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windows serious error!

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Post time 29-8-2007 04:43 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
masa aku on laptop aku tadi, ade keluar dialog box tulis 'windows has recovered from a serious error'...aku rasa penah ade thread pasal benda ni dulu, tapi x jumper..sebab ape benda tu jadi ek? virus ke? lepas satu, satu prob muncul...adoii...

Use magic Report


Post time 29-8-2007 04:50 PM | Show all posts
Ada install ape-ape sofware atau tambah hardware tak sblm. dapat mesej ni..
Mungkin itu punca nya.

Cuba buat chkdisk.

Kadang-kadang Services yg. di'enable'kan dalam Window terhenti secara tiba-tiba dan tak leh restart,
so dia akan buat log
Next reboot berdasarkan log tersebut, jika Servis berjaya berfungsi kembali maka mesej spt. diatas akan dipaparkan.

Untuk lain-lain sebab 'Google sedia membantu'.

Cuba scan fail windows anda dengan kaedah berikut (Sediakan CD/DVD WinXP terlebih dahulu!):
Klik start->run, type "sfc /scannow"

[ Last edited by  mysr at 29-8-2007 05:42 PM ]

Use magic Report

Post time 29-8-2007 06:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 don_naza's post

If Windows XP restarts because of a serious error, the Windows Error Reporting tool prompts you to report the problem to Microsoft for troubleshooting purposes. Windows may prompt you to report this information every time that you restart the computer, even if no error occurred during the previous session. After this problem begins to occur, you are prompted to send the information after every restart, even if you do not send the information.

This problem occurs because after a Minidump file is written, the paging file continues to have a flag set that indicates that a Minidump file must be written.

You can solve this problem by recreating the pagefile. To re-create the pagefile, follow these steps:

1.        Click Start.
2.        Right-click My Computer.
3.        Click Properties.
4.        On the Advanced tab, in the Performance section, click Settings.
5.        In the Virtual Memory section, click Change.
6.        For Paging file size for selected drive, click No Paging File, and then click Set.
7.        Click Yes after the following warning appears:
If the paging file on volume X: has an initial size of less than xx megabytes, then the system may not be able to create a debugging information file if a STOP error occurs. Continue anyway?

(X is the drive letter and xx is the amount of RAM installed on your computer minus 1 megabyte.)
8.        Click System Managed Size.
9.        Click OK four times, and then restart the computer when you are prompted.

Ko boleh gi sini for info:

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 29-8-2007 09:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 0001's post

thanks a lot bro...

Use magic Report

Post time 8-12-2022 03:14 PM | Show all posts
This problem can resolved by re-creating a new page file.

1. Log into your Computer with administrative privileges and right click on My Computer >Properties

2. Select Advanced > under Performance>click Settings and again select Advanced in the Performance options

3. (Before modifying the Virtual memory, note down the Paging file size value of custom size you set) then click ‘Change’ in the virtual Memory.

4. Select No Page file, click Set, click OK and restart your computer. Choose to continue to proceed to restart when you get any warning.

5. Now after restart, you can see the paging file size as “0” in Virtual Memory options.

6. Now open My computer >Tools>Folder Options>View>uncheck  Hide protected Operating System files.

7. Open Root drive that is C, and you will find Pagefile.sys file, delete it permanently and restart your system.

8. Now Under Virtual Memory, set paging file size to ‘Custom’ or ‘System Managed Size’.

Hope You Find This Useful,

Use magic Report

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