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Author: saleharr

cleaning service

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2007 12:28 PM | Show all posts
idea ni menarik gak...tapi nak ber anto ambik ni pun satu hal gak.....payah gak kita sudahnye nanti.....
some more kita kena sediakan dia segala kelengkapan.....
macam cleaning service kampeni ni dorang yg sediakan semua.....kir da termasuk kos kita bayar tu lah.....
pendapat saya je le.....
tapi lain org lain le pulak needs & wants nye ye tak.....depends pada kehendak dan kemahuan kita.............

Originally posted by melati-putih at 14-12-2007 12:01 PM ada idea...kat opis tue memasng mesti ada cleaner kan..
cuba tanya dia nak tak datang rumah every weekend....hari jumaat ikut balik sabtu petang kita anto la memana komuter ker lrt stn ...

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Post time 14-12-2007 01:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #35 screams802's post

I mmg guna services of part-time maids ni. The maids are filipino and they're really thorough at cleaning up. I ambik package yg weekly 4hrs tu (package B), which is slightly cheaper than kalau kita panggil dia per job, RM 60 for 4-hours.

One thing good about ambik package ni is that the maid yg sama every week so dia dah paham what to do. Masa mula2 try out tu, 2 kali tukar maid and then the 3rd one baru I suka. So since then mmg dia je lah yg datang every week. Brg2 nak clean tu kita yg kena provide, but okay lah kot since we can choose apa product yg kita suka.

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Post time 14-12-2007 01:11 PM | Show all posts
I pun full-time mom jugak but it's nice to have someone yg boleh gosokkan baju

Btw, I jumpe this website but tak pernah call they all lagi

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2007 01:56 PM | Show all posts
ooooo...kita yg kena provide ek.......

Originally posted by reginagrace at 14-12-2007 01:09 PM
I mmg guna services of part-time maids ni. The maids are filipino and they're really thorough at cleaning up. I ambik package yg weekly 4hrs tu (package B), which is slightly cheaper than kalau k ...

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2007 01:58 PM | Show all posts
yg fleximaid tu lom beroperasi lagi....thn depan baru start.....

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Post time 14-12-2007 02:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #59 eynda's post

Thanks eynda. Oh, kalau diorang bawak sendirik equipments diorang tu, senangla kan.

Tapi merrymaid ngan part time maid, mana lagi murah dan berbaloi yer?

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2007 02:00 PM | Show all posts

The price structure depends of size of work and quantity of people involved and emergency of work. Unless or otherwise the price is already fixed at required time. It deals very professionally so customers will get extra pleasure of satisfaction with the usage of this quality services rendered by this companies.

Method of service delivery and cost collection scheme:

Total hours
Total RM

4 times in a month
4 hours
RM 150

4 times in a month
5 hours
RM 200

6 times in a month
3 hours
RM 250

6 times in a month
4 hours
RM 350

8 times in a month
3 hours
RM 300

8 times in a month
4 hours
RM 400

Price is based on mutual agreement and customized too. Therefore it is requested to give just a call to us and then see how effectively and efficiently we deliver our services to you better than your expectation.

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2007 02:12 PM | Show all posts
da double confirm dgn merry maid....dorang bawak equipment dorang seniri.....
tapi dorang tak buat ironing service......
hmmm......yg mana satu lebih berbaloi ni ek........

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Post time 14-12-2007 02:16 PM | Show all posts
Tgk gaya, flexi maid, more cheeper than others. 4jam 4kali dlm seminggu onli rm150.
Yg lain, 3jam 4kali seminggu rm160.
Hm, cam nak try flexi maid la..

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Post time 14-12-2007 03:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by saleharr at 14-12-2007 02:12 PM
da double confirm dgn merry maid....dorang bawak equipment dorang seniri.....
tapi dorang tak buat ironing service......
hmmm......yg mana satu lebih berbaloi ni ek........

Oooo for me, ironing la paling penting. I still boleh buat keje rumah, sental lantai, tapi bab iron baju ni...memang malassss tul. Cam tu, Merrymaid is out of my list.

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Post time 16-12-2007 10:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #68 saleharr's post

part-time maids tu buat far the clothes yg dia iron tu tak lah terbakar ke apa cos they all dah train  but still kena supervise jugak lah...kdg2 they all nak cepat main letak the setting paling panas tu

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Post time 16-12-2007 10:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #67 saleharr's post

tak start lagi ke? but thanks for the info anyway...looks like they all yg cheapest so far

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Post time 17-12-2007 03:09 PM | Show all posts
tapi beringat...kena monitor jugak..jgn pecaya sgt 100%.
kdg2 ada yg cepat tangan....

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 Author| Post time 17-12-2007 04:39 PM | Show all posts
iye....mmg pasti le kena monitor......
yg penting barang2 berharga disimpan di tempat yg rapi.....

Originally posted by miss_loyal at 17-12-2007 03:09 PM
tapi beringat...kena monitor jugak..jgn pecaya sgt 100%.
kdg2 ada yg cepat tangan....

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Post time 18-12-2007 11:17 AM | Show all posts

Balas #47 saleharr\ catat

kalau best ini termasuk gosok baju, cuci toilet, cuci longkang, lap-lap habuk segala, best gak kan. RM160 sebulan ye?
Senang kerja. sunshine yang tak sanggup gosok baju, lap habuk dan cuci luar rumah ni je.

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 Author| Post time 18-12-2007 02:59 PM | Show all posts
RM160 sebulan tu utk 3 jam seminggu.....takut tak sempat le dia nak buat semua benda tu 3 jam.....
dia ada gak pakej yg 4 jam seminggu...tapi tak ingat berapa RM....cek website dia.....

Originally posted by sunshine05 at 18-12-2007 11:17 AM
kalau best ini termasuk gosok baju, cuci toilet, cuci longkang, lap-lap habuk segala, best gak kan. RM160 sebulan ye?
Senang kerja. sunshine yang tak sanggup gosok baju, lap habuk dan cuci luar  ...

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 Author| Post time 18-12-2007 03:00 PM | Show all posts
esok i dah buat appointment dgn merry maid tgk umah dan quote harga....any updates i bitau u ols ek......

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Post time 19-12-2007 09:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by saleharr at 18-12-2007 03:00 PM
esok i dah buat appointment dgn merry maid tgk umah dan quote harga....any updates i bitau u ols ek......

Tak sabar nak dengar citer...

Hubby eynda dah tanya...naper tak panggil lagi cleaner ni?? Eynda tengah konpius jap...tak tau mana satu nak pilih...tunggu saleharr punya review plak...

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Post time 19-12-2007 12:28 PM | Show all posts
i tinggal area puchong, guna this one company good maid ke apa nama dia.

setiap 4 kali cleaning, will cost me rm200.

i choose saturday morning - 2 org for 2 hrs. so by the time derang habis kerja, i will be ready to go out for breakfast n weekend craps. hehehe.. kekadang 3 org yg dtg. i dah guna since 2004.

reason why i suh org buat drp i buat sendiri - it will take me about 5 hrs to clean the house from top to bottom, tak campur ironing lagi. so, i think i better use the time to do something else. itu tak campur penat lagi. so that one comment yg kata org malas tuh, well, umah you besar mana?you clean the house how often? you clean the house kalu takat sapu lantai jek, then tak yah cakap la. :@

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2007 03:49 PM | Show all posts
till now dia lom tiba lagi  lah eynda.....

Originally posted by eynda at 19-12-2007 09:56 AM

Tak sabar nak dengar citer...

Hubby eynda dah tanya...naper tak panggil lagi cleaner ni?? Eynda tengah konpius jap...tak tau mana satu nak pilih...tunggu saleharr punya review plak...

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