123_mum This user has been deleted
Heyaaa sumer parents kat luar di sana!!
how is everyone doing? Hope everyone is doing good and well =)
some update here from Sharon from Red Comm, sharon actually tengah bantu
colleague yang tengah buat 3R. And kita tengah buat topic mengenai 'buang
bayi' as one of our topic. So sharon perlukan sesiapa yang baru jer lahirkan baby
sebab we need baby to 'act' hehehe boleh tolong spread the news tak for ibu-ibu
dan bapa-bapa yang minat? I need at least one month old punya baby..please
pass the msg around?? thanks!!!
thank you for supporting us ya!! |
3 bulan x nak ke? |
123_mum This user has been deleted
ada baby punya picture tak?? boleh send?? thankss
I nak baby yang serupa almost newborn size hehe |
wahhh..kecik2 dah jadi bintang pilem! |
huhu..ciannyer baby....nak kene 'buang' |
Reply #3 123_mum's post
email @ PM u? tapi my son dah 3 months old..... dah x mcm newborn.... |
Reply #1 123_mum's post
anak i pun dah 3 months..
bleh bagi email tak? nank bagi gamba..
hi..hi...cam ler anak aku mungil sangat...
one more thing..i raser rata2 /all races wont let the baby out kan during confinement so at least after 1 or 2 months baru raser confortable nak bagi baaby kuar.. |
123_mum This user has been deleted
at least one month..the last time I ada kawan yang recommend baby yang 3
weeks hehehe
thanks ya all =) |
kalau i nak masuk kan my nephew umur dia baru 2 bulan 10 hari blh tak?
tapi rupa dia tak mcm baby 2 bulan la, kalau tgk mcm baby 5 bulan |
123_mum This user has been deleted
hehe i need baby yang nampak baru je lahir not that besar sebab ni scene bila
baby lahir untuk topic 'buang bayi' hehe |
topik2 lain xde ke  |
A'ah topik lain tak da ke?
kalau ada nnt bagi tau la ya........ |
kalau ada utk topik yg berkaitan ngan baby.... inform ek.... |
123_mum This user has been deleted
hey hey thank u all for respond ya =)
just some update, director dah tukar the storyline where baby tak perlu lagi hehe but thanks ya for ur respond.
kalo nanti ada apa2 topik ke atau bila I perlukan talent baby & kanak2, I akan post semula hehe thanks!!! |
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