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Post time 11-1-2008 10:23 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by eddlisa_uyuk at 28-8-2019 02:00 AM

Rasanya ramai yg tgk cerita ni kan.... (kalau dah ada tread ni minta maaf yer, sbb malas dah nah semak ke page blakang s/ada dah ada lum pasal nanny nih)...

tadi kebetulan tertgk kat hallmark ch... tergezut gak sbb si fran nih tgh sarat mengandung anak mr sherfield... hehheee tapi kelakornya si fran nih tak berubah2...

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Post time 11-1-2008 10:30 PM | Show all posts
the nanny is my all time fave..tgk re run pun masih terasa keseronokkan

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2008 10:32 PM | Show all posts
maggie's wed (credit to frognet)

Maggie's boyfriend Michael gets a modeling contract in Japan and must move there. They decide to get married so that Maggie can go with him. Fran, after talking Maxwell into it, plans a fantastic wedding. But as the guests start to arrive, Fran receives some exciting news that causes her to be rushed to the hospital (in labor?) against her wishes. Meanwhile, Max and Fran must hide the fact that they know about the shift in Niles and C.C.'s relationship. Directed by Fran Drescher. Written by Jayne Hamil. Rabbi: Sue Goodman, Michael: Andrew Levitas, Dottie: Dee Dee Rescher, Dr. Tony Hamilton: Charlie Newmark, Barbra: Loren Michaels, Musical Voice Impersonation: Marie Cain

Our responses (74) gave the episode a 8.5 overall, a 8.4 for the comedy, and a 8.3 for romance.
Some comments received were:

Fabulous just fabulous!
I thought this episode was funny and emotional at the same time...I couldn't belive how much maggie's character had grown up..its just amazing! I think my favorite part was when she was talking to maxwell and expressing how much she loves michael..I think it really signified her indpendence and also the strong bond between father and daughter....My other fave part was when Fran was desperate to meet barbara...She'll go to great lengths to meet her idol! overall this episode was awesome! i really enjoyed it! ;) this show will really be missed!
good one, very nice!!!
Barbara?? Can you hear me??? LOL!!!! This was an excellent ep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad I had my trusty VCR ready!
Not bad. It had shades of the old Max & Fran banter from earlier seasons. I only wish that Fran could have actually gotten to meet "Barbra" (Poor Fran !) Highlights for me included: Max bringing the entire wedding party & Barbra into Fran's hospital room only to discover that Fran's gone home -truly classic Fran irony; CC coming in looking extremely disheveled & announcing the heel hole in the limo's privacy screen; Yetta breaking the news of Fran & Max "knowing about Niles & CC to "Maggie" ( aka CC) & CC phoning Niles to tell him "they know & she needs something at Home Depot" was terrific. I also liked the part with Max, Fran, Val, Maggie & Sylvia all jammed into Val's car on the way to pick Maggie's wedding dress. The scene where Max & Maggie talk on the steps was quite touching ( although a blind man could have seen it coming from New Jersey - but hey I still loved the scene) Overall it was a pretty good ep.
It started great - Lauren (CC) was hysterical standing in that doorway, all flushed and disheveled. BUT, I'm sorry - no Danny, NO GOOD!
This episode was the better of the two although I didn't like it as much as last week's episodes. The absence of Daniel Davis was probably the reason, along with the fact that there wasn't much continuation of the C.C./ Niles storyline. I did love the line when Yetta tells C.C. that Fran and Max caught them and C.C. has to ask where "the closet, the stairwell? Wal-Mart?" And the opening scene with Miss Babcock coming in from the Limo was hillarious!
LOL Lauren Lane, but where was DD? Schedule conflict? Does anybody know? That whole scene with her coming in from her "trip" to the airport was hysterical. The rest was sweet, but I kinda wish we got to see more development of the Niles/C.C. relationship rather than just the results. Not that I'm complaining!
This was an okay episode. Where was DD? Even without Niles, I thought the scenes with CC were hysterical - after the limo ride, getting mistaken for Maggie by Yetta (Wal-Mart - ROTFLOL). The whole thing with Fran and Barbra was so I Love Lucy! Loved it.
Maggie's wedding was cool, a 7 to me. I loved Maggie and Max on the front stoop, the flashback and seeing the bridal shop and Dotty again, Andrew was better in this ep than in any of the other's he's been in, and the last tribute to Barbra was great, only it overshadowed our daughter's wedding a bit too much.

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Post time 11-1-2008 10:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 midori_katana's post

aku pun tertgk gak tadi, tu pun dah sekerat jalan......tak sangka lak maggie dah kahwin...ingatkan lepas Fran kahwin dgn Mr Sheffield tak de lagi sambungan....rupanya ada pulak.....

ngandung2 pun nak gak tgk  Barbara Streisand tu menyanyi......

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2008 10:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 batman_2007's post

yup! setuju sesangat..rasanya dah tgk citer nih sejak zaman sekolah lagi.. kalau tak silap masa tu tayang kat tv 2, tapi rasanya berenti sampai derang kawin jer... pastu tgk ulangannya lagik... tup2 hari nih tertengok si nanny tu tgk sarat.. hehhe

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2008 10:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4 Kimmy's post

kelakar kan baju ngandung dia.. ceria giler.... caring nyer mr sheffield tu.. sanggup bawak barbara ke hospital semata2 nak hiburkan fran, tapi terkantoi plak sbb dia dah lari balik rumah

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Post time 11-1-2008 11:25 PM | Show all posts
aku suka bangat.....lawok gila la fran

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Post time 12-1-2008 12:09 AM | Show all posts
saya pun minat nany ni, kelakar plus suara dia yg sengau tu. mampu ketawa klu tingo show dia

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Post time 6-3-2008 11:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by exinco at 12-1-2008 00:09
saya pun minat nany ni, kelakar plus suara dia yg sengau tu. mampu ketawa klu tingo show dia

sama lar

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Post time 29-10-2008 06:22 AM | Show all posts
hahahha... aku pum suke siri cite ni... start tengok taun 2005. aku dah download complete season 1 cter neh... skang tgh nak complete season 2 plak...
sume sekali ade 6 season.... plus reunion show... wa.... marbelez ahh cite niiii

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Post time 30-10-2008 02:25 AM | Show all posts
la... xtau la plak ade smbungan...

dlu2 lpas spm dok tgk citer ni je smpai mak aku sruh palahankan volume sbb suare fran annoying...

xtau la smpai ngandung2......

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Post time 30-10-2008 10:12 AM | Show all posts
never miss it!! pepagi kat hallmark 8.00-9.00am mlm pulak 7.00-8.00pm

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Post time 30-10-2008 11:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by midori_katana at 11-1-2008 10:23 PM
Rasanya ramai yg tgk cerita ni kan.... (kalau dah ada tread ni minta maaf yer, sbb malas dah nah semak ke page blakang s/ada dah ada lum pasal nanny nih). ...

hehehe... hallmark dah beratus kali dah ulang nanny ni....

errr spoiler... depa dpt twin bb nnti

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Post time 30-10-2008 11:54 AM | Show all posts

Balas #13 gorgonz\ catat

1-1 nye gunenye channel hallmark tu...

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Post time 30-10-2008 01:24 PM | Show all posts
dlu time sekolah de cita ni kt tv2..sampai pregnant n dpt baby twin..pastu utk last season episode..ade reunion ngan suma

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Post time 30-10-2008 01:48 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-10-2008 08:51 PM | Show all posts
same erre..aku minat the nanny jugak..dari zaman tv2 dulu..skrg tgh promote adik yg stil sekolah rendah tgok cite ni sekali ngan aku..dia suke..haha..takyah pk nak berebut tv..

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Post time 1-11-2008 08:20 PM | Show all posts
my fav too...

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Post time 1-11-2008 08:23 PM | Show all posts
pun suka..ingat lagi time celine dion jadi guest star...

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Post time 2-11-2008 10:14 PM | Show all posts
nak menyibuk gak.. aku baru tau wujudnya series old skool nih .. itupun, ter accident bukak hallmark..kalo tak haramm nak jengah..

first time yang buat aku nak tengok cite ni pasal aku pelik ngan suara pompuan hot yang jadi lead actress (Fran).. Skali memang suara ori..   Tapi, still hot gak pada pandangan aku..

Yang aku tak boleh blah, keje as Nanny kat umah Mr Sheffield, tapi siap angkut Val yang sangap, mak die yang kebulur, ngan Yetta lagik macam permanent resident.. Val punya sangap tu paling aku tak tahan..

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