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Author: saleharr

cleaning service

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Post time 16-7-2008 02:38 PM | Show all posts
hai semua! saje je nak up kan topik ni

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Post time 16-7-2008 02:57 PM | Show all posts
rm200 sebulan kan..? dulu kita penah pm...

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Post time 16-7-2008 03:23 PM | Show all posts
aaahh..tu utk 4 kali..

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Post time 17-7-2008 09:17 AM | Show all posts
tq darlings for the suggestions, tapi mostly tak dtg sampai ke area F1 nih. yg ade cuma Part Time Maid Services. anyone with experience ngan diorang nih...??

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Post time 17-7-2008 02:17 PM | Show all posts me psl harge eh...

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Post time 17-7-2008 05:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #145 Ms_Commet's post

cek pm ye....

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Post time 18-7-2008 01:03 AM | Show all posts
elle, kat sini pun u ada ye..nti tlg pm or email i pls...nak tau gak lah pasal daily maid tu...jgn lupa quote cleaning service if u cover area kota dsara ye..

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Post time 18-7-2008 09:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #147 elmosofea's post

hai sofea
heheh nampak aje mana elle ade...
elle cover area kota damansara tu.
nanti elle pm u ye...

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Post time 18-7-2008 10:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by elle_gogo at 18/7/2008 09:50 AM
hai sofea
heheh nampak aje mana elle ade...
elle cover area kota damansara tu.
nanti elle pm u ye...

yang, i dah replied ur pm...

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Post time 20-7-2008 10:17 AM | Show all posts

Reply #149 elmosofea's post

dear.. i dah send u the package..
u boleh choose

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Post time 20-7-2008 10:17 AM | Show all posts

Reply #149 elmosofea's post

dear.. i dah send u the package..
u boleh choose

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Post time 22-7-2008 03:32 PM | Show all posts
another picture taken by me~
letih oo handle job ni..
location (AM Bank KL)


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Post time 23-7-2008 02:12 PM | Show all posts
ni gmbr2 skrg..skrg cleaner elle tgh kemas umah ana..  


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Post time 23-7-2008 06:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #153 mama_ain's post

Kenapa lah dia org tak pakai unifrom ari ni...
semalam ujan kot...
Dah bagi 3 helai sorang pun tak cukup lagi...

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Post time 23-7-2008 06:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #153 mama_ain's post

ana.. popular gambar peah ana...

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Post time 23-7-2008 09:14 PM | Show all posts
peah mmg glemer..
ana perlukan khidmat peah je ye..

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Post time 23-7-2008 09:18 PM | Show all posts
ana yg suruh diorg panjat kusyen masa nk cuci kipas tu..
sbb umah ana xde tangga...
ana suruh panjat je guna kusi mkn spt yg ana buat tiap kali cuci kipas..
rupa2nya diorg xsampai..ekekeke..
xpasan lak yg ana ni lg tinggi rupanya dr diorg..
padahal ana ingat ana lah yg katek..

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Post time 26-7-2008 03:06 AM | Show all posts
elle oh elle..tak sms pun ur contact no....

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Post time 26-7-2008 11:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #158 elmosofea's post

hai elmo!
elle dah sms u.. maaf yer.. lambat reply.
jangan la mintak peah gak
suzana la ni promote gambar peah..
peah kena kerat dua lah jawabnya..
hehehe   kalau nak peah...elle try arrange kan hari isnin utk sofea yer?

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Post time 28-7-2008 01:54 PM | Show all posts
area putrajaya cover tak?

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