BERBEZA
cinta gugur bersama daun daun kekeringan....... |
Menjadik ya gen Oksana dan you know who. Ensem dah Leon ni. Ai suka tengok muka dia yang walaupun berciri kokesen namun tetap terpancar terik aura nusantara belacan. |
eyansss replied at 20-6-2021 12:16 PM
baru nak cakap benda yang sama... mana boleh perempuan yang azan dan iqamatkan anak... ke boleh ...
I pun rasa tak boleh…
Tapi taktau la. Mazhab Russia orthodox… but as far as I know, org laki je azan/iqamat for newborn |
kakigojes replied at 20-6-2021 11:54 AM
Apa ni kejap Khavadi, kejap Hawadi. Tulis betul2 boleh tak? Tak proof read ke?
And.. mcm doktor p ...
Dua-dua pun boleh
Kalau ayah ada di sisu, afdal bagi si ayah/waris lelaki |
Senang bebeno dia dapat cakar pagar yestana dan snagged "the man". Ajarin aku sifuuuu. Dapat separa jerung pun takpe la {:shy |
orkidorkido replied at 20-6-2021 12:33 PM
Dua-dua pun boleh
Kalau ayah ada di sisu, afdal bagi si ayah/waris lelaki
Oh learn something new today |
dua_chzy: Menjadik ya gen Oksana dan you know who. Ensem dah Leon ni. Ai suka tengok muka dia yang walaupun berciri kokesen namun tetap terpancar terik aura nus ...
Kann.helok sangat budaknya.
Bakalan mr world agitewww |
Bkn ke pompan iqamah? Mana azankan?
Kalau suami takde, voley jahh iqamah baby.. |
terserlah rupa abegong pada Leon |
ikut jantina baby
baby pompuan iqamah
baby boy azan
kakigojes: I pun rasa tak boleh… Tapi taktau la. Mazhab Russia orthodox… but as far as I know, org laki je azan/iqamat for newborn
Acah je kot. Nk gain traction dgn tolowers dia yg dh bnyk kurang puji dia dan kutuk smv. Pelik ada yg ckp leon tu bakal sultan kelantan ie sultan mereka. Ssjkp sungguh.
apa pulak gugur kekeringan.. gugur atas katil la
Incanto replied at 20-6-2021 02:12 PM
ikut jantina baby
baby pompuan iqamah
Rasanya kita berdua salah. Azan dan iqamah utk baby tak kira jantina. (Kalau tak silap, lelaki yg kena buat jika ada di situ. Pompan buat jika tiada lelaki. Nih iols berdasarkan waktu solat kat umah).
What is the Sunnat method of giving Azan in new born baby ears?Who can give this? What are its requirements?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
The recitation of Adhan and Iqamah in a new born baby ear is regarded to be Sunnah[1]. The Blessed Nabi Sallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has performed this act upon Hasan Radiyallahu Anhu. Take the following Hadith into consideration:
(5/ 518)
Translation: Abu Rafi’ saw Nabi Sallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam perform Azan in the ear of Hasan Radiyallahu Anhu when Fatimah gave birth to him (Abu Dawud V.5 Pg.518 Darul Yusr)
A male family member of the new born child should recite the Azaan and Iqamah upon the child. If a male member is not present then any female member can recite the Azan and Iqamah upon the child, even it be the child’s mother[2].
The procedure of performing Azan and Iqamah in a new born baby’s ears is as follows:
The baby should face towards the Qibla.The Azan should be recited normally in the right side of the baby’s ear.The Iqamah should be recited normally in the left side of the baby’s ear[3].
Note: It is not necessary for the one who is performing the Azan to put his/her finger in his/her ears. This is only done when one his reciting the Azan loudly to call people for prayer. However, in this case one does not need to say Azan in a loud voice.[4]
However, when reciting Azan and Iqamah, one should reciteHayya Alas Salaahof the Azaan and Iqamah in the right ear of the child and Hayya Alal Falaah in the left ear of the child[5].
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Immad Bin Arshad
Student Darul Iftaa
California, USA
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
boleh... dgn syarat mmg tiada lelaki muslim kat situ
Lawa betul muka anak dia ni..... |
Ensem budak ni nt.. tp mmg ayaq muka dia very belacan.. tp belacan yg sedap la |
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