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GERMANY: update - gunmen bunuh 10 pelajar sek men kat SW germany!!

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Post time 15-3-2008 11:01 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
A German brother and sister are challenging the law against incest sothat they can continue their relationship free from the threat ofimprisonment.Patrick St黚ing, an unemployed locksmith, and his sister Susan have had fourchildren together since starting a sexual relationship in 2000. Threeof the children are in foster care, and two have unspecified disabilities.
The couple, who live near Leipzig,grew up separately and only met many years later. Their supporters saythey will fight until incest is no longer regarded as a criminaloffence, arguing that the law is out of date. They say it harks back tothe racial hygiene laws of the Third Reich and should be overturned infavour of freedom of choice and sexual determination. Detractors insistthat incest should remain a social taboo, largely because of the riskslinked to inbreeding and the imbalance in social relations itinevitably causes.
A film and a book are planned about theSt黚ings, who remain defiant about breaking one of the few remainingsexual taboos in western society.
Mr St黚ing, 30, has spent overtwo years behind bars for having sex with his sister and faces anotherprison sentence if paragraph 173 of the legal code is not overturned.His sister has never been imprisoned because she has always been triedas an adolescent.
The couple were born into the same family butPatrick was already living apart from his mother when his sister wasborn. After a life spent in children's homes, Mr St黚ing was reunitedwith his mother, Annemarie, in Leipzig in 2000, when he met his sisterfor the first time. Six months after the reunion, their mother died ofa heart attack.
The siblings fell in love, and their son Eric wasborn in 2002, followed by Sarah, now 4, Nancy, 3, and Sofia, 1. Two ofthe children are known to have disabilities, although it is not knownwhether they are a result of inbreeding, or because they were bornprematurely. All the children except Sofia have been taken into fostercare. Mr St黚ing has since been sterilised.
Speaking to a Germannewspaper, Mr St黚ing said the couple decided to have more childrenafter the authorities took their first-born away. "The younger childrenmight not have been born had they not taken the first one from us," hesaid. "We just want to make sure that we don't lose everything again."
MsSt黚ing shook her head when asked if the couple felt guilty about theirrelationship. "No," she said. "I just want us to be able to livetogether."
Addressing the issue of two of the children'sdisabilities, Mr St黚ing would only say: "It's true that Eric hasepilepsy, but otherwise everything's fine with him."
"Our aim is to get paragraph 173 abolished," Ms St黚ing said. "And I would like to have my children back again."
Germany'scourts have not doubted the earnest nature of the relationship. But inGerman law sex with a close relative is forbidden and punishable by upto three years in prison.
Endrik Wilhelm, the couple's lawyer,said they had little choice but to fight the existing law. "It's clear,if you face jail, and the only way you can prevent this is byoverturning the law, that's what you will try to do," he told theGuardian.
He said that the couple were causing no harm to others."Everyone should be able to do what he wants as long as it doesn't harmothers."
Incest is not illegal in many of Germany's neighboursing countries, he said. The law was a "historical relic".
Napoleonabolished France's incest laws in 1810. Neither is it a crime in theNetherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Portugal or Turkey. Japan, Argentinaand Brazil have also legalised it in recent years.
Incest isforbidden in Britain, where the law was extended in 2002 to include notjust those with blood ties, but also step-parents and their childrenand in cases of adoptions.
But opponents of changing the law say it exists for a good purpose.
"Whensiblings have a child together, there is only a 50% chance that it willbe healthy when it is born," said J黵gen Kunze, professor of humangenetics at Berlin's Charite hospital.
Germany's constitutional court is expected to decide on the St黚ings' appeal in four to six weeks' time.                    


[ Last edited by  amazed at 11-3-2009 23:26 ]

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Post time 15-3-2008 11:18 AM | Show all posts
gilo apo

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Post time 15-3-2008 11:27 AM | Show all posts

haper nak jadikla.... ngan hadek sendiri pon leh jadik.......

sampai beranak pinak....

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Post time 15-3-2008 11:38 AM | Show all posts
Ishhh, teruknya

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Post time 15-3-2008 12:13 PM | Show all posts
cuba melawan adat dunia

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Post time 17-3-2008 12:32 PM | Show all posts

Islam mata pelajaran di Jerman

Pengajaran agama itu diharap bantu integrasi Muslim dalam masyarakat tempatan

BERLIN: Kerajaan Jerman secara dasarnya bersetuju membenarkan pengajaran agama Islam sebagai mata pelajaran rasmi di semua sekolah awam dalam usaha membantu melancarkan proses integrasi penduduk Muslim ke dalam masyarakat negara itu.

Akhbar tempatan, Deutsche Well melaporkan semalam, kesediaan Berlin itu disuarakan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Wolfgang Schaeuble pada hari terakhir Persidangan Islam anjuran kerajaan di sini, kelmarin.

Pada masa ini, sekolah di Jerman cuma menawarkan subjek bidang Judaism, Katolik dan Protestan. Islam juga menjadi agama ketiga paling banyak dianuti selepas Kristian Protestan dan Katolik.

"Tidak lama lagi jika sesuai, kita akan mewujudkan kelas agama Islam di sekolah Jerman. Ini secara langsung membantu proses integrasi serta mengelak masyarakat Muslim hidup tersisih.

"Ia juga dapat membantu ibu bapa tidak lagi menghantar anak-anak mereka ke sekolah atau kelas pengajian Islam yang tidak rasmi dan seterusnya mengelak golongan muda itu terjebak dengan kumpulan ekstremis," katanya.

Schaeuble berkata, langkah memulakan pengajaran Islam di sekolah Jerman juga penting bagi mengekang penularan fahaman salah yang mencetuskan kebencian terhadap bukan Islam.

"Kita mahu semua masyarakat hidup bersatu dan dengan adanya kelas seperti ini, ia dapat mewujudkan persaingan yang baik."

Beliau turut menyuarakan sokongannya terhadap pembinaan masjid dan kawasan perkuburan Islam yang baru di negara itu, selaras dengan peningkatan bilangan penduduk Muslim.

"Kerajaan berasakan inilah cara untuk kemajuan masa depan, dengan bergerak selangkah demi selangkah."

Persidangan tahunan itu adalah hasil inisiatif kerajaan yang diwujudkan sejak September 2006, dalam usaha membantu 3.4 juta penduduk Muslim Jerman menyertai masyarakat. - Agensi

tak sangka plak jerman ni betul2 berfikiran terbuka..
pendidikan islam jd subjek rasmi tuh.. walaupon di sebuah negara kristian..

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Post time 17-3-2008 12:49 PM | Show all posts
bangga giler..hidup ISLAM!!!

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Post time 20-3-2008 08:39 PM | Show all posts
nih memang sah desperate...

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Post time 21-3-2008 09:40 AM | Show all posts
Islam Hadhari depa takmau ajaq ka kat bebudak jerman...

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Post time 21-3-2008 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Islam Hadhari depa takmau ajaq ka kat bebudak jerman...

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Post time 21-3-2008 10:50 AM | Show all posts
hmm bagus2...
kt germany bnyk org islam dari turki...kt germany budak2 bole pakai tudung kat sekolah tp kat turki tak dibenarkan pakai tudung...

tp tu la...negara turki mmg dah sekular betul, dah mmg teruk skrg...aritu govt baru negara turki nak tarik balik larangan bertudung di univ. tp diprotes dgn gile2 oleh org turki terutamanye wanita2 n mkcik2 kat turki...
apela org turki nih, padahal ramai je org islam kt sana n ramai je kristian kt turki...
govt. turki kasi alasan, klu ppuan biase bole pakai skirt kat univ., knp student muslim tak boleh pakai tudung kt yg menerima usul ni adalah org turki sendiri...siap buat protes besar2an lagi...


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Post time 21-3-2008 10:54 AM | Show all posts
hmm bagus2...kt germany bnyk org islam dari turki...kt germany budak2 bole pakai tudung kat sekolah tp kat turki tak dibenarkan pakai tu la...negara turki mmg dah sekular betul, dah mmg teruk skrg...aritu govt baru negara turki nak tarik balik larangan bertudung di univ. tp diprotes dgn gile2 oleh org turki terutamanye wanita2 n mkcik2 kat turki...apela org turki nih, padahal ramai je org islam kt sana n ramai je kristian kt turki...govt. turki kasi alasan, klu ppuan biase bole pakai skirt kat univ., knp student muslim tak boleh pakai tudung kt yg menerima usul ni adalah org turki sendiri...siap buat protes besar2an lagi...dunia2...

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Post time 21-3-2008 10:55 AM | Show all posts
terpost 2 kali..

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Post time 22-3-2008 12:48 AM | Show all posts
semoga islam terus berkembang pesat..!

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Post time 22-3-2008 09:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 fletcher's post

turki memang sekular.. tp mereka sekular tak bertempat...
sesungguhnya sekular menjaga hak semua org beragama, bukannya menyekat!

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Post time 26-3-2008 06:54 AM | Show all posts

tu nama nyer turki nie ngek
terlalu moden sampai lupa asal usul diorg
lgpun diorg da teramat biasa dgn cara pemimpin kamal attarturk tuh
pelik la ... sampai larang pakai tutup n ikut pakaian islam
pe da ........
patut govt diorg galak rakyat ... nie melarang
pelik2 .........

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Post time 11-3-2009 11:28 PM | Show all posts
Wednesday March 11, 2009

Gunman kills at least 10 students at German school

BERLIN (Reuters) - A gunman killed at least 10 students at a secondary school in southwest Germany on Wednesday, local authorities said, in what appeared to be the worst school shooting in the country in seven years.

"We have to assume a death toll that's in the double-digits," a spokeswoman for the interior ministry in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg said. "These are students."

Local police said the gunman, who according to German media reports was dressed in black combat gear, had fled the school in Winnenden, a town of 27,000 near Stuttgart.

Helicopters were circling above the town, police said. Rescue workers and fire fighters were at the school, which had been evacuated.

"olice are coming through the whole time. They're obviously looking all over town for him," said Roberto Seifert, who works at a company neighbouring the school. "We've never had anything like this," he told Reuters by phone.

German media said the gunman was a former student at the school.

A historic market town whose origins stretch back to the 12th century, Winnenden is the hometown of German firm Kaercher, a renowned maker of high pressure cleaners.

Several school shootings have shocked Germany in past years. In 2006, a masked man wearing explosives and brandishing rifles opened fire at a school in the western town of Emsdetten, wounding at least 11 people before committing suicide.

In April 2002, Germany suffered its worst school shooting when a gunman killed 17 people, including himself, at a high school in the eastern city of Erfurt.

Wednesday's shooting followed a rampage in the United States on Tuesday in which a gunman shot dead 9 people then killed himself in southern Alabama.

teruk betul kalau pasal shooting pelajar nih....  ada satu lagi shooting kat amerikana... kat negara2 barat sana  tembak students tu biasa ajer.... kat mesia belum terjadik lagi kat university..harap tak ader lah berlaku!!!  

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Post time 12-4-2009 01:33 AM | Show all posts
gilos tul..dah mcm counter strike la plak

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