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Kalau pegi travel kengkadang kenapa boleh jadi mcm ni? anybody knows?

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Post time 5-10-2007 08:51 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by tobby at 19-8-2010 15:53

Wednesday December 20, 2006

NZ holiday turned nightmare


PUTRAJAYA: It was their dream to visit New Zealand and its pristine lakes and mountain ranges.

But a recent trip there turned out to be a nightmare for Shahrolnizam Yusri Shafie, 32, Mohd Saiful Rahim and Muhamad Sharil Abdul Hamid, both 23, and Muhammad Azizan Adnan, 30.

DISGRUNTLED TOURISTS: The four who were detained at the Auckland international airport, from left, Muhammad Azizan, Mohd Saiful, Shahrolnizam and Muhamad Sharil with their documents and a copy of the police report they lodged at KLIA upon their return.
Not only did they not set foot on New Zealand soil, all they saw were the walls of detention cells and interrogation rooms.

揟his is the first time we have tried to go on vacation overseas,� Shahrolnizam lamented.

揃ut on arrival at the international airport in Auckland at 1.30pm (New Zealand time) on Dec 13, we were detained by the Customs authorities before we could even disembark from our Thai Airways flight.

揥e were then taken for questioning and had our baggage searched by the officers, all of which lasted until 8pm.  

揕ater, they told us that we weren抰 going to be let in because the authorities suspected that we would stay illegally and try to find work.  

揑t抯 their prerogative to turn us away but why do we have to be humiliated and handcuffed like criminals?� Shahrolnizam said, adding that they wanted to visit New Zealand after learning how beautiful it was from friends and his brother who studied there.

Shahrolnizam, a cigarette salesman, said they could not get in touch with the Malaysian High Commission in Auckland.

They were taken to a detention centre and spent the night in separate cells before being put on a Thai Airways flight to Bangkok the next day.

He said instead of giving them back the passports, the New Zealand immigration officers handed the documents to the crew of Thai Airways.

Their nightmare did not end there as they were detained by Thai immigration while they were on transit in Bangkok after arriving on Dec 15.

He said they were not allowed to make any call to the Malaysian embassy in Bangkok nor given any food and drinks despite having to stay a night at a detention centre with 30 other foreigners.

The group made it back to Kuala Lumpur on Dec 16 and Shahrolnizam lodged a police report at KLIA. They also wrote to Wisma Putra on their ordeal.

New Zealand High Commission First Secretary Peter Hassell said the group could write a letter of complaint to the country抯 immigration authorities.

揟he authorities have the prerogative to turn away anyone but Shahrolnizam and his friends can write to us and we will forward it to the authorities in our country,� he said.

揂lternatively, they can also write directly to the immigration branch in our High Commission office in Singapore.�  

Royal Thai Embassy consul Pisit Pichitmarn said his country抯 immigration authorities would not detain anyone if they stayed in the transit lounge at the airport, and Shahrolnizam should make a complaint to the embassy, giving the details of his flight as well as the name of the detaining officer.

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Post time 5-10-2007 09:16 PM | Show all posts
Kite pun ader xperience lebih kurang mcm ni but xde lah kena sampai macam ni time gi Sydney, Australia.

Immigration officers kat sane gile2 punye soal siasat, selongkar beg, nak tgk duit, credit card, atm card segala2 card.....return ticket dah ader semua pun nak soal lebih2....bile beli lah aper lah......tensen betul time tu...

2 jam jugak kene tu.....Spoil jer mood....Kite nak visit country diaorg elok2 tapi kena anggap macam nak illegal kat tpt diaorg....teruk betul lah......

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 09:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nadya08 at 5-10-2007 09:16 PM
Kite pun ader xperience lebih kurang mcm ni but xde lah kena sampai macam ni time gi Sydney, Australia.

Immigration officers kat sane gile2 punye soal siasat, selongkar beg, nak tgk duit, cre ...

maksudnya adakah kalau kita pegi dgn Travel Agent lebih selamat?

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 Author| Post time 5-10-2007 09:46 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa mamat 3 orang tu mesti ada something yg buat officer2 kat airport tu suspicious. sebab ni for the first time dia orang nak try travel oversea sendiri.

揟his is the first time we have tried to go on vacation overseas,

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Post time 5-10-2007 10:05 PM | Show all posts
salah jawab, tak confident antara kenapa immig. suspect nak dtg cari keja..
tu yg tak lepas tu kot. tapi kesihanlah yek sbb nama sure dah blacklist..
mesti susah kalau nak ke NZ lagi..

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Post time 6-10-2007 03:42 PM | Show all posts
Alah immigration negara2 maju mmg macam tu bile dengan org2 dr negara kureng maju......yelah ramai sgt nak duk negara diaorg....

Time saya tu maybe selekeh kot pastu memang gi backpack pon kat australia.....Hehe x pasal2 kena

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2007 07:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nadya08 at 6-10-2007 03:42 PM
Alah immigration negara2 maju mmg macam tu bile dengan org2 dr negara kureng maju......yelah ramai sgt nak duk negara diaorg....

Time saya tu maybe selekeh kot pastu memang gi backpack pon kat ...

did they sent u back to yr country of origin?

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Post time 6-10-2007 08:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 tobby's post

No.....lepas jugak

And nak tau officer immigration yg beriya2 sgt soal tu vietnamese tau....colleagues die yg mat salleh yg lain cool jer.....dah soal gitu2 dah nak bagi kitaorg blah dah but officer vietnamese tu insist jugak nak tanya lebih2.....tak sedar diri tu pun pendatang jugak kat negara orang:@  Menyampah tul

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Post time 6-10-2007 09:09 PM | Show all posts
yg mana first time travel oversea tu kalau pegi sendiri2 without travel agent help kena hati2 especially klu pegi negara2 yg memang byk masalah immigrant yg keja secara haram mcm UK, NZ, Aust. muka2 asian ni memang dia orang letak dlm senarai suspicious. Selalu yg nak kena ialah golongan yg tak confident & tercangak2. sementelah lagi klu muka jenis blur & teragak2 jwb soklan fr  immigration officer. Officer kemungkinan boleh tanya where to go, how long to stay, where to stay, yr hotel booking confirmation, yr hotel address, how much money you bring, what is your purpose of visit, yr credit card, where is yr return ticket etc etc厖lagi dia orang suspicious lg byk la soklan yg akan ditanya. They have full authority to send us back dgn segala kos ditanggung oleh kita sendiri.

klu kita teragak2 nak stay berapa lama, tak pasti lg nak dok mana, tak pasti apa itinerary sepanjang stay di sana

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Post time 6-10-2007 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shahgti at 6-10-2007 09:09 PM
Officer kemungkinan boleh tanya where to go, how long to stay, where tostay, yr hotel booking confirmation, yr hotel address, how much moneyyou bring, what is your purpose of visit, yr credit card, where is yrreturn ticket etc etc厖

Standard questions diaorg......and I think bab duit tu yg diaorg keen sgt.......Klau tak show proof ader money lagi lah diaorg suspicious nak duk illegal

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Post time 6-10-2007 11:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shahgti at 6-10-2007 08:09 AM
yg mana first time travel oversea tu kalau pegi sendiri2 without travel agent help kena hati2 especially klu pegi negara2 yg memang byk masalah immigrant yg keja secara haram mcm UK, NZ, Aust. mu ...

siannya sbb tu kalau i want my parent lawat me kat sini..
i will make sure they have my letter siap alamat, phone no, address ke benda..
letter proof that their financial in canada is my tanggungjawab...
sian lah dah terbang jejauh tapi tak sampai...

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Post time 7-10-2007 06:01 PM | Show all posts
ada gak kes camni, (tak ingat kat mana). Dia bawak family, kata nak tengok snow, padahal masa tu bukan musim winter. apa lagi, kena anta balik mesia.

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Post time 8-10-2007 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by faraway at 6-10-2007 11:03 PM

siannya sbb tu kalau i want my parent lawat me kat sini..
i will make sure they have my letter siap alamat, phone no, address ke benda..
letter proof that their financial in canada is my tang ...

Agree dgn langkah2 yg faraway tulis tu.

Mcm I, kalau travel, make sure ada return air ticket kalau depa immigration nak proof. Then I bring my employment pass proof in my wallet tu. I'll also bring my travel insurance pass and visa etc.... I print out all my accommodation yg I dan book through internet, print out confirmation slip of car rental, rail pass, etc... Semua tu I sediakan.

You'll never know when you will need all these.

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Post time 9-10-2007 11:35 AM | Show all posts
my bro in law pun kena gak masa gi NZ...3 ari dlm lokap baru kena hantar balik msia...masa 2 dia ngan kawan dia dan sorang lagi mamat ni kena tahan..yg kesian mamat sorang tu datang ngan anak bini,anak bini lepas dia tak...matbe dorang paranoid kot ngan muka asean...

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Post time 9-10-2007 11:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 tobby's post

biasa la org2 asian ni kena diskriminate kalu travel ke negara2 omputih tu. Mcm la kat tpt kita ni sengkek sgt sampai nak kena jadi illegal immigrant kat tpt diaorg.
Selalunye kalu aku travel backpack or travel sorang2, aku akan prepare siap2 aku punye own itenary, so senang bila diaorg tanye ape2 je bole confident jawab. Pastu kena make sure confirmed flight balik. Jgn open tiket, nnti lagi byk soal. Then aku akan confirm hotel/hostel booking utk at least 1 or 2 hari. So kalu depa tanye nak dok mana, aku tunjuk je receipt/booking confirmation.

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Post time 9-10-2007 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by arwien at 9-10-2007 11:56
Selalunye kalu aku travel backpack or travel sorang2, aku akan prepare siap2 aku punye own itenary, so senang bila diaorg tanye ape2 je bole confident jawab. Pastu kena make sure confirmed flight balik. Jgn open tiket, nnti lagi byk soal. Then aku akan confirm hotel/hostel booking utk at least 1 or 2 hari. So kalu depa tanye nak dok mana, aku tunjuk je receipt/booking confirmation

oooo... bagus info nie...
thanx arwien ! :handshake:

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Post time 9-10-2007 09:48 PM | Show all posts
mesti ada sebab!!.....antaranya cam kawan kita cakap kata atas, bila salah jawab..takde support documents seperti ticket balik, itenary, contact numbers

kalo nak lawat family, jgn sekali-kali kata nak tolong kakak bersalin bagai...cakap aje nak dtg holiday, tunjukkan comfirmed ticket to go home...sure lepassss....

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Post time 10-10-2007 07:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my-alja at 9-10-2007 09:48 PM
mesti ada sebab!!.....antaranya cam kawan kita cakap kata atas, bila salah jawab..takde support documents seperti ticket balik, itenary, contact numbers

kalo nak lawat family, jgn sekali-kali ...

teringat masa gi interview utk US visa. ada sorang chinese lady bagi reason nak jumpa tunang di US. interviewer question left right centre & the way he communicated memang that lady takkan dpt visa pun.

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Post time 10-10-2007 08:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shahgti at 9-10-2007 06:56 PM

teringat masa gi interview utk US visa. ada sorang chinese lady bagi reason nak jumpa tunang di US. interviewer question left right centre & the way he communicated memang that lady takkan dp ...

opp dont she patut apply under fiance visa which much easy nak dapat than B1| B2 visa.

[ Last edited by  faraway at 9-10-2007 09:06 PM ]

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Post time 10-10-2007 09:30 AM | Show all posts
Satu lagi cara, kalau ada kawan2 kat negara yg kita nak pegi tu ambik alamat dan contact no sebagai reference kut2 kalau immigration tanya. Soalah lazim yg diorang tanya ialah porpose of visit.

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