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i am not the guy i used to be
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i used to be .. happy all the time .. now not anymore
i used to be .. sharp and articulate ... now not anymore
i used to be .. someone with the brain ... now not anymore
i used to be .. smart ... now not anymore ...
and everything looks dull to me ...
how i can recover from this? |
dont ever panic with things if they are not going your way....
they are spicy\ingredients of life.....
appreciate this dullness... |
eassy for you to say ...
as i am the one who have no option but what lies infront |
Reply #3 sibel's post
im sorry....
hmmm...i really know this feeling....
but i know...rite now my saying wont I just let you have your time first....
relax okay.....chill...
i wish that your condition rite know will teach you something about life.....and make yourself better.... |
salahkah aku
bila aku bukanlah seperti
aku yang dahulu... |
semua benda tak akan kekal selamanya, manusia akan berubah, apabila tiba masanya..
kita hanya perlu berusaha untuk memperbaiki kelemahan..
tak ada manusia yang sempurna.. |
Reply #1 sibel's post
i'm not half a man i used to be...
there's a shadow hanging over me..
oh yesterday.... came suddenly.. - |
back 2 ur previous life |
Reply #1 sibel's post
nape lak gitu?
Tapi bagi aku la, this is common things happen to most of us. circles of our life. Ade masa kita berada diatas, ada masa kita berada di bwh. Ade masa kita mengalami kebahagiaan dlm hidup, the rest sadness. and people do change, for better or worst.
Ape2 pun, kena ingat tujuan kita diwujudkan dimuka bumi ini. |
i'm also not the girl i used to be
years bfore i had everything
ppl said beauty with brain lah
skrg life is tougher
so aku kne accept n adapt to it |
aku lagi malang. byk perubahan drastik dlm idup aku 2-3 tahun ni
family salah sangka kat aku
i lost my job |
Reply #11 starcity's post
nengok kan u punya life events n sysmtoms that ur having now, i'm positive that u r in depression..saya pernah merasai dulu. rasa is so meaningless..tak ada apa di sekeliling kita yg boleh buat kita back to our normal was like u r trap in ur own sad world..everything n everyone around u is moving on, but u r just stuck there in ur own depressed mood..u really need a cliniical help man...get a professional advise..all the best..don worry it can be cured if u get the right dosage of anti depressant...cuma nya ubat depress ni bukan macam panadol, makan sekali or dua, dah ada imrovement..bila u r on anti depressant, mood u tak menentu (mood swng)..mungkin lepas sekali makan mood u ok, tapi dosage kedua u rasa down balik...masa tu kalau tak kuat iman..rasa macam nak mati je...dan penyakit u dah tak ada ubat very very strong.. |
Originally posted by kimora at 9-12-2007 10:35 PM
nengok kan u punya life events n sysmtoms that ur having now, i'm positive that u r in depression..saya pernah merasai dulu. rasa is so meaningless..tak ada apa di sekeliling kita ...
sori reply ni aku tujukan pada tuan rumah...wrong address la plak.. |
mana pulok tuan rumah niee.. |
itu tandanya nko sudah tua.... |
itu tandanya....tuan rumah ni nk berbini...
so cari la cepat sket....
supaya 'life getting happier'... |
Reply #19 philipinoe2's post
nk carik tuk diri sendiri pun x lepas....
nk carik tuk org len plak...
(bek aku struggle for my own..... ) |
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