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Post Maningitis Baby..Anyone?
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SeriMuncung This user has been deleted
Anyone have any experiance on treating post maningitis baby?
My second son now almost 5 mth n has been infected while he was abt 26days.
Even the disease is nw recovered, but still the after effect is thare..
Just to share with u guys. Its a very hard time.......... |
first time dengar.. apa simptom this disease |
SeriMuncung This user has been deleted
Originally posted by mamarilia at 11-1-2007 01:40 PM
first time dengar.. apa simptom this disease
Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. The inflammation is usually caused by bacteria or viruses .
But for my son case, he was infacted by bacterial meningitis. Which is quite dangerous.
During time that he was admitted, I just cannot see how do the doctor and nurses use to drip him with antibiotics at least 4 times for one day. Just imagine that the antibiotics need to be given to him for at least 10 days...
Even until now, the effects of the infection is still there. Ear infection, phlegm, disturbes sleep, nightmares and I just worried that his right ear cannot be functioning well . Seems like he didn't give me a positive feed back to any sounds or noise. I tried to rang a bell to his right ear, but seems like it sounds nothing to him when its rang to his right ear........ |
meningtis rupernyer..bahaya gak tuh..sib baik ok kan?meningitis is not only dangerous to baby but adults as well.
seri,i'm sure u amik compelte vaccination without miss kan.and then why don;t u discuss with the doc what are other vaccines that are usually can protect the baby against the infections.for e.g pneumoccal( i dunno spelling betul ke idak)...HiB mm dah wajib..other than that since dia kecik lgk..pls provides him protection thru breastmil yg kaya ngan antibodi n khasiat..avoid the crowd as well.. |
SeriMuncung This user has been deleted
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 12-1-2007 03:27 PM
meningtis rupernyer..bahaya gak tuh..sib baik ok kan?meningitis is not only dangerous to baby but adults as well.
seri,i'm sure u amik compelte vaccination without miss kan.and then why don;t u ...
Thanks honey... but until nw doctors said that they still cannot give him any vaccine. It may lead to pneumonia. Since the effect of that strong antibiotic is still shown. 1st Hib vaccination scheduled to be done mid of this mth. Itupun if we manage to achieve an ideal weight for him. Otherwise delay lagi....
I did some research on the after effect of meningitis some cases it may cause a serious long term effect to the baby, which I can't imagine if its happend to my son. Seems like I didn't have any strengh to face the coming day...
Selain ikhtiar..all I can do is pray to Allah...really hopes that my son can grow as a normal child...:pray: |
Originally posted by SeriMuncung at 12-1-2007 06:30 PM
Thanks honey... but until nw doctors said that they still cannot give him any vaccine. It may lead to pneumonia. Since the effect of that strong antibiotic is still shown. 1st Hib vaccination ...
seri,try making a post to pharmacy bod..kot ada docs n nurses leh may try to post at this board too:, choose family,then choose ask an expert.n skang nih musim penyakit gaks..i think the best avoid bwk kuar kot.yesterday i just visitted a friend bersalin,then terjumpa plak collegue yg anaknyer ke lungs infection.kat opis pun seme pkt sneezing jek... |
Hi.. ank iza skrg nih dh 2 tahun. Asalnya Meningitis, pastuh skrg doc sahkan dia Cerebral Palsy. Walaupun masa dia baru lahir dulu doc ckp jangkitan kuman tuh dh kena sedikit je kt otak dia, tp effect dia amat besar until now dia tak tegap lagi. takleh b'jln. Alhamdulillah iza bawa berurut n fisioterapi nampak ah keras skit. Doc pun ada ckp perkembangan dia slow, tk mcm baby lain. Apa2 pun semua tuh anugerah dan Tuhan nk menguji kita. Orang ckp jg ank istimewa nih byk pahala. |
Reply #1 SeriMuncung's post
Anak saya kena pneumococal meningitis last year. Now he is 5ys old. He was treated with strong antibiotics.
Nasib dia baik sbb kami bawak dia jumpa hospital early. Sekarang dia macam biasa.
One of the effects of menigitis is permanet hearinng damage. To confrm this bawalah baby you jumpa ENT doctor.
Tanda yg paling obvious pada mereka yg kena meningitis adalah,
photophobia( tak suka langsung pada lampu atau cahaya.
Kejang, tak dapat hendak meluruskan badan. Bila hendak di dudukkan, pesakit akan cuba meluruskan badannya.
Tak bangun untuk minum atau makan, sentiasa handak tidur.
Suhu badan yg sentiasa tinggi walaupun telah di beri ubat demam.
Meningitis is confirmed lepas lumbar pucture. Di mana cecair dari bahagian saraf tunjang di ambil untuk bacteriology. Cecair itu juga akan kelihatan kelabu. |
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