grugals This user has been deleted
pernah dengar perkataan tu kan?boleh tau apa tu reverse psychology |
you just reverse the intended psychological reaction that was initially expected to be ellicited by you when you were teased or being subjected to any sort of mind game lah kiranyer ... |
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reverse psychology is a way to get your way in life in order to get things u want. its also a manipulative effort to get expection from people.
ala....mcm ko ckp kat budak kecik "Jangan jalan atas rumput!!!" mesti budak tu jalan nyerrr due to high curiosity intuition. heheheh
mcm salesman lah...some are typical so people dah busan n boleh agak of their behaviour. so when they do the untypical salesman, thats the reverse psychology. here are sum description. senang dipahami gak
Wikipedia definition
this is a good simple read.
Reverse Psychology
[ Last edited by redsinner at 3-12-2005 02:41 PM ] |
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simplelife This user has been deleted
Reverse psychology:
Jangan lawan api dengan api, lawanlah dengan air...
Mungkin satu cara yang lebih lembut tetapi berkesan. Pernyataan dalam hujah diteliti secara rela (tanpa paksaan) dan wajarkah item dalam pernyataan tersebut diaplikasikan di dunia realiti...
Cara ini mungkin dapat menyelesaikan masalah sifat semulajadi manusia yang lebih cenderung kepada pendapat yang sealiran dengannya, maka pendapat yang tidak sealiran di 'mindset'kan akan ditolak terus. Cara ini meletakkan diri berada di pihak yang dibangkang tetapi dalam masa yang sama berada di pihak yang membangkangi....lebih kurang macam adanya pembangkang parti A dalam kerajaan parti A sendiri. Bangkangan tersebut mungkin lebih mudah diterima kerana masing2 berada di dalam parti A dan dianggap bangkangan yang konstruktif, asalkan jangan bangkangan dari parti B yang walaupun sebenarnya konstruktif akan tetap dianggap menjatuhkan kerana tidak sealiran dengan parti A....
p/s:Betul ke tidak nie?...:stp::hmm:
[ Last edited by simplelife at 3-12-2005 11:35 PM ] |
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rasanya ini adalah salah satu contoh reverse psychology:
sorang anak bermain pisau sehingga terluka jarinya. emak marah, "main lagi pisau ni" sambil menghulurkan pisau tersebut pada anaknya yg luka itu. sebenarnya,si emak tidak mahu lagi anaknya bermain lagi dgn pisau.
atau yang ini:
selepas satu ujian, sorang pelajar yang diketahui pintar mengatakan, "susahlah soalan tadi.aku tak boleh jawab". tujuannya tak mahu orang meletakkan harapan yang tinggi kepadanya. atau sememangnya dia berasa soalan ujian tersebut mudah.
ke contoh2 ini tak tepat :stp: |
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...just son brought home his geography test paper...eerrr...dia flung his paper...bila aku tanya dia amacam dia bley flung...dia kata dia tak minat paper tu...then aku tanya did he think he could improve on it?...dia kata dia tak tau...then aku tanya dia balik...what are the things about geography yang dia tak suka??...mak kawwww...dia list kan aku macam2 reasons kenapa dia tak me...nie pon kira reverse psychology is easier to focus on negativities rather than positivities...human nature...ekekeke...:cak:
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oooh...reverse saiko nie bagos jugaklah aku rasa kadang kadang...
mak aku salu buat:-
contohnyer kalau aku nak mengadu kena rotan ngn cikgu kat skolah sbb kesalahan nyata tue salah aku.
mak aku salu cakap cakap, kalau aku mengadu, dier akan tolong "tambahkan" lagik penderitaan aku......eheheheh :lol
terus tak berani nak ngadu kauuuuu |
and satu lagik..aku rasa reverse saiko nie associate ngn kata kata sindiran jugak.....
spt mcm nie :
"ayang suker rokok yer? rokoklah byk byk yang. tak cukop sehari sekotak, kiter belikan ayang 10 kotak sehari.....boleh kan yang?? ayang suker kan yangg????" :cak: |
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reverse psychology
a way to influence people to see things from a different perspective |
Originally posted by dutchy at 29-4-2007 04:49 PM
reverse psychology
a way to influence people to see things from a different perspective
IT works...... better than direct psychology...
I`ve been to Korea... know what the sign board they use that ask people don`t speed??
it read
Because you want to save five minutes;
You wasted 50 years.
I also tried it with my fiancee when go shopping......
thanks to reverse psychology... she buy less now.............. ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Reply #12 wei_loon5063's post
aduhh....nasib baik aku x berbf kan ko wei loon....
but reverse psychology is a result of epistomology in counseling i think, sbb there's a few things that we would want to say indirectly so that someone would see from our perspective. |
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Reply #13 redsinner's post
saya bukan kedekut.....
tapi saya tak tahan kalau hari ini beli baju rm200;
besok beli kasut rm 300....... etc........
kalau satu minggu shopping sekali beli kasut rm 50
atau kasut rosak beli la mahal sikit saya ok |
Originally posted by dutchy at 29-4-2007 10:38 PM
what did u ...
she say that the bag is pretty then I say sarcastically.......
you want it? here take my credit card go buy....
then I gave her my credit card.. go buy it... then she feel that I was bit unhappy....
and forget about it.......
Actually, I do not mind if buy exp thing once in a while... but I think it is a waste...
if you buy exp thing that you do not use everyday...... |
Reply #16 wei_loon5063's post
how would a man know, what is useful to a girl??
for a women, there is never an abundance of shoes,clothes,begs, make up |
Reply #17 dutchy's post
Know that you need what is needed........... ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif) |
Reply #18 wei_loon5063's post
bullseyes, and thereins lies the mystery of a woman
the need to be needed |
Reply #19 dutchy's post
not complicated yet not too simple....
I think you should read the book "man are from mars; woman are from venus" ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
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